Great Dane: description and content

Great Dane: description and content
Great Dane: description and content

Historical data on the origin of the Great Dane, the appearance of the breed, behavior and health, tips for care: procedures, feeding, walks. Buying a puppy. A more majestic dog, perhaps, is difficult to imagine. She is one of the strongest and largest in the world. The distant ancestors of these dogs went to Egypt in armor alongside the infantry of Persia and had great success with Alexander the Great. Today he is the only one who, in grace, has gone farther than all his ancestors and in appearance differs from a mastiff. These canine Apollo, the most beautiful of their kind. They always accompanied noble monarchs, glorious warriors. If you have a desire, a house and a fireplace, then you will not find a better living decoration.

Historical data on the origin of the Great Dane breed

Two Great Dane
Two Great Dane

The Great Dane owes its present win-win combination of beauty, poise and nobility to the fanatics of the variety. For not a small number of years, experts have been working on honing the perfection of the species with the help of meticulous selection work. The pedigree of these Great Danes originates from huge dogs, the roots of which are associated with the oldest ancestors - Tibetan guard dogs.

Versions regarding their breeding and popularization can be found in the works of many famous dog handlers. The guiding principles were taken from the testimonies of ancient and modern authors. Archaeological excavations have played an important role in this matter. Many breeders agree that this species of canids appeared in European countries thanks to the nomadic tribes of Asia, during their conquest operations, constant movements and trading activities with European peoples.

Subsequently, these dogs, uniting with the native dogs, gave the name to the species, which in Latin sounds like "cannies familaris dekumanus". From him the German hunting dog species - "soupaker", comes from. We can see them in many paintings and graphic canvases of the era of that time. It can be seen that their ears are cropped and they are folded tightly. But with such data, they are flexible, graceful and at the same time with dry muscles. Based on this, most researchers consider Great Danes to be a consequence of the combination of greyhounds and guard dogs in the XII and XIII centuries. Of course, not all experts are inclined to consider this version to be correct. Many other dog handlers argue that the ancestors of the Great Dane are sheepdogs, which were used to hunt wild boars.

In various European countries, such dogs were called differently, and only at the end of the 18th century were they separated into an independent breed of Germany. Since then, in most cases, there have been images and descriptions of large guard dogs, which can be considered great dogs. From 1891 and almost until the present time, the variety has gone through a series of stepped external transformations, which marked its leisurely but constant formation.

The golden age for this breed came in the twenties of the XX century. Count Karl Brazovall, one of the first ardent admirers and lovers of the species, popularized and developed Great Danes. His work was invaluable in the formation of "giants". Individuals, which he bred under his brand "Alania", had excellent physical and behavioral data. In 1923, he also created a club of Great Danes admirers. His main task was to preserve this breed. Further time was not so serene for these dogs. The Second World War did a disservice not only to the Dogs, but to all dog breeding in general. After such a difficult period, there were people who stubbornly restored the almost lost heritage. Only by the end of the sixties did the Great Danes deserve to be considered such.

Without the hard work of such worthy people as Count Wiederd de Sankler of Lates on the Gard, Great Dane would have disappeared. These amateur breeders have been breeding Great Danes since 1958. They put all their time and energy into their favorite pastime, as well as the desire to give the breed an extraordinary consistency of outlines, at the same time fixing in it such features of behavior that have always distinguished serene and balanced Great Danes. Such dogs are difficult to raise and maintain. But in spite of everything, people continue to love and breed them. Today there are many pets that are as close to the standard as possible and brilliantly demonstrate themselves at national and international competitions.

Characteristics of the appearance of the Great Dane

External standard for Great Dane
External standard for Great Dane

The dog is built in an athletic and harmonious manner. The musculature is dry, the coat is shiny. Can be companions or guards. They are calm and balanced in behavior. According to the criteria, the minimum height at the withers is 80 cm for males and 72 cm for bitches. It is desirable that these values be slightly higher. Weight ranges from 75 kg to 92 kg. The gait is broad and springy.

  • Head oblong, narrow, expressive, well-defined, in proportion to the parameters of the body. The cheekbones are well defined. A shallow furrow is visible on the forehead. The occipital protuberance is not very prominent. The brow ridges are pronounced, but not protruding.
  • Muzzle full, rectangular, in parallel with the top line of the skull. The transition from the forehead to the nose (feet) is well defined. The upper lip should be large. Strong, even white teeth form a scissor bite.
  • Nose thick, well filled. The pigmentation of the nose is black.
  • Eyes Great Dane are small, medium-sized. Mostly dark pigmentation. They have a lively expressive look.
  • Ears they are located high enough, have a natural, triangular shape, medium, hanging on the cartilage. Their leading edge is adjacent to the cheekbones. In the event that they are docked, they are raised straight up.
  • Neck long, dry, with a beautiful smooth curve. Muscular and strong, slightly inclined forward.
  • Frame in shape it is close to square. The back line is firm and straight. The rib cage is well developed in width and length. The croup is slightly sloping. The ribs are laid back. The belly is gracefully tucked up.
  • Tail is of medium length, slightly raised above the level of the withers. In the resting position, the tail should hang down, when the Great Dane is in motion, it should be slightly raised, but not above the back line.
  • Front limbs - strong and muscular. They are ideally vertical. The hind ones are powerful. The thighs are broad, well-muscled, rounded.
  • Paws rounded, compact. The toes are short and close to each other. Strong nails, springy pads.
  • Coat very short, dense, close to the body, shiny.
  • Skin fits the whole dog well.
  • Color The Great Dane is divided into five varieties: red, brindle, blue, black and marbled. Red-haired individuals should be yellow-golden in color. There should be no white spots on the chest. The presence of a black mask on the face is mandatory, and it goes beyond the line of the eyes. The tiger color consists of bright black stripes, located at a moderate frequency against a red-gold background. The Great Dane is bluish-steel in color, with no yellow or black highlights. Black dogs have a black, shiny, varnished coat. In blues and blacks, white patches on the chest and tips of the paws are allowed.

The ideal Great Dane should have a coat with a snow-white background without specks, with black spots of ragged outlines, of medium size, evenly distributed throughout the body. Their eyes are dark, the nose is black. The difficulty of obtaining ideal characteristics in one and the same individual has caused the need for a more tolerant attitude towards the color of the nose and iris of the eyes. As a result, the eyes can be lighter or more colorful. Spotted pink nose allowed. Mastiffs with extensive black spots on a white background are classified as black mastiffs. These include black dogs with white spots on the neck, chest, limbs and tail.

Great Dane behavior

Great Dane with a baby
Great Dane with a baby

Despite such a gigantic appearance, the Great Dane, with proper education, is a peace-loving dog. He is immensely devoted to his master, loves communication very much. Possesses inherent pride and will never condescend to baseness. You can entrust a dog with the most precious thing - your child. They are very loving towards children. You can safely leave the baby in a stroller with a good trained Great Dane, he will be under reliable protection. But dogs not only guard, but also know how to play. As giants, dogs are very calm about food. Pets will never wander through the trash heaps in search of food and are unlikely to follow a command just for the sake of a treat.

Great Dane health

Great Dane for a walk
Great Dane for a walk

Great Danes are a giant breed of dog, so the main health problems affect their nutrition at a young age. Great Danes grow up to eighteen months of age. Therefore, intense loads can cause great harm to them. In their diet, first of all, attention is paid to complete protein and calcium content. The remaining components of the diet are selected evenly and carefully. This approach will help to avoid the problem of rickets.

If a large load is given when training young animals until they reach eighteen months of age, then they have problems with joints and bones. The dog may have hip dysplasia. This disease is characterized by malformation of the joint and causes severe suffering to the animal. Therefore, observation of puppies begins at three or four months of age. The growth and development of the pet takes place under the supervision of a veterinarian.

Of course, like other dogs, they have a predisposition to certain diseases. They require constant monitoring of their eyes and the condition of the oral cavity. If stones are present, they must be removed by a veterinarian. Also, Great Danes are prone to hypothermia and are prone to colds. It is not difficult to monitor the health of the Great Dane if you start with the “young teeth”. Subject to all the rules, it will be possible to watch with pleasure how the dog is gaining strength and beauty.

Great Dane Care

Great Dane lies
Great Dane lies

The question that interests many keepers of cleanliness and order is the hair of dogs. With the right attention, even if your dog is a huge Great Dane, your home will be clean.

  1. Wool such pets shed moderately, so it is not difficult to monitor the external condition. To do this, you need a rubber or natural bristle massage brush. Regular use of cleaning powder, express shampoo, or grooming spray without using water is more beneficial for dogs with this hairline and size. Dogs are very large and it costs something to wash such a colossus, and frequent bathing degrades the quality of the coat.
  2. Ears better not to be ignored. Check and clean them regularly. Special sprays and lotions will help you with the manipulation. When cleaning your ear, do not stick the ear stick far into the ear canal so as not to damage it.
  3. Eyes inspect. As soon as you notice a slight redness, you need to moisten a cotton swab with a soothing agent and wipe it towards the inner corner. If the procedure does not help, then in order to avoid complications, immediately contact your veterinarian. He will examine the pet, determine the diagnosis and prescribe the correct treatment.
  4. Teeth require increased attention. They must be cleaned twice a week. Buy a special brush and edible toothpaste for your pet at the pet store. Give bones from veins and rubber toys for prevention.
  5. Claws at home, you need to trim regularly. Even frequent walking on the street does not provide the Great Dane with grinding its claws. For such manipulation, special claws are used.
  6. Feeding large dogs should be special. If you are overweight, joint diseases can occur. Great Danes often have food allergies. With bulk feeding, there may be a volvulus characteristic of this breed. Therefore, they cannot be fed with food from the human table or anything. It is necessary to clearly balance the diet. With a low-volume portion, it should be high-calorie. If you are not ready to monitor your dog's nutritional balance and health on a daily basis, it is better to use super-premium ready-to-eat foods. To prevent food allergies, choose grain-free or minimal-grain foods. If you strictly follow the recommendations of the manufacturers and give your pet limited portions, then you will avoid problems with overeating, respectively, with gaining excess weight and joint diseases. Puppies must be given vitamins, chondroprotectors for the prevention of diseases with bone apparatus. Also, do not forget about the intake of calcium into the body. Great Danes should receive twenty percent more nutrients and calories than other large dog breeds.
  7. Walking must be long lasting. The large size and athletic appearance of this dog requires maintaining good physical shape. Dogs need to run out well, and not just walk imposingly in the park on a leash. Every day, in the mornings and evenings, you need to walk at least two and a half kilometers. Small puppies under five months old are not particularly stressed so that there is no unnecessary stress on their developing ligaments, legs and spine.

Great Dane feels good in a city apartment and the one who thinks that he fills the whole space is mistaken. Adults of this breed are self-sufficient. They will not wander around the apartment or rush from room to room. The pet has its own bedding and, most of the time of the day, when it is in the house, it will sleep in its designated resting place. Up to one and a half years of age, Great Danes are more energetic and they need to play, but then this problem is removed.

Great Dane training

Great Dane on training
Great Dane on training

To educate the Great Dane is a responsible task, if only because otherwise the non-hearing will turn out to be very big and strong. However, special difficulties are not required to train such pets. In working with him, it is imperative to apply principles such as love and severity. Indeed, from a small puppy of twelve kilograms a hundred kilogram dog grows. If you do not set certain limits, what is possible or not, then you will bring up a real monster and believe me you will not be able to cope with it either by force or by word.

The Great Dane, like any other dog, must be trained consistently and patiently. A person should be aware that the little puppy we love should not be put on his neck. A large large dog will dominate, demand more attention to it and put itself above the owner, especially a male. All family members in working with a pet should behave equally consistently. The education of his habits includes feeding. The fact is that table handouts can seriously harm the dog.

Interesting facts about the Great Dane

Great Dane for a walk
Great Dane for a walk

The largest Great Dane was one hundred and eighteen centimeters tall at the withers. When he got up on his hind legs, he reached a height of two meters twenty-four centimeters.

Buying a Great Dane puppy

Great Dane walking
Great Dane walking

If you are wondering whether to get such a dog or not, then you must remember that the size of the dog is far from average. Think about how much you can adjust your lifestyle to the little "giant". A growing puppy is not false to be brought up and is alone. For example, if the owner left at eight in the morning for work and came by seven. He needs care. So a physically and mentally healthy dog will not grow up. The cost of a dog can range from $ 600 to $ 1000.

For more details on the Great Dane, see this video:
