Description of the Great Pyrenean Mountain Dog

Description of the Great Pyrenean Mountain Dog
Description of the Great Pyrenean Mountain Dog

The origin of the Pyrenean mountain dog, the standard of the exterior, character, health, care and training, interesting facts. Price of a Pyrenean mountain dog puppy. The large Pyrenean mountain dog, which is often also called the Pyrenean mountain dog, is an amazingly beautiful animal of impressive size, original exterior, a very "smiling" appearance and a remarkably friendly docile nature. They look just as beautiful as the Pyrenees Mountains that gave them their name. Despite the fact that for many centuries these dogs performed exclusively herding and guard functions, driving away wolves and bears, they have mastered the new modern role of pets perfectly. They are happy to babysit small children, relax in country houses, travel and participate in exhibitions and championships, what kind of bears are there nowadays.

History of the origin of the Pyrenean mountain dog

Pyrenean mountain dog
Pyrenean mountain dog

The true origin of the large Pyrenean dogs, as is often the case, has not yet been fully understood. But the fact that these marvelous large dogs stand for centuries of existence is indisputable.

It is officially believed that the Pyrenean mountain dogs descended from the aboriginal dogs of the province of Aragon in Spain, where for many centuries they accompanied flocks of sheep along the difficult mountain route leading from Spain to France, and sometimes guarded guard posts and small fortresses erected along the way. … And there is documentary evidence of this in the Spanish and French medieval chronicles. One of the first mentions of these amazing bulky dogs is found in a document by a French historian dating back to 1407.

The main task of the giant dogs was to protect and protect sheep and shepherds from attacks by wolves, bears and robbers, with which they successfully coped. Loud bass barking perfectly scared off predators and thieves, and the dog's white fur coat stood out remarkably against the green background of pastures and in the darkness of the night, allowing not to lose the dog and distinguish it from wolves and other predators.

In the 17th century, an agreement was signed between Spain and France on the annexation of some disputed territories and a new division of the Pyrenean mountains between the two kingdoms. The signed political document most unambiguously changed the former territorial affiliation of the mountainous regions, which radically affected the routes of seasonal migration of livestock in both states. The territorial changes that took place also influenced the selection of dogs that lived in the Pyrenees. On the Spanish side, the breed of Pyrenean Mastiffs gradually formed, and on the French side, the Pyrenean mountain dogs.

Later, giant mountain dogs were noticed by French aristocrats and from mountain pastures and remote fortresses, many of these giants moved to the French plains - to the palaces and castles of the nobility to protect estates, as well as to participate in endless hunts for bears and wild boars. The popularity of these handsome dogs among aristocrats became so great that in 1675 the Pyrenean dog officially received the status of a court guard dog. It was in the 17th-18th centuries that the snow-white giant dogs became the most popular and widespread breed of guard dogs in France. They are even beginning to be exported to Italy and England.

In 1885, the British registered the breed in Great Britain and several officially newly minted Pyrenean mountain dogs take part in their first show in the same year. True, in France itself, by this time, the population of these dogs had already greatly decreased. However, in 1907, the first standard for giant mountain dogs was officially approved.

The onset of the 20th century has made serious adjustments to the development of the breed. Two world wars swept across France, bringing many troubles and putting mountain dogs on the brink of extinction. The economic situation in the country became such that people could no longer afford to keep such large dogs. The once large population gradually fell into decay, bordering on the complete extinction of the species.

And only after the end of all the wars, when the country finally recovered from many shocks, a group of French and Spanish enthusiasts decided to revive the former glory of the Pyrenean dogs by restoring the breed. With great difficulty, having searched almost all the Pyrenees and the nearest plateaus, they managed to find in the countryside only a few dogs that corresponded to the breed exterior and were suitable for further selection. Nevertheless, the breed was saved, and already in 1960 it was recognized by the international cynological community.

Nowadays, large dogs of the Pyrenees mountains are gaining popularity all over the world. They have already mastered the countries of Europe, they feel great in the USA and in the territories of the former Soviet Union, they are one of the favorite breeds in Japan. The next step is expansion to other continents.

Purpose and use of the Pyrenean breed

Two Pyrenean dogs
Two Pyrenean dogs

It just so happened historically that the Pyrenean giant dogs were used mainly as ordinary herding dogs, along with smaller breeds of dogs. Their main functions were to protect the herd from attacks by predators and protect property. Over time, these guard duties have been expanded and supplemented by hunting functions. French aristocrats began to successfully use them to hunt big game.

Nowadays, many of the working properties of mountain dogs have been lost, they are more and more born as the most common pets, show dogs or to guard country houses. At least nobody hunts wild boars and bears with them now.

There are known cases of the use of the Pyrenean dogs as search and rescue dogs, along with the St. Bernards and Newfoundlands.

Outside Standard of the Great Pyrenean Mountain Dog

Pyrenean dog in the snow
Pyrenean dog in the snow

Representatives of the breed with their exterior always make an indelible impression, especially on people who have never encountered animals of this size before.

Huge, majestic and elegant at the same time, with magnificent white fur and smartest eyes - she is like a polar bear. This breed belongs (along with mastiffs and mastiffs) to the variety of the so-called Molossian dogs. Although in terms of its phenotype, it rather resembles a wolf. Some cynologists consider it to be "Lupo-molossoid", that is, "wolf-moloss". The growth of the Pyrenean dogs is really quite impressive. Adult males of this breed reach growth at the withers up to 81 centimeters, and adult females grow up to 75 centimeters. But the body weight is not so impressive - up to 55 kg in the male and about 42 kg in the female. The immensity of the image is due to the long white hair of the animal.

  1. Head slightly more than medium in size (but not heavy in proportion to the body), elongated in shape, with a rounded skull. The frontal part is sloping without the expression of the superciliary arches. The occipital protuberance and the cavity between the eyes are distinctly expressed. The muzzle is wide, rather long, with flat cheeks. The lips are tight-fitting, black. The bridge of the nose is wide. The nose is large, pronounced, black (no other color is allowed). The jaws are strong, with a full row of large white teeth (42 pieces). Scissor or pliers bite.
  2. Eyes in "Pyrenees" they are small, oval or almond-shaped, moderately wide and somewhat obliquely set, with tight-fitting black eyelids. The color of the eyes is light brown or amber brown. The look is smart, calm, with a sadness. It is the look of the dog that is characteristic of the breed - spiritualized, full of "sweetness and sadness." That in combination with the special "smile" of this dog gives him a unique look and expression of the muzzle. Well-known breeders of the breed from Europe say that "a dog that does not have the correct" face "expression cannot be considered a real Pyrenean mountain, but is just a big white dog."
  3. Ears small to medium size, drooping, low set, triangular, with rounded tips, covered with not too long hair.
  4. Neck in the mountain Pyrenean dog of medium length, with a slight dewlap, muscular. The scruff is pronounced.
  5. Torso strong, somewhat elongated, with a well-developed chest. The back is strong and well developed. The line of the back is "a slide". The withers are pronounced, wide. The croup is rounded, sloping.
  6. Tail low set, of medium size, covered with abundant long hair, in the shape of a sultan. When moving, the dog usually carries the tail low or over the back.
  7. Limbs straight, parallel, of medium length, with strong bones and good muscles. The toes are tightly closed, the pads are dense.
  8. Wool in a dog it consists of a dense, thin undercoat and a long, close-fitting, straight or slightly wavy guard hair. The most abundant coat is in the area of the neck and withers of the dog, forming a thick fur "collar-mane". On the back of the limbs, the hair is also longer and forms a kind of "pants", on the ears and head it is shorter and thinner. A short, curly or standing coat is considered a fault.
  9. Color. The most common color of these dogs is: uniformly white; white with gray spots; white with yellowish-brownish spots (various pastel shades); white with "wolf" or "badger" markings (with "badger" spots is more valuable). There may be spots on the head, ears and a "mask" on the animal's face. The area of the spots should not exceed one third of the total surface of the body.

The nature of the Pyrenean mountain dogs

Pyrenean mountain dogs
Pyrenean mountain dogs

The character of the snow-white Pyrenean dogs matches the character of the Pyrenean mountains themselves - majestic and self-sufficient. And also - fearless, independent and noble.

Real "Pyrenees" are very smart, balanced and full of self-esteem. At the same time, they are not at all against running, playing and barking as much as they can. They get along well with children and are able to easily endure all children's pranks.

And they are also very loyal and loyal dogs that very quickly get used to their owners and get along well with the animals around them. The manifestation of inadequate aggression towards anyone is not at all peculiar to them.

The true adult character of the Pyrenean dogs begins to form around the age of four months. And this is a very important period for the owner. It is from this age that the subsequent relationship with the dog and the arrangement of the home hierarchy are laid.

The "Pyrenees" are restless and mobile, and they are also quite hooligans and overly suspicious. They behave wary and distrustful with strangers, may show their teeth or growl seriously if they suspect something. It is these qualities that make them excellent guard dogs and watchmen.

In training, they quickly understand what exactly is expected of them, instantly acquire the necessary skills and commands. Dogs of this breed are very smart and always try to please the owner. But sometimes, paradoxically, these animals seem to be substituted. They stop obeying, show remarkable stubbornness, perceiving each command as an attempt on personal freedom. At the same time, the dog does not behave aggressively, and does not even bark. And he just looks at you with terribly smart and kind "smiling" eyes and does not even try to do anything. Therefore, raising these pets requires a lot of patience and tact from the owner. And also the ability to negotiate with them. And believe me, this dog often has something to tell you. Of course, this giant dog requires a lot of strength and attention. But on the other hand, they love such a stubborn person much more, precisely for the work invested in him.

Pyrenean dogs are peaceful and affectionate, but they are not prone to excessive "calf tenderness", are not too intrusive in communication and are completely self-sufficient, which allows them to be left alone for a long time without problems. But for all their character traits, these luxurious snow beauties have long won the hearts of people with their balanced nobility, courage and loyalty. Without a doubt, the large Pyrenean mountain dog is the best choice of all the existing ones.

Great Pyrenean Dog Health

Pyrenean dog swims
Pyrenean dog swims

The breed of Pyrenean big dogs is famous for its great strength, endurance, high resistance to low temperatures and cold winds, good health and strong immunity.

The only problem (common to most breeds of large dogs) is dysplasia of the knee and elbow joints, which requires increased attention of the owner and regular check-ups by the veterinarian.

If you exist in too hot climates, problems with the skin of the body are possible.

The life expectancy of these majestic, like the mountains themselves, dogs is on average 10-12 years.

Tips for caring for a large Pyrenean dog

Pyrenean dog lying on the bed
Pyrenean dog lying on the bed

The most important question from which to consider the very possibility of acquiring dogs of the Pyrenean breed is the question of their maintenance. The Pyrenean Mountain Dog is not meant for an apartment. Life suits him only in a country house with a backyard territory. Neither an aviary, nor a chain, nor even a small courtyard are acceptable to him. The dog needs complete freedom of movement and the establishment of complete control over the territory. Only by ensuring such an existence is it possible to reveal all the talents and skills of these amazing animals.

These large dogs need physical activity and proper walking, especially when kept in an aviary (which is not desirable).

As for grooming the coat, there is nothing new here - the standard combing once or twice a week and bathing as needed or on the eve of the exhibition. The diet of the Pyrenean mountain dogs should be sufficiently high in calories, plentiful (in accordance with body weight), fully meeting the animal's needs for vitamins and minerals (depending on gender, age and individual characteristics).

Nuances of training a Pyrenean dog

Pyrenean dog in competition
Pyrenean dog in competition

The breed is distinguished by quick-wittedness, it is well trained, but it has a rather independent character, which is sometimes quite difficult for a person of soft disposition to cope with. The dog perfectly feels the weakness of character and in this case seeks to dominate the relationship. May not obey, ignore commands, be stubborn or withdrawn in himself (does not respond to encouragement, punishment, or delicacy).

That is why it is better to be engaged in the education and training of the Pyrenean dogs for a professional cynologist who has sufficient experience in working with large dogs of the Malossian type.

Interesting facts about the Pyrenean mountain dog

Pyrenean dog and flock of sheep
Pyrenean dog and flock of sheep

In addition to their main guarding and herding functions, the giant dogs of the Pyrenees were often used by local residents for smuggling purposes.

A strong and hardy dog, possessing an excellent memory and quick-wittedness, was loaded with a mass of smuggled cargo and under cover of bad weather, it set off, crossing the border of France and Spain, in places insurmountable for humans.

The most actively used technique of "dog smuggling" in the territories adjacent to the principality of Andorra. The main smuggled product in those places was black tobacco, grown by the inhabitants of the principality in the eastern Pyrenees and in high demand in France.

Price when buying a pyrenean mountain dog puppy

Two Pyrenean Rock puppies
Two Pyrenean Rock puppies

In Russia, the first dogs of the Pyrenees mountains appeared at the end of the last century. Nowadays there are quite a lot of nurseries for these animals in the country. Therefore, prices for purebred puppies are relatively low and amount to 30,000–40,000 rubles.

For more information on the Pyrenean Mountain Dog, see this video:

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