Bath in the apartment: construction technology

Bath in the apartment: construction technology
Bath in the apartment: construction technology

A safe and comfortable sauna in an apartment is real. In addition, you can even equip it with your own hands. The main thing is to take care of observing all safety measures, correctly calculate the power of heating devices and carefully insulate the steam room. Content:

  1. Built-in sauna

    • Materials (edit)
    • Construction instruction
  2. Mobile bath

    • Building materials
    • Construction procedure
  3. Ventilation arrangement
  4. Heating specificity

    • Sauna materials
    • Making an electric heater

To equip a steam room in an apartment of a multi-storey building, you must first determine the location. Better, of course, to build it in the bathroom, if the size allows it. In general, the mini-bath in the apartment covers an area of 3 m2… If a steam room is planned for one person, then 1.5 m will be enough2… If the structure is installed near an external wall, then you must first install a ventilation grill to prevent the formation of condensation.

Built-in sauna in the apartment

A built-in bath is created by adapting a conventional bathroom to it. The construction of such a structure presupposes compliance with fire safety measures. It is important to immediately determine the type of heating. The optimal solution is an electric stone stove. To install it, first of all, it is necessary to deal with the supply of electricity and provide a power reserve of 4-5 kW. Since the power of the stove is low, pay special attention to the insulation work.

Materials for arranging a built-in bath

Built-in home bath
Built-in home bath

To equip a home bath in an apartment, you will need: corrugation for wiring, a waterproofer, cement, sand, dowels (regular and long), foil insulation, floor finishing material (ceramic tiles or wood), lathing material (40 * 40 bars or metal profiles), plastic corks, insulation (cork board or mineral wool), foil insulation, vapor barrier membrane, metallized tape, sheathing material (wooden lining or block house), wood for canopy (larch, aspen, linden, oak), metal sheets.

Instructions for the construction of a built-in bath in an apartment

Sauna in the bathroom
Sauna in the bathroom

The construction process takes place in the following sequence:

  1. We lay the wiring on the wall from the shield in a special corrugation. A regular extension cord can be used to provide a separate input, but this is inconvenient. If the apartment is equipped with a gas stove, then the wires are not designed for such loads. This means that specialists must carry out the line after concluding a contract with the power grid.
  2. We coat the floor around the perimeter of the future bath with a layer of waterproofing agent. We make a cement screed if it is supposed to be finished with ceramic tiles. For a plank floor, we attach wooden logs to the concrete floor using dowels and lay a layer of insulating foil insulation. The wood in the steam room must not be varnished or painted.
  3. We process the walls with a deep penetration primer paint. We fill the crate on the wall with a step of 0, 5-0, 6 m. We fix it with plastic plugs or dowels strictly in one plane. To check the position, we use the building level.
  4. We attach a vapor barrier to the crate.
  5. We lay a thermal insulating layer. As a heater, you can use cork panels (soldered under pressure with resin) or mineral wool.
  6. We fix waterproofing material to the crate and to the ceiling with a stapler. The best option is foil insulation (polyethylene foam with aluminum foil or foil kraft paper). For gluing the joints, we use metallized tape.
  7. We make the inner lining at a distance of 3-4 cm from the waterproofing layer. You can facilitate the process by pre-filling the counter-lattice. The most suitable material for this is considered to be a block house or wooden lining.
  8. We mount the canopy on the wall with long dowels. The heads of the metal fasteners should go deep into the base of the tree.
  9. We coat the finishing material with special oil.
  10. We install a heat-insulating support for the oven and cover the walls around the heat-resistant material with metal sheets.
  11. We mount the electric heater on the same level as the bathroom. The device must not come into contact with water.
  12. We place the lighting fixtures in a heat-resistant sealed plafond.
  13. We lay the floor with a rubber mat or wooden grating.

Mobile bath in the apartment

If the size of the bathroom does not allow you to build a steam room, then you can make a free-standing bath in the apartment. It is better to place the structure in the corner of the room. This will save on building materials.

Building materials for a mobile bath in an apartment

Mobile bath
Mobile bath

To equip the steam room, you need to stock up on tiles, wooden beams for the wall frame, screws, boards, a metal sleeve for wiring, basalt mineral wool, foil, mounting buttons, metallized tape, clapboard, secret nails.

The procedure for constructing a mobile bath in an apartment

Making a mobile bath
Making a mobile bath

We carry out construction work in stages:

  1. We mount the floor according to the size of the future bath. The optimal finishing material is tiles. If desired, you can equip a plank floor. In this case, the boards for it should be carefully sanded. The wood in the steam room is not varnished or treated with chemical solutions.
  2. We build the frame of the walls. To do this, we make a dense five-level strapping of the beams at a distance from the floor - 3, 60 and 100 cm, from the ceiling - 5 and 30 cm.
  3. We drill holes every 60 cm for fixing the base. If the load-bearing wall is uneven, then the thickness of the beams must be adjusted.
  4. We assemble the strapping parts into a single structure using screws. We leave a place for the entrance. For the wall on which the benches will be fixed, we use thick beams.
  5. Installing the ceiling. We tie the upper edges strictly horizontally with boards. They should be parallel to the ceiling wall. For accuracy, we use the building level. We leave holes for ventilation.
  6. Inside the frame, we mark the location of the heater and lamp.
  7. We lay the wiring on the outside of the structure along the bottom. Always install the wires in a metal sleeve. We connect the luminaires to the switch.
  8. We insulate the future bath from the inside. From top to bottom we lay a layer of heat insulator with an overlap of 10-12 cm.
  9. Cover with foil on top. It will provide high-quality waterproofing. For fastening, we use metallized tape or buttons.
  10. We cover the room. We fasten the lining to the frame using secret nails.
  11. We mount the skirting boards.
  12. We install the heating device at a distance of 20 cm from the floor.
  13. We equip the canopy and insert the lighting mechanisms into a heat-resistant shade.
  14. Remember that according to fire safety rules, it is prohibited to place any objects within 5 cm from the stove. It is also forbidden to operate furnaces with an open spiral.

If there is no time or desire to engage in construction work, then you can buy and equip a ready-made booth in the apartment. The market offers a wide range of models with additional functions: lighting, radio, floor and seat heating. Such a mobile steam room is installed according to the manufacturer's instructions.

Arrangement of a ventilation system for a bath in an apartment

Home bath scheme
Home bath scheme

A safe sauna in an apartment includes a mandatory ventilation system. Since in the absence of air exchange, an excess of carbon dioxide can lead to negative consequences. A tightly closed bath runs the risk of turning into a "gas chamber".

The ventilation system in the "home" bath should be equipped according to the following scheme:

  1. When there is only one external wall for the organization of ventilation, and the others are adjacent to the rooms, then the inlet and outlet are located on the same side. They should be opposite the oven.
  2. There will be an inlet at the bottom. The height from the floor is about 20 cm. The air must be pumped by a fan.
  3. At the top, at a distance of 20 cm from the ceiling, there is a forced exhaust air outlet. We install the hood there.
  4. The size of the air outlet must be the same as the air inlet. As a last resort, the hood can be slightly larger, but not vice versa.
  5. The section of ventilation holes should be in direct proportion to the size of the room: 24 cm per 1 cubic meter of the steam room.
  6. To control the intensity of air flow in the steam room, ventilation openings must be equipped with valves.

Remember, under no circumstances should the inlet and outlet vents be placed in line with each other.

The specifics of heating in an apartment bath

Home sauna stove
Home sauna stove

An infrared oven can be installed to warm the air in the steam room. Electromagnetic radiation completely heats up the body. And the device itself is fireproof, which is ideal for a steam room in an apartment. However, it is forbidden to take such procedures more than once or twice every six months. In addition, infrared heating is very expensive to install. A more economical option is to equip the bath with an electric heater.

Materials for the electric heater in the apartment

Such a device can be purchased at any hardware store, as well as built independently using: a nichrome wire 6, 5 mm long and 1.5 mm in diameter, a steel bar 4 cm long and 8 mm in diameter, a 2 cm thick board, a linen tank or a ten-liter tin buckets, ceramics, emery wheels, bolts, nuts, copper wires with a cross section of 4 mm2, 25A machine gun, screw, alabaster.

Do-it-yourself electric heater for a home bath

Electric heater in the bath
Electric heater in the bath

The manufacture of an electric stone stove for a bath in an apartment is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. In the steel bar we drill a two-millimeter hole 0.5 cm from the edge perpendicular to the axis.
  2. We make guide pads from a two-centimeter bar and squeeze their wide sides with a vice.
  3. We drill a 9 mm hole along their joint.
  4. We insert a nichrome wire into the end of the mandrel made and make about eight tight turns. We install this part in the hole between the gaskets, clamp it into the chuck of an electric drill.
  5. We squeeze the wire with a vice and turn on the power tool at low speed.
  6. At the end of the winding, we take out the mandrel and unclench the vice slowly and carefully, since the wound spiral has now become a spring.
  7. We remove the spiral and stretch it with pliers up to 3.5 meters in length.
  8. In a ten-liter bucket of tin, we drill 20 holes with a diameter of about 3-4 mm. You can also use a regular laundry tub for this.
  9. We fill it with ceramic elements of high-voltage insulation, treated with an emery wheel. The optimal size of the parts is more than 5 cm.
  10. We install a nichrome spiral into the device. Each turn should be at a distance of 3 cm from the body and from the previous turn.
  11. We attach the wires and the spiral to the power block with bolts and nuts.
  12. We string "beads" made of ceramic parts on the wire 10 cm near the terminals.
  13. We install a 25A machine gun in the dashboard.
  14. We are finalizing the outlet. To do this, remove the middle bar and fasten the wire with a nut, screw and alabaster to the fixed contact.
Bath design in the apartment
Bath design in the apartment

The steam room is heated up to 60 degrees within 1-2 hours. You can take a steam bath in a bath equipped with such an electrical appliance only after disconnecting it from the power supply. Features of building a bath for an apartment, see the video:

[media = v = FvoYiysoFVM] A bath in an apartment is a less troublesome and cheaper process than a steam bath on the site, since it does not require the construction of an additional foundation. With the help of step-by-step instructions and a photo of a bath in an apartment, even an amateur can do the work. Construction must be carried out carefully observing safety measures, so it is advisable to equip the steam room with a fire extinguishing system and install water sprayers around the perimeter of the room.
