The character of the fairy tale "The Little Humpbacked Horse", after emerging from the "rejuvenating" vat, turned into a written handsome man. It turns out that such vessels have been known since the 16th century. Today it is an elite bathhouse with a stunning effect. How to equip yourself with such a bath - we will tell you in this article. Content:
- The virtues of the vat
- Product selection
Construction features
- Design
- Bath device
- Installing the vat
A modern bath tub is made of cast iron or stainless steel. It is installed outdoors near a cold water source. The oven is located under the bowl. From it, the water in the boiler heats up and cooks you like an ear on a fire. As spices, you can add aromatic herbs or decoctions from them. However, do not worry - the temperature of the "broth" is not raised above 45 degrees. Thanks to the correct installation of the entire structure, it is very easy to get into the vat without burns, since the edges of the bowl will not heat up.
Advantages of a cast-iron vat for a bath

In an exclusive version, water from mineral springs is used for bathing in a vat. As it warms up, it envelops the whole body with warmth and gradually relaxes it. If, after such relaxation, you plunge into an ice hole or a cold bath, you can get a magical pleasure and a healing effect from the temperature drop. With a reasonable use of their vital resources, the risk of getting sick from such bathing is reduced to zero. Smooth steaming of the body in warm water of a vat with periodic dipping into an ice-hole, a river or a cold bath brings undoubted benefits to the entire human body:
- With the regular adoption of such bath procedures, you will comfortably lose weight and feel in excellent shape.
- There is an improvement in the work of the excretory and cardiovascular systems.
- Renal function improves.
- The skin pores open and the body breathes, which has a calming and healing effect on skeletal muscles, lungs, bronchi and digestive organs.
- Strengthening blood circulation, which leads to the rapid elimination of toxins and activation of the immunity of body tissues.
- Radiculitis, osteochondrosis and rheumatism disappear.
- Disposal of blood vessels from cholesterol "plaques" when bathing with temperature changes.
- Hardening and gradual increase in endurance.
There is an opinion that after a dozen of such procedures, getting rid of colds is guaranteed for at least one year. And for lovely ladies, such bathing will give an excellent opportunity to get rid of cellulite and get a beautiful body.
Choosing a vat for a bath

The mass production of cast-iron vats for a bath is carried out by factory workshops, which pour products not only from cast iron, but also from other metals. Such bowls are quite expensive and are intended for exclusive baths. Nevertheless, any person of average income is able to secure such a purchase for himself.
When choosing a vat, attention is paid to the type of metal for its manufacture (cast iron, stainless steel, etc.), technical characteristics and the cost of the product.

Their cost depends on the size and weight of the vats:
- The vat, which measures 2000x730x30 mm and weighs 1200 kg and is used for four people, costs 200,000 rubles.
- A vat with dimensions of 2200x740x40 mm and weighing 1600 kg for six people will cost you 250,000 rubles.
- Chan 2500x830x30 mm, which weighs 1800 kg and is designed for eight people, is more expensive - 325000 rubles.
- The vat, whose dimensions reach 2700x840x40 mm, and the weight is 2150 kg, is suitable for ten people and is the most expensive option - 380,000 rubles.
Features of the construction of a bath with a cast-iron vat
Any visitor to the bathhouse, which is equipped with a stove with a cast-iron vat, should see that this is not hell, but a health complex. Therefore, the conditions in it must comply with safety rules and provide the necessary comfort for the acceptance of procedures.
Designing the construction of a bath with a vat

Of no small importance is the binding of such a bath to the area and nearby buildings. In the nude or half-naked form, a person should feel protected from unwanted intrusion, comfort and unity with nature.
In addition to the above, the correct design of a bath with the installation of a cast-iron vat should take into account the following factors:
- Durability of the structure;
- Resistance of furnace materials to high temperatures - from 700 to 900 degrees Celsius;
- The ability of the foundation to withstand a lot of weight;
- Reliable removal of smoke from the oven to a separate air duct;
- Availability of control and changes in water temperature;
- Water supply to the vat and its drain;
- Drainage drainage of excess water from spills during swimming;
- Convenient hygiene measures;
- Equipped passage from the bathhouse to the reservoir or font;
- The presence of a warm room with amenities for changing clothes and leisure.
The device of a bath with a cast-iron vat

A bath with a cast iron vat provides a less harsh environment for wellness activities than a traditional Russian steam room with a broom. This is due to its design, which includes:
- A cast-iron bowl with a diameter of 2-2.7 m with a depth of 0.74-0.84 m and a wall thickness of 30-40 mm;
- Pedestal stove for a vat of water;
- A system for evacuating combustion products into a separate chimney;
- The system of supply and output of water in the vat;
- Drainage system for excess water;
- Equipped access to the bowl and recreation area;
- Natural pool or cold water tub.
At the bottom of the vat there are flat river stones that serve as a kind of heat insulator. As an additional equipment of a cast-iron vat for a bath, they equip: lighting in the bowl, hydromassage and water filtration systems, floating stands for snacks, a thermometer.
Installing a vat in a bath

At first glance, the installation of a cast-iron vat seems to be simple: lift the boiler onto the stove, light a fire, pour water and - worry about your health. In fact, this is a very responsible process. Every mistake made at any stage of construction can lead to sad consequences.
For the durability of such a serious structure, it is necessary to lay a powerful foundation that will be able to withstand the considerable weight of a brick structure made of heavy refractory material and a massive one and a half ton vat filled with water.
In turn, in order for the brick structure to withstand its weight and heat loads, it is made in the form of a reinforced brickwork made of refractory bricks. And since the latter is carried out along the geometric outlines of the vat using wedge products and trimming, this work should be performed by a master with great experience. It is also important to take into account the thermal linear expansion of the brickwork.

When a bather relaxes in the warm water of a vat, the soot from the burned fuel will obviously be superfluous for him. Therefore, the removal of the furnace combustion products must be carried out into a free-standing pipe.
An equipped system for supplying cold and taking hot water should ensure its comfortable temperature in the vat.
If the bath is used for commercial purposes, the issue of container hygiene is especially acute. It is solved by completely draining the bowl and calcining it over low heat.
The ways of approaching the vat, the process of loading and unloading people from it should be absolutely safe even in conditions of exceptional relaxation and tranquility of their bodies.
What a vat looks like in a bath - watch the video:

And finally, remember one more thing. In the open air, the cast-iron vat is very quickly covered with a layer of rust. Therefore, you will have to be patient and do mechanical cleaning of the bath vat with your own hands every day.