Varieties of mezhventsovy heaters, their advantages and disadvantages, the rules for choosing material for walls made of various types of wood, manufacturers of heat insulators. The disadvantages of insulation can appear if the wrong choice of material is made. For example, a product without pores is chosen, which does not allow air to pass through, and the walls "suffocate" under a protective film. Samples with pores absorb moisture well, but do not change size, so over time, gaps can form between the decks.
Criteria for choosing a mezhventsovy heater

When buying an insulator, you need to pay attention to several factors on which the quality of the work performed depends:
- Material shape … At the construction stage, it is convenient to use tape insulation. They are produced in rolls with a width of 5 to 15 cm, which allows you to choose the product according to the width of the groove in the log. Installation is as simple as possible - the roll is rolled over the deck surface and fixed with a construction stapler. Tow is used for caulking cracks after shrinking a log house, as well as for increasing the thickness of the tape for roughly processed logs.
- Insulation width … When choosing a material, it must be borne in mind that the lower the ambient temperature, the wider the joint surface should be. At a temperature of minus 20, the width of the strip should be at least 10 cm, minus 30 - at least 12 cm, minus 40 - at least 14 cm. To get a beautiful wall, buy a tape 5 mm narrower than the width of the groove in the log. If you plan to caulk the gaps with the same product, purchase a canvas 10-15 cm wide more than the area on the bar.
- Resistance to atmospheric and biogenic influences … Products should prevent the appearance of fungus, mold in the joints of the logs, protect the wood from rotting and insects. Jute and flax, which contain a natural resin - lignin, are the most resistant to adverse influences.
- Density and elasticity … Important parameters for a wooden house. Over time, the frame shrinks, the distance between the logs increases, and the insulator must fill the gaps that appear. For example, mineral wool is not flexible enough. After a short period of time, it becomes thin, and its thermal conductivity decreases. Polyurethane foam has good elasticity, but it does not allow the tree to breathe.
- Fire resistance … An important characteristic that ensures the fire safety of the premises. Most synthetic insulators will not burn. Linen heaters are very dangerous in this respect. To increase safety, they are impregnated with fire retardants, but it is not possible to completely eliminate the problem even with the help of special means.
- Heat resistance … One of the main characteristics of insulators. The lower the value, the worse the material conducts heat. Natural insulation has the best parameters.
- Durability … The substance used should not deteriorate during the entire life of the house. The option is considered optimal when its performance does not differ from the characteristics of the logs and beams from which the walls are made.
- Environmental friendliness … Most materials meet this requirement, but some synthetic samples are made from components with properties harmful to humans. For example, an izover, after being damaged, emits allergic dust. Some manufacturers make synthetic insulators from poisonous raw materials. They are cheap.
- Immunity to organic matter … Thanks to these properties, the material will not rot, rodents will not start in it, and mold does not form on the surface.
- Bird indifference … Natural insulation is often used by birds to build nests, resulting in gaps between the logs. Birds especially like cuckoo flax moss, which is often used for caulking. Therefore, it is periodically necessary to check the walls for gaps and close them up in time.
- Moisture absorption … The material should absorb liquid well and quickly release it. Jute has good water absorption and return. It is not recommended to use a cloth made of pure linen, it quickly deteriorates when wet. Heaters made from a mixture of jute and flax are highly resistant to moisture. Artificial insulators do not absorb liquid, it remains on the fibers. With high humidity, the logs will be constantly wet and will begin to rot.
- Thickness to density ratio … An inter-crown insulation with a thickness of 8-10 mm and a density of 600-700 g / cm is considered universal.2, it is enough to lay it in one layer. High-quality samples have the following characteristics: with a thickness of 0.5 cm, the density should be 400 g / cm2; 0.6-1 cm - 600 g / cm2; 1-1.5 cm - 800 g / cm2.
There are rules for choosing insulation for walls made of logs of various qualities:
- In log cabins made of laminated veneer lumber, use an insulator 3-4 mm thick and with a density of 300-400 g / cm2.
- From a rounded bar - 450-550 g / cm2 and a thickness of 8-12 mm.
- Profiled timber - 250-300 g / cm2 and 2-3 mm thick.
- Walls made of chopped beams, which do not differ in the same dimensions along the entire length, are insulated with wide tapes so that it is possible to tuck them on one or both sides of the wall. The total tape thickness may exceed 15 mm.
- For insulation of walls made of simple beams, strips up to 10 mm thick can be used.
- For high quality glued laminated beams, it is sufficient to purchase 5 mm tape.
- If the lumber is damp, several layers of insulator are placed between them.
- General requirements for the thickness of the material - the insulation must fill all the space between the logs. If the tape seal cannot meet this requirement, it is necessary to additionally use tow.
Price and manufacturers of mezhventsovy heaters

The cost of mezhventsovy heaters of the same type cannot be very different, because they are all manufactured using the same technology, using the same equipment.
Their price fluctuates for the following reasons: different compositions of insulators, goods are sold in batches that differ in volumes, products are sold through stores or the Internet. Imported products are always more expensive than domestic ones, although the quality is the same. The cost of insulation is strongly influenced by raw materials. Sheep wool is considered the most expensive of natural materials, and moss is the cheapest.
Too low prices may indirectly indicate poor-quality blanks from which the product is made. For example, a ribbon may be composed of short fibers or strands of unknown origin, which appear after recycling jute or linen. Inexpensive products often have a low density, they have different thicknesses along the length due to insufficient fiber sizes.
If there are doubts about the quality, ask the seller for a certificate of the manufacturer of a cheap product, which should indicate the density, width and thickness of the product.
In Russia, only a few companies are known that make mezhventsovy heaters in the form of ribbons. Only the Termosteps enterprise in Yaroslavl produces tape insulators from jute. In the Leningrad region, jute felt (a mixture of jute and felt) is made. The situation is better with flax, it is made all over the country. Natural products are produced under the brands "Beltermo", "RosEcoMat", "Isolene" and others.
The specialized synthetic material "Polyterm" is produced in Russia by only one company - the Eco Heaters Center.
How to choose a mezhventsovy heater - look at the video:

When choosing a mezhventsovy heater, you should not come up with something new. The best option is always to use materials proven over decades. And which product to use in a particular case, you can decide on your own using our recommendations.