Antiseptic for a bath: features of choice

Antiseptic for a bath: features of choice
Antiseptic for a bath: features of choice

An antiseptic for a bath or a sauna is the means without which the complex functioning is impossible. Mold, fungi, wood borers and bacteria not only spoil the appearance of the room, but can also cause illness in the bath visitors. Therefore, antiseptic treatment is necessary, and you need to choose it carefully. Content:

  • The purpose of the antiseptic
  • Types of antiseptics
  • Selection rules
  • Tikkuril antiseptics
  • Antiseptic Senezh Sauna
  • Antiseptic Neomid 200

The bathhouse is a time-tested way to escape from worries and gain health. However, in it, as well as in the sauna, ideal conditions are created not only for humans, but also for representatives of the world of microorganisms, or rather, bacteria and fungi. Therefore, in order for the bath procedures to be truly healing and safe for health, you need to take care in advance of protecting the wooden surfaces from such unfavorable “settlers”. The optimal solution in this case is an antiseptic for a bath, the choice of which will be discussed in our article.

The purpose of the antiseptic for the bath

Antiseptic for external wood treatment
Antiseptic for external wood treatment

An antiseptic is a special agent designed to actively fight microorganisms, preventing decomposition processes. This is evidenced by the origin of the term "antiseptic" itself: from the Greek "anti" - against, "septic" - purulent.

Considering that microorganisms have occupied almost all possible natural niches, antiseptics are used in many areas of human activity: medicine, the chemical industry (in particular in the production of household chemicals) and the food industry, as well as in construction to protect wooden materials and structures. Since a real bath or sauna is inconceivable without a tree, you cannot do without an antiseptic.

Antiseptic agents for bath treatment are substances that will help to solve several problems at once that will surely arise during the operation of wooden rooms and surfaces, such as:

  • Reproduction of various types of fungi (soil, brownie, wood-destroying);
  • The emergence of foci of decay of the material;
  • Population with harmful insects.

An antiseptic for a bath inside and outside is able to make the material, that is, the wood from which it is built (or trimmed), unattractive to the bacterial and fungal environment. A coating with such a composition can bring additional "bonuses" in the form of fire resistance, which is especially important for steam rooms and furnaces, moisture resistance and decorative effect, which is carried out due to the greater texture of the wood pattern or giving a certain shade.

Ideally, a 100% effect from the application of an antiseptic can be expected during the initial processing of the material. If the tree is already affected, such compositions will not be able to return it to its original state, but high-quality preparations are quite capable of stopping the processes. It is impossible to ignore the treatment of a bath or sauna with antiseptics. Otherwise, over time, it will not only lose its aesthetic appeal, but can also cause allergic and inflammatory processes in the respiratory tract.

Types of antiseptics for a wooden bath

Types of antiseptics for a bath
Types of antiseptics for a bath

Depending on what active substances are in the wood preservatives, they are divided into several groups:

  1. Water soluble … Designed for wooden surfaces that do not have direct contact with water, including moisture, have good penetrating ability. The composition most often includes sodium fluoride, BBK-3, sodium silicofluoride. To keep the effect of the composition longer, you need to fix the impregnation with a waterproof coating (for example, varnish).
  2. Oil … They are considered the most durable, but they can discolor the material. Such an oil antiseptic against decay, fungal and mold damage works by forming a protective film on the surface of the tree, which does not allow moisture to enter the material. Due to its base (anthracene, coal and shale oils) it has a persistent specific smell, therefore it is used only for outdoor work.
  3. Organosoluble … They are easily absorbed, but also contain components that are not the most useful for humans (copper pentachlorophenol naphthenate), therefore they are used as external protective agents. It is noteworthy that antiseptics based on organic solvents color the wood greenish and promote the development of corrosion on metal elements.
  4. Combined … Such an antiseptic for a bath is often called "2 in 1", since it combines antiseptic properties with fire-fighting properties.

Given such a variety of antiseptics for a bath, when choosing a composition, always take into account the condition of the materials and the range of necessary protection. Pay particular attention to the latter: there are antiseptics that effectively protect against one harmful agent and are absolutely helpless against another.

If you have already decided which antiseptic to choose for a bath, do not forget to check its validity and consumption.

Rules for choosing an antiseptic for a bath

Bath antiseptics
Bath antiseptics

The market for care and protection of building materials offers the consumer a fairly wide range of products, including wood preservatives. Therefore, in order to choose the best antiseptic for a bath or sauna, you need to take into account several main points:

  • Price … Immediately, we note that a protective agent for wooden elements of a bath cannot be cheap, since it must perform many tasks and be safe.
  • "Front of work" … When choosing a product, initially decide where you will use it, on the basis of which, carefully study the field of activity of the antiseptic - for external or internal work.
  • Composition … Considering that the conditions in the bath are favorable for all possible damage to wood, the antiseptic should have a wide spectrum of action, that is, be effective against bacteria, fungi and mold, and against insect pests. Also, in these rooms, the issue of fire safety is relevant, therefore, ideally, it is better to choose combined compositions with a flame retardant content.
  • Manufacturer … Since processing is supposed to be done in health facilities, it is better to pay attention to trusted manufacturers whose products have proven their quality. For example, the Finnish antiseptic for the Tikkurila bath has proven itself well, as well as the protective compounds of domestic production Senezh and Neomid.
  • Security … Antiseptics are chemicals, not all components of which are safe and pleasant for a person's sense of smell. This is especially true for the treatment of surfaces inside a bath or sauna, where all conditions are created for the ingress of harmful fumes into the body. Therefore, for internal work, it is better to choose water-based formulations with an appropriate purpose, which have a quality certificate, and, ideally, a sanitary and epidemiological expert opinion on their safety for health.
  • Application method and compatibility with other coatings … Pay attention to how the antiseptic should be applied to the surface and whether you have everything you need for this. In the case of water-borne formulations, be sure to find out which topcoats they are compatible with.

Another criterion that will help you decide on the choice of an antiseptic for a bath or sauna and in calculating its amount is the level of wood impregnation. In fact, one and the same composition can affect different types of wood in different ways precisely because of the extent to which the material itself can "pass" it into itself.

Wood can be divided into several types:

  1. Easily impregnated (pine);
  2. Moderately impregnated (aspen, linden, maple, alder, cedar);
  3. Difficult to impregnate (larch, birch, oak, elm, spruce, beech, fir, ash).

Taking this information into account, you can choose an antiseptic for the bath that is most compatible with the material from which it is made.

Tikkurila bath antiseptic


Tikkurila is a recognized leader among manufacturers of paints and varnishes, whose assortment also includes preservatives and impregnations for wood. Let us consider in more detail the composition of this Finnish company, intended exclusively for use in baths and saunas - TIKKURILA SUPI SAUNASUOJA:

  • View … Water-soluble, acrylate-based protective compound, tintable or colorless, with a semi-matte sheen, safe.
  • Appointment … Protection of wood, wood fiber and concrete surfaces from mildew and blue stains by forming a film on the surface with water and dirt repellent properties.
  • Application area … Walls and ceilings in the steam room, washroom, changing room. Tikkuril's antiseptic for the bath is not recommended for the treatment of shelves.
  • Application method … It is applied with a brush or spray on a dry, clean, polished surface at a temperature not higher than +5 degrees and a humidity not less than 80%. In the steam room, you can apply the composition in one layer without dilution, or in two, diluting the tinted composition by half with water. In the dressing room and in the washroom, the antiseptic is applied unambiguously in two layers, and in the case of a tinted product, the first layer must be diluted to 20%. The interval between the application of the first and second coat of the antiseptic for the bath is 2-3 hours.
  • Color matching … First, start with a paint test to see an approximate result. To do this, select a separate small board. Secondly, keep in mind that diluting the antiseptic with water will make its color less saturated and lighter. Thirdly, in order for the surface color to be uniform, try to process them continuously, be sure to stir the composition. Let's make a reservation right away that the result of impregnation will depend not only on the color of the composition, but also on the material, that is, the type of wood, as well as its condition, including the presence of already carried out treatments.
  • Consumption … This figure reaches 8-12 m2/ l.
  • Storage … In tightly closed "native" containers only at positive temperatures (from 5 to 30 degrees), since this antiseptic does not tolerate cold weather.
  • Price … The cost of an antiseptic is from 389 rubles. for 0.9 liters of funds.

After treatment, you can take a steam bath in a sauna or bath in 48 hours.

Antiseptic for a bath Senezh Sauna

Antiseptic SENEZH
Antiseptic SENEZH

A worthy competitor to the Finnish product is the domestic antiseptic of "targeted" action Senezh Sauna. Has the following characteristics:

  1. View … Water-soluble, colorless acrylate-based compound, fireproof, deeply penetrating into wood and forming a protective coating on it with an antibacterial, moisture-repellent coating, safe.
  2. Appointment … Senezh antiseptic for a bath is an effective chemical weapon against mold, fungi, woodworm insects and algae. A distinctive and at the same time very advantageous feature of this protective agent is its "killing" effect on infectious agents inherent in all public places (Escherichia coli, bacilli, etc.).
  3. Application area … It is used only indoors for the treatment of any surface (walls, ceilings, sheathing, partitions, benches, etc.) made of wood, except for shelves. If you will be using Senezh antiseptic to protect the most abrasion-prone surfaces (floors, railings), be sure to plan to varnish the impregnation.
  4. Application method … Protective impregnation for the bath Senezh can be applied both on a dry and on a damp, but always cleaned surface, using a spray, brush or roller. The composition mixes well, but does not dilute and does not mix with other "brothers". The number of layers depends on the room: in the steam room - 1-2 layers, in the rest - 2-3 layers. Intermediate drying between coats - 45-60 minutes. Note that this composition is well applied and does not stain the treated surfaces.
  5. Consumption … Is 7-15 m2/ kg depending on the number of layers and the wood itself.
  6. Storage … Closed at above-zero temperatures, just like a Finnish antiseptic, does not tolerate low temperatures.
  7. Price … Cost - from 1640 rubles. for 2, 5 liters of funds.

You can start operating a bath or sauna 3-5 days after treatment with an antiseptic.

Antiseptic for a bath Neomid 200

Antiseptic Neomid 200
Antiseptic Neomid 200

Another worthy representative of protective compounds for wood coatings of baths and saunas from Russian manufacturers is Neomid 200. Let's dwell on its main properties:

  • View … Colorless safe water-soluble concentrate.
  • Appointment … Neomid 200 is an ultra-effective antiseptic for a sauna against decay, pests, mold and fungi with a long-term effect (up to 12 years), including for already affected wood.
  • Application area … Internal surfaces and elements of a bath or sauna made of wood and wood materials. Immediately, we note the distinctive feature of this antiseptic from those already listed - it can also be used to treat shelves.
  • Application method … Requires a prepared - cleaned, and in the case of wood already affected by bio-pests - treated with bleach from the same company Neomid 500, a working surface. It is applied diluted (1:30) with a brush, roller or spray. We recommend using a varnish from the same manufacturer as a topcoat.
  • Consumption … Is 100-250 g / m22 diluted funds.
  • Storage … The composition is contained in a tightly closed container.
  • Price … Starts at 315 rubles. for 1 liter of funds.

Note that the antiseptic Neomid for baths and saunas has the ability to tint the wood surface in a pleasant amber color, the intensity of which largely depends not on the composition itself, but on what kind of rock it is applied to, and whether it has been processed before. The duration of the impregnation depends on the same factors: difficult-to-impregnate varieties of wood, combined with frequent use, halve it.

Watch a video about choosing an antiseptic for a bath:

The choice of an antiseptic for treating wooden surfaces and elements of a bath or sauna can seem daunting. In fact, this is not that problematic. The main thing is to clearly know what you need an antiseptic for and how to use it correctly. Most of the information you need is in the instructions for the formulations, so read them carefully, compare the data and make your choice!
