Description of the Affenpinscher breed, price of a puppy

Description of the Affenpinscher breed, price of a puppy
Description of the Affenpinscher breed, price of a puppy

The history of the origin of the breed, its purpose, the standard of appearance, character, health. Councils for care and training. Interesting Facts. Purchase price. Affenpinscher is an amazingly amusing little black dog that looks like a funny monkey and a disheveled, sleepy imp at the same time. And I must say the extraordinary, and sometimes even caricatured appearance of this creature is in perfect harmony with its restlessly active and slightly harmful character. And who, looking at this cute monkey face, can assume that once this cute dog, now living with you in the house, for many centuries remained the main thunderstorm of all rats and mice of medieval and later Germany.

Affenpinscher breed origin

Affenpinscher dog
Affenpinscher dog

The Affenpinscher breed is considered one of the oldest European dog breeds with a preserved history of their creation. And although the first mentions of these animals date back to the beginning of the 16th century, they or dogs very similar to them can be seen firsthand in the paintings and engravings of the 15th century by the artists Jan van Eyck and Albrecht Durer.

In urban manuscripts of the Baltic coastal cities in 1510-1516, small black dogs of a disheveled appearance are first mentioned as great masters of exterminating rats and mice in stables, granaries and house outbuildings.

Officially, the homeland of the breed is considered to be the free port city of Lubeck (then part of the Hanseatic League of Cities, now Germany), where in 1750 these dogs were purposefully bred to fight urban rodents. Lubeck rat dogs at that time were somewhat larger than the current affen and were the most variegated in color. The color of the coat in those days was not yet given such great importance, the working qualities of the rat-catcher dogs were much more important. However, these cute dogs were often used as watchmen, especially in stables and calves. And even cases are described when these relatively small dogs famously entered into single combats with foxes and wolves, helping their owners to defend their livestock.

Gradually, the Lubeck breeders obtained a more miniature working dog, capable of fighting rodents and protecting people's homes. Gradually, she gained special popularity among the aristocratic class of Germany, not only as a thunderstorm of mice, but as a lapdog for pleasure. It is in this role of a pet that she is displayed in the paintings of 19th century artists.

Now it is already difficult to say the representatives of which dog breeds were involved in the appearance of the Affenpinschers. Scientists canine experts believe that Affenpinschers, Brussels griffins and some terrier breeds, and maybe Asian pugs, could have been involved in the selection. It is likely that only DNA expertise can give an exact answer to this question.

Be that as it may, but an amazing breed of rat-catchers with a monkey face and an unimaginable shaggy hairdo received its development. And the name she carried is equivalent - from the German "affe" - "monkey". The literal translation of the word "affenpinscher" means "biting monkey" or, as it is often translated - "monkey pinscher".

In 1902, the first breed standard was developed, finally approved in 1913. Much later, German rat-catchers were also recognized in Foggy Albion. In 1936 the Affenpinscher was listed in the UK herd books. The Second World War, which swept across Germany, and the difficult post-war years of the country's economic recovery, caused significant damage to the population of rat-catchers. The breed has almost disappeared everywhere. Only in the middle of the 50s of the XX century, the first attempts of enthusiasts began to revive the former glory and abundance of the aboriginal breed of Germany. Thanks to their efforts, the breed was preserved and even increased somewhat. Currently, Affenpinschers are a fairly rare breed of dog that is not very popular among animal lovers.

Purpose and use of dogs of the Affenpinscher breed

Affenpinscher on a leash
Affenpinscher on a leash

As has been said more than once, the main purpose of the ancestors, and the black monkey dogs themselves, was in the extermination of rats, mice and other harmful rodents in barns and agricultural buildings. Also, these dogs were often used as the most common guard dogs, and sometimes as hunters for small game.

In our time, when the era of fighting rats has sunk into oblivion, Affenpinschers are generally considered to be dogs of small, decorative breeds, sometimes completely forgetting their hunting talents and past merits. And it is even more difficult to imagine such a crumb yapping from somewhere in the stable at a ferocious predator. Well, times are changing. This is how the past glory passes.

The main job of modern monkey dogs is to be just a house dog, a companion dog. Well, and sometimes a model for a photo shoot.

And I must say that in the modern role of a pet for the whole family, these "biting monkeys" feel good and are in no hurry to return to their first long-standing profession - the master rat catcher. Well, perhaps, if instinct demands its own.

Afferpinscher external standard

Affenpinscher's appearance
Affenpinscher's appearance

The Affenpinscher is a wire-haired, small, compact dog with an ape-like muzzle and a rather tough disposition. Body weight is in the range of 4.5–6 kg (in an adult dog) and 3.5–4 kg (in an adult bitch). The height at the withers is 25–28 centimeters and 20–25 centimeters, respectively.

  • Head rounded, with a domed skull, pronounced forehead and foot. The bridge of the nose is straight, short like a monkey. The nose is round or oval, with wide open nostrils, black. The lips are tight-fitting, black.
  • Lower jaw protrudes slightly forward in relation to the top. Teeth (42 pcs.) Are white, with pronounced small canines.
  • Eyes Affenpinschers are round in shape, large, densely framed with coarse wool. The eye color is dark or black.
  • Ears dogs set high, symmetrical, erect, slightly forward.
  • Neck rather short, muscular.
  • Torso square, fairly strong and muscular, but compact. The back is strong and short. The back line is straight. The rib cage is developed, moderately wide, somewhat flattened laterally. The belly is tucked up.
  • Tail sickle-shaped, pubescent with wool.
  • Limbs straight, strong, muscular, short. The hind legs are slightly longer than the front ones. The toes are compactly assembled. Paw pads are elastic, black. Nails are short, black.
  • Wool Affenpinscher has a rigid, tight-fitting. The cover on the head is hard and randomly sticking out in different directions (the more pronounced, the better). On the face there are bushy eyebrows, a beard and sideburns made of guard hair, contributing to the monkey appearance of the dog. The color is uniformly black with a black undercoat.
  • Disadvantages leading to a downgrade: long legs; large, awkward or squat build; large deviation in height (up to 2 centimeters); pincer bite; asymmetrical and low-set ears; bulging eyes; light colored eyes; convex or concave back; short, wavy or smooth coat; spotted or white coat.

    Disqualifying faults (faults):

  • any deformities; lack of breed signs; misalignment of the jaws; the size, height, quality and color of the coat are significantly abnormal; cowardice or inadequate aggressiveness of the animal.

Affenpinscher's character

Affenpinscher for a walk
Affenpinscher for a walk

The Affenpinscher Dog has a rather unique character, where the main qualities, without a doubt, are the remarkable courage and fearlessness of this little creature. At the same time, he is also extremely active, inquisitive and nosy. He cares about everything and everyone. And until he finally finds out everything, and along the way does not "get" everyone and everyone, he will not calm down. That is why such a restless pet is not suitable for all owners and especially families with children.

The rat-dog does not like to share the attention of the owner with anyone. And he doesn't care at all who the competitor is, a child or another animal. And if he treats the owner's children with caution and not too affectionate (and sometimes even aggressively, taking away their toys and items of clothing), then other pets can constantly terrorize: attack, bite and in every way do not give rest. Moreover, it is a dog, cat or parrot, it does not matter for him, the main thing is to impose his own domination, to win back the territory and the sole attention of the owner. There are literally isolated cases when a dog of this breed managed to get along with someone else. Well, and there is nothing to say about domestic rodents, the Affenpinscher will not rest until he gets rid of them.

The active nature of this small bundle of energy requires regular and long walks. But when taking Affenpinscher for a walk, the owner always has to be on the lookout. The militantly active and corrosively harmful nature of the little "dostaly" is able to create a conflict literally out of the blue. The owners of this animal can recall many cases from personal practice, when a "biting monkey" entered into single combat with dogs of large breeds just because it seemed to her that someone behaved wrongly with its owner or tried to claim his property. And they also noted the tendency of these restless dogs to rush rapidly at everything that moves quickly (probably, this is the cost of the past profession of the rat-catcher). Therefore, a problem-free walking affenpinscher is possible only on a leash.

But all these costs of character (which can only be corrected by compulsory training) concern only people and animals outside of the monkey pinscher. In a relationship with the owner, everything is different. There are probably few dogs in the world with such tenderness, loyalty and devotion, relating to their owner. This little creature adores its owner and strives with all its might to prove its love to him. With him the Affenpinscher is cheerful, playful and unusually affectionate.

The representative of this breed is a constantly moving little "imp", a home "perpetual motion machine", which is in an eternal search for adventures, exploits and games. It is hardly possible to miss him. And if you once found contact with him, you will always be pleasantly surprised by his ingenuity, intelligence and ingenuity in terms of games and fun.

Representatives of this breed do not tolerate loneliness. And if the separation from the beloved owner dragged on, the Affenpinschers, without falling into melancholy, will take all measures to get out into the wild and independently find the "lost" owner.

And if after all that you have read, you still have not given up the idea of acquiring such a funny "imp", then you really really love animals. Having overcome with the help of training all the negative nuances of this breed, you will receive, as a reward for your patience, a great little friend and affectionate assistant in all your affairs, a caring and devoted protector of you and your property.

Affenpinscher health

Adult Affenpinscher
Adult Affenpinscher

Dogs of this aboriginal breed are distinguished by good health and good immunity to infectious diseases. So, your visits to the vet will be extremely rare. Is that only for the purpose of preventive examinations of the animal.

Nevertheless, as with all small breed dogs, this breed also has a predisposition to Legg-Perthes disease, which seriously affects the animal's musculoskeletal system and can lead to very negative consequences. And although, usually this ailment affects puppies aged 4 to 10 months, but sometimes it also occurs in adult one and a half year old dogs, and sometimes even older. Therefore, any lameness that appears in your beloved dog should be carefully and promptly examined by a veterinarian for timely action.

Actively restless, and sometimes inadequately aggressive towards other dogs, Affenpinschers' character often leads to injuries and bite wounds. Therefore, the owners of the little "imp" need to carefully protect their pet from such situations.

Also noted by veterinarians a tendency to the appearance of heart murmurs, especially in pets that are often left alone (probably from anxiety and stress). In general, these energetic brave dogs are distinguished by excellent health and easily live up to the age of 12-14 years.

Affenpinscher care tips

Affenpinscher at the competition
Affenpinscher at the competition

It is impossible to write anything new for the owners with regard to the care of the coat of these pinschers. Everything is too standard - brushing, occasional bathing and trimming, like all wire-haired dogs. Is that the too neat appearance of these dogs is more a minus than a plus. After all, the more disheveled this "imp" - the more beautiful and dearer it is to the heart.

It is necessary to regularly carefully trim the hair around the eyes of this "monkey" so that it does not impair vision.

Affenpinscher needs constant, full-fledged physical activity and outdoor games to compensate for his seething nature - do not forget about it. Walking should be long enough and in places where the dog can run freely. With the pet's nutrition, everything is standard. Holistic-class food for energetic wire-haired dogs of small breeds is perfect.

Nuances of Affenpinscher training

Affenpinscher training
Affenpinscher training

Although Affenpinschers are distinguished by intelligence and ingenuity, things are not so smooth with their upbringing. An irrepressible temperament, combined with pathological jealousy and some harmful character, creates a lot of trouble for the owners. That is why it is better if you entrust the education of the dog to obedience to a professional dog handler. But if you decide that you have the necessary experience and talent, then consider a few tips.

  1. First. These dogs cannot withstand long training sessions. They are able to quickly learn commands and requirements and do not need tedious repetitions. It is important to interest this stubborn dog.
  2. Therefore, the second - never use the "stick", only the "carrot" works. These animals understand only an affectionate respectful attitude. They react to punishment very painfully and are able to take revenge on occasion.
  3. And third - training should not turn into whispering and currying favor with the dog. This dog is very prone to stubbornness and domination, and therefore may consider this your weakness and stop obeying, but in principle. The training should be precise, clear without concessions.

By the way, Affenpinschers are not such monsters, and if you manage to captivate your pet by executing commands as a fun game, then you will easily achieve the greatest success from him.

Interesting facts about Affenpinschers

Affenpinscher muzzle
Affenpinscher muzzle

Interestingly, the French christened this original dog in their own way. In French it sounds like "Diablotin Moustachu", which means "mustachioed imp". It is likely that they were struck not so much by the monkey face of the animal as by its lively, hyperactive temperament and sometimes damn unbearable character of this little domestic tyrant.

Price when buying an Affenpinscher puppy

Affenpinscher puppies
Affenpinscher puppies

The Affenpinscher breed is nowadays a rather rare breed. The rarity, complexity of selection and the difficult nature of the dog itself also significantly affected the price of the puppies.

Depending on the pedigree and regalia of the parents, sex and status of the puppy, you will have to pay a lot of money. This black ball of wool will cost you $ 1,200. The cost ceiling is somewhere in the region of the plank - $ 4,000.

For more informative information about Affenpinscher, see here:

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