Omega-3 in seed milk

Omega-3 in seed milk
Omega-3 in seed milk

This article will give you information on Omega-3 fatty acids. You will also learn about Omega-3 seed milk and its irreplaceable benefits for the human body. Polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), that's what they are called one class. Scientists have found that for the average person you need to consume Omega-3 per day - 1.6 grams for women, 2 grams for men. When the body receives these acids in such quantities, then it will work without any failures and always correctly, like a clock. And besides, to supply the cells of the human body with only vital and nutrients as much as possible.

Foods containing omega-3 acids

Flaxseeds in wooden spoons
Flaxseeds in wooden spoons
  • flaxseeds - 1 tsp (daily rate);
  • salmon, but only fresh - 70 g;
  • unroasted nuts - 7-8 pieces;
  • rapeseed oil - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • canned sardines - 90 g;
  • canned tuna - 120 g;
  • seafood and caviar.

Benefits of Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Chia seeds
Chia seeds
  1. They are a structural component of cell membranes.
  2. Allows good bronchial function.
  3. The maintenance of the tone of the blood vessels depends on them.
  4. The normalization of blood pressure also depends to some extent on omega-3 fatty acids.
  5. The beauty and health of skin, nails and hair is also dependent on these acids.
  6. Help Omega-3s for psoriasis, diabetes, breast and prostate cancer.
  7. Omega-3s also help treat eczema, asthma, allergies, depression and Alzheimer's disease.
  8. One of the most important properties of PUFA is the ability to prevent cancer, due to the high presence of antioxidants in it.

The fact that PUFA is practically not formed in the human body, which is why there is a need for its ingestion with food, remains very unpleasant.

Seed Milk with Omega-3

Omega-3 per pack
Omega-3 per pack

To obtain milk from seeds with Omega-3 acids, you need: 1 cup of crushed walnuts, flaxseed or hemp, soaked in warm water for 4 hours. There should be exactly 4 cups of water. About a quarter of a teaspoon of sea salt.

Cooking process:

First of all, you need to thoroughly rinse and dry the seeds or nuts. Mix everything thoroughly into a homogeneous mass with a blender, for 30-40 seconds. Take a clean gauze bag and strain the mixture through it, add the sea salt at the end, and stir until it dissolves. It will not be superfluous if you put rice or vanilla flavor in this drink. After cooking, pour the milk from nuts or seeds into a plastic bag, but one that is hermetically sealed.

Place the resulting and already packaged nut or seed pulp in the freezer. It is advisable to put it on its side, because everything will solidify in a thin ball, and then it will be much more convenient to cut it. It is great for making pies or homemade bread. But the shelf life of this milk should be no longer than a month.

Making almond milk with Omega-3

Almonds and milk from it
Almonds and milk from it

Before preparing milk from almonds, the nut itself must be kept in water for several hours so that it becomes soft. Then grind it thoroughly in a blender, along with the water in which it stood. For flavor and sweetness, you can add a banana or some dates. Then we filter the resulting mass through cheesecloth, cake, which turned out to be quite possible to use in food. And we pour milk into a mug and drink.

By the way, together with almonds, you can use hemp seeds, they are very useful for the body. These seeds are sold in pharmacies and you can easily buy them, but naturally only the food grade of this seed.

Hemp Seed Milk with Omega-3

Manufactured milk from hemp seeds
Manufactured milk from hemp seeds

The seeds of a plant like hemp contain about 30% of healthy fats Omega-3/6/9, and 22% of plant-produced protein, but everything else is vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates and fiber. It can also be called a little not the only plant that contains vitamin D. Hemp seeds have a lot of useful properties:

  • they have a beneficial effect on hair, nails and skin;
  • good to use to strengthen the immune system and the body as a whole;
  • for brain activity, it is simply an irreplaceable product, it may well act as an alternative to fish oil;
  • helps relieve inflammation.

Taste qualities of this milk, let's not say that tasty, but still far away and not disgusting. Yes, it turns out to be oily with a fairly rich taste and a strong flavor of seeds. But if you are lovers of more delicious drinks, then add a banana to this milk, and you get a cocktail that will give milk a rather familiar and even noble taste. And for people who go in for sports, this cocktail is simply necessary, because it is a source of a well-absorbed portion of protein and carbohydrates, which will give energy, and not a feeling of heaviness.

Sesame Seed Milk with Omega-3

Sesame seeds
Sesame seeds

This milk is very healthy, it does not contain any hormones, amino acids or harmful additives. It contains a huge supply of Omega-3, minerals, vitamins and easily assimilable calcium.

Making milk from sesame seeds:

  1. Soak one glass of sesame seeds overnight, you can also use black sesame, it is even healthier, although the taste is identical to light sesame.
  2. We bring down 0.5 liters in a blender. water, while adding one vanilla pod and 1 teaspoon of honey.
  3. After everything becomes a homogeneous mass, add another 0.5 liters. drive a banana or strawberry if you wish, and sell it well again.

For health and beauty, it is important not only to eat fresh and natural products. They should also contain all the necessary vitamins and minerals, among which Omega-3 fatty acids occupy a special place. Therefore, consume our Omega-3 seed milk according to our recipes and be full of energy!

Learn about the benefits of omega-3 chia seeds in this video:
