Wood for a bath: features of choice

Wood for a bath: features of choice
Wood for a bath: features of choice

It is not so easy to choose wood for a bath - it must have a set of certain properties. This article will help you decide on the most suitable material. Content:

  1. Wood selection criteria
  2. Choice of wood

    • Conifers
    • Hardwood

Wood is ideal for building a bathhouse. It is appreciated for its naturalness, ability to retain heat, durability, and ease of handling and installation. Various types of wood are suitable for the bath, each of which is endowed with its own characteristics.

Criteria for choosing wood for a bath

Characteristics of dry profiled timber
Characteristics of dry profiled timber

In order for a rest in a bath to bring full pleasure, it is necessary to choose the right material. Wood for finishing the bath and its construction must meet the following criteria:

  • Water tightness … The material should not absorb water and let it pass through itself. Despite the wide variety of protective impregnations, it is recommended to choose wood that will be as resistant to water as possible.
  • Resistance to temperature extremes … The sauna tree should not undergo visible changes due to temperature shock.
  • Good thermal insulation … Any wood, in principle, retains heat well, but there are certain species with the lowest coefficient of thermal conductivity. It is they who are recommended to be considered for the construction of a bath.
  • Durability … Strong wood species have the highest durability. It is also important to take into account the material's resistance to cracking, fungus, rotting and wormholes.
  • Suitable shade … When choosing wood, be sure to pay attention to its shade. It should be pleasing to the eye and combined with other interior details. It is worth noting that in some breeds it can change over time.

The choice of wood for the bath

Traditionally, baths are built from deciduous or coniferous trees. Developers often combine several different breeds. There is no consensus on the choice of wood for a bath, so we suggest that you consider the options that are most suitable for its construction.

Coniferous wood for a bath

Debarked log for the construction of a bath
Debarked log for the construction of a bath

Many owners value conifers very much for their unique smell, health properties and durability. But it is important to know that such wood, to some extent, emits toxic resins and heats up a lot, so you will have to carry out interior decoration for the steam room.

Consider the most popular conifers:

  1. Pine … It is very popular for the construction of baths. Pine wood takes very little time to shrink, the logs are very strong and practically crack free. Pine also has a shade that over time acquires a pleasant brownish-sandy color. Its texture is uniform and firm. It should be noted that pine is considered the most affordable material. But it is important to know that it has a low resistance to rotting in a humid environment and bacteria. This problem can be solved by using special protective compounds.
  2. Spruce … This wood is warm and soft, but the large number of hard knots complicates the processing. It looks very attractive and does not darken over time, maintaining a uniform white-yellowish tint. It should be noted that spruce has the lowest resin content. Many customers value this material very much for its availability. Spruce has excellent heat retention and mechanical strength.
  3. Cedar … Recently, cedar has become very popular due to its important advantages. It is very durable, does not shrink or crack. Also, the material has a good antiseptic effect, therefore it is considered resistant to mold and bacteria. Flies and mosquitoes do not appear in cedar buildings. It should be noted the appearance of the cedar buildings - they have a noble shade and a unique structure. In addition, cedar is valuable for its beneficial essential oils. The disadvantages include the specific smell of the material and the increased cost.
  4. Larch … It is a very durable material and can even compete with oak. Larch wood is very durable: experts say that buildings made of this material can stand for more than 200 years. It was found that larch is the most resistant to water and rotting (in Venice, piles are built from it under water), and also has a high fire resistance. This wood has a variety of colors and has tree rings that give it a unique charm.

Hardwood for a bath

Profiled timber for the construction of a bath
Profiled timber for the construction of a bath

Hardwood has a weaker smell than coniferous wood, but it has no less high properties. It has good performance characteristics: it is strong and dense, tolerates high humidity, does not rot for a long time.

The most popular hardwood options for building a bath:

  • Aspen … It is easy to process and does not crack. It cracks well, is easy to paint and polish. This material is highly resistant to moisture and temperature extremes. It becomes even stronger in contact with water. Aspen boards are practically resistant to decay and wormhole. They are distinguished by their noble whiteness, therefore they are in good demand. Along with linden, aspen is often used for the construction of Russian baths and saunas. This material is quite common in Russia, which makes it very affordable.
  • Linden … Most popular. Many developers consider it to be the best wood for a sauna. This material has a light shade, is very fragrant and creates a pleasant indoor climate. Linden is very easy to process and weighs a little, so there is no need for a massive foundation. It also warms up quickly, which saves on heating costs. In addition, linden wood does not take a long time to shrink. The disadvantages include the natural looseness of wood and poor resistance to decay.
  • Oak … Baths are rarely built from this material, but its wood is the most durable. Oak logs are very durable and resistant to moisture and decay. They also lend themselves well to cutting with a cutting tool. Oak has a pleasant light brown shade and a beautiful texture. Its wood contains many tannins, which neutralize pathogenic microorganisms and help to eliminate inflammation. Dry oak boards have practically no bends or flaws, so they always look elegant. But the stock of high-quality oak wood is very limited, so this material is quite expensive.
  • Alder … In many ways it is similar in properties to linden. Alder wood is light and soft, practically does not crack and, when dried, slightly decreases in volume. It has a light chocolate color with a pink tint. Alder is very easy to handle and water resistant. It can be submerged for a long time, which makes it suitable for creating small underwater parts. This material adheres well and holds screws, but it can crack when hammering in nails, so work carefully. Alder has grown in popularity over the past few years. This is due to the quality characteristics and low prices.
  • White acacia … This wood without a twinge of conscience can be called the most durable and solid. It has high wear resistance, is resistant to moisture and decay, practically does not break or deform. These qualities make it suitable for the construction of a bath. It should be noted that under the influence of color and air, acacia darkens over time, giving the texture more brightness and expressiveness. This material is resistant to abrasion and practically insensitive to atmospheric influences. Acacia is difficult to process dry, but raw - it is processed perfectly.

How to choose wood for cladding a steam room - see the video:

Now you know what kind of wood the baths are built from. Arguments over the best option can never define a leader, since each person has a different preference. Having weighed all the advantages and disadvantages of various types of wood, you can choose the most successful option for yourself.
