Bath painting is a process that must be taken as seriously as possible. The durability of the building and its attractiveness depend on the quality of the coloring composition, its compliance with the surface and compliance with the rules of the painting procedure. Content:
- Varieties of paints for the bath
- Features of the choice of composition
- Bath coloring outside
- Is it possible to paint inside
- Alternative colorants
Before proceeding with the finishing, you need to decide what paint can be painted in the bath, what to look for when buying the composition, and what order to follow in the process. Let's consider everything in order.
Varieties of paints for the bath

In order to choose the most suitable composition in terms of quality and properties, it is necessary to understand their classification. All paints by the staining method are divided into two types:
- Professional … Difficult to use, since they require knowledge of the technological map. They contain different emulsions, which are applied in 3-4 layers. They are distinguished by their high cost.
- Construction and household … They are more common due to their ease of use and relative cheapness. They consist of one material, with which the surface is painted in 1-3 layers.

By composition, paints are divided into:
- Water based dispersion acrylic … They protect the tree from low temperatures and adverse climatic conditions. They are distinguished by their durability and do not lose performance up to 10 years. Quick-drying and most suitable for processing baths, since they do not interfere with the natural air exchange of wood. It is undesirable to apply them on surfaces treated with salt fire retardants. Price - from 650 rubles per 1 liter.
- Oil … Not recommended for external use due to high sensitivity to UV radiation. Cost - from 400 rubles per liter.
- Enameled … Used for brick structures, applied to a previously plastered surface. They are inexpensive - from 70 rubles per liter.
- Alkyd resins … Fade, fade and lose their appearance faster. They are relatively inexpensive - from 300 rubles per liter.
- Silicate … They are made on the basis of liquid glass, suitable only for painting brick steam rooms. From 150 rubles per liter.
- Water-based paint for a bath … Resistant to moisture, and therefore can be used for painting the ceiling in the washroom of brick structures. Price - from 40 rubles per liter.
If desiccants are present in the composition, then the paints dry quickly.
Features of choosing a coloring composition for a bath

It is better to choose dark shades for outside bath paints, since light ones will quickly fade in the sun. In addition, please note that the shade of the painted wall will differ significantly from the picture in the catalog due to the disparity of the surfaces.
The main requirements for coloring compositions for a bath: protection from the effects of precipitation and UV radiation, an increase in the service life, preservation of the aesthetic appearance, insecticidal properties.
Dyeing compositions from well-known manufacturers have the highest performance properties: Belinka (Czech Republic), Vidaron (Poland), Aquatex, Neomid, Rogneda, Senezh (Russia), Adler (Austria), Pinotex (Denmark). However, the most popular is Tikkurila bath paint, as well as the likes of Biotex, Vivakolor.
You need to calculate the amount of composition for painting according to the principle: liter - 10 m2.
Bath staining technology outside

You need to start painting after the wood has dried. The moisture reading should be less than 20%. Before carrying out work, special attention must be paid to the correct dilution of the coloring composition, according to the manufacturer's instructions. Otherwise, the surface will quickly begin to peel off and lose its aesthetic appearance.
We adhere in the process of such an algorithm of actions:
- We carefully sand the wooden surface. If the blockhouse is not new, then remove the upper darkened layer and treat it with a bleaching agent.
- We remove dust from the wall. For this purpose, you can use an air compressor or vacuum cleaner.
- After blowing, wipe the wood with a semi-dry cloth.
- Impregnate the surface with an antiseptic primer and grind it after hardening.
- We process the tree with a fire retardant. Some bio-protective substances already contain a fire-fighting substance in their composition.
- Apply the first thin and even layer of paint (if a spray gun is used, then hold it at right angles to the wall to be painted) and wait for it to dry completely. It usually takes 12-24 hours depending on weather conditions.
- Sand the surface with 120/140 grit paper.
- We re-paint the wall using the same technology as the first time.
- Apply a thick layer of paint to the ends of the logs 4-5 times. They have a rough surface, and therefore absorb significantly more dye.
- Please note that the lower three logs must be processed with particular care, as they are more exposed to negative atmospheric influences than the others.
Note that a solid and durable finish can be achieved with two coats of paint if you use a brush to create a matte finish. Using a spray gun, you need to apply 3-4 layers for high-quality staining, and the wood will turn out to be glossy. If you nevertheless decide to use a paint sprayer, then choose a liter container for convenience.
To maintain and maintain its appearance, it is recommended to paint the bath every few years. If the paint is of high quality, then a second procedure will be needed in 7-8 years.
Is it possible to paint the bathhouse inside

External painting of the bath is necessary to give and preserve the aesthetic appearance of the wood. In addition, many coloring compositions contain antiseptic components that protect walls from negative influences. But about the interior painting of the bath, there are many views.
Experts recommend refraining from staining the inside of the steam room. The chemical composition will hinder free air exchange, and the bath will not have its traditional wood smell. In addition, when exposed to high temperatures, paints release toxic fumes.
Some owners strive to minimize the effect of humidity and temperature changes on the tree and periodically process the walls, floor, and ceiling. It is possible to cover the inside of the bath only with special tintable compounds for the bath. In particular, a protective impregnation Tikkurila is presented on the market, which is capable of both protecting wood from harmful effects and giving it a certain shade.
Alternative coloring agents for the bath

Since ancient times, natural substances have been used to paint the log house. For example, a decoction of oak bark is popular even today. It darkens the wood and retains its original pattern. A mixture of ocher and starch is used not only as a coloring agent, but also as a fire-fighting compound. Some recommend using onion peels. It gives the wood an interesting texture, but attracts insects and rodents.
Such methods cannot compete in their protective properties with improved and universal chemical compositions, and therefore, if possible, it is worth giving preference to industrial coloring compositions.
How to choose paint for a bath outside - look at the video:

Competent selection and correct technology for staining the bath will provide reliable protection of wood from external negative climatic influences. The painted steam room will retain the attractive appearance and performance properties of the tree for a long time.