How to sheathe a bath with siding

How to sheathe a bath with siding
How to sheathe a bath with siding

Siding is great for decorating a bath. It gives it a more attractive appearance and prolongs its service life. In order to correctly install this material, it is important to take into account some of the nuances. We suggest you consider the step-by-step instructions for self-installation of siding. Content:

  1. Siding features
  2. Types of material
  3. Preparation
  4. Finishing procedure

    • Frame
    • Warming
    • Sheathing

Finishing a bath with siding is a rather relevant way of facing a building. This is due to the financial availability of the material and its ease of installation. In addition, siding perfectly protects the surface from the destructive effects of atmospheric phenomena and can skillfully imitate any material (brick, beams, stone, etc.). In this article we will look at how to sheathe a bath with siding with our own hands.

Features of siding for finishing a bath

Siding as a finishing material
Siding as a finishing material

Before proceeding with the installation steps, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the technical characteristics of the siding:

  • High wear resistance … Siding is a strong and durable material that does not require frequent maintenance. But when washing it, it is recommended to avoid using strong detergents and coarse brushes. Thus, you can significantly increase the life of the material.
  • Large selection of colors and textures … Siding can copy 100% natural materials, so many people opt for it.
  • Ease of installation … Siding panels are installed on any material in the same manner. All actions are repeated for concrete, wood, brick, foam blocks. It should be noted that the installation operations are described in detail in the manufacturer's instructions.
  • Environmental friendliness … For the production of siding, raw materials are used that are not afraid of mold, fungi and parasitic insects. Siding does not cause allergies, so many people use it for wall cladding inside.
  • Availability … Siding is one of the most affordable cladding products in Russia.
  • Additional properties … Siding panels perfectly isolate the structure from sound and retain heat inside when using thermal insulation materials. Also, the siding has protection from ultraviolet rays, so it does not fade or crack in the sun.

Types of siding for cladding a bath

Types of siding
Types of siding

For finishing the bath with siding, wood, vinyl and basement types are used:

  1. Wood material … Contains various resins and additives that increase resistance to moisture and temperature extremes. When choosing a wooden material, remember that it needs to be treated with special substances that repel pests.
  2. Vinyl material … This type of siding is made from polyvinyl chloride. It consists of two layers: the first protects the building from the weather, and the second is a durable backing.
  3. Plinth material … It is used specifically for plinth plating and has high strength characteristics. Basement siding is made from polypropylene resins and special components are added to improve durability.

Note! If you want to insulate a log bath and keep its appearance, use wooden siding under the frame. It is made from pressed wood shavings. The material will repeat all the lines of the log structure.

Preparation for siding baths

Facing the outside of the bath with siding
Facing the outside of the bath with siding

Before starting work on installing siding for a bath, you need to prepare well:

  • Remember that the decoration of the external walls of the bath made of wood begins only after its complete shrinkage.
  • Make sure there are no gaps in the walls of the bath and the surface is completely flat. Otherwise, the finish will look crooked and unstable to hold on to the crate.
  • For plating, you will need a puncher, hammer, tape measure, fasteners, spring center punch, metal shears, construction stapler, punch center punch, and a level.
  • Fasteners (nails, screws) must be made of stainless steel. Their length should be at least 30 mm, and the diameter of the cap should be at least 8 mm in diameter.

The procedure for finishing with siding baths

The outside of the bath is covered with siding in several stages. Let's get to know them better.

Creating a frame for attaching siding to the bath

Lathing for siding
Lathing for siding

Install vertical supports made of wood or metal profiles. If you prefer wood, prepare bars 30x40 or 50x50 mm, if a metal profile - use a ceiling profile 60x27 or 50x50 mm. Remember that the distance between wooden or metal posts should be 40-60 cm.

The creation of the frame begins with the installation of the corner supports. To decorate the corners, connect the supports together so that they are at an angle of 90 degrees to each other. Then attach the rest of the posts to the walls using straight or shortened hangers. The choice of suspensions depends on the distance that must be left for the insulation or ventilation gap. The hangers are screwed with self-tapping screws (used for wooden walls) or dowels. To make it easier to work, pass a cord between them - it will serve as a guide for installing the following stands.

The tree must be treated with an antiseptic.

Insulation laying when sheathing the bath with siding

Sheathing of a frame bathhouse with siding
Sheathing of a frame bathhouse with siding

For insulation, glass wool and its variations are mainly used, as well as expanded polystyrene and polystyrene of different densities. Insulation is sold in the form of rolls, mats or insulation boards. When choosing the shape of the insulation, be guided by the size of the gaps between the supports of the frame, since it will need to be laid there. For example, if the size of the gaps is about 50 cm, it is convenient to lay 50x100 cm mineral wool mats.

The thickness of the insulation depends on the climate of the region in which the bath is located. In the south of Russia, the thickness varies within 5-10 cm, in the north - 20-25 cm. After installing the insulation, cover it on top with a waterproofing film - attach it with a stapler to the crate. Start at the bottom row and stretch the film horizontally. Install the following rows with an overlap of 100 mm over the previous ones. After that, make a counter-grill for siding.

Siding bath siding procedure

Bath siding
Bath siding

Using a spirit level, measure the line of the end of the plinth flashing, on top of which you want to fix the starter bar. Install the H-profile at the joints of the panels. This element is optional, but over time, dust will accumulate at the joints, which can ruin the appearance of the bath.

Installation of siding begins from the middle of the wall to the edges. Install the starter bar first. Attach it with self-tapping screws to the lower points of the frame supports in the horizontal direction.

Facing with siding panels is carried out from the bottom up. Each panel is provided with special grooves at the bottom and top. Take the next panel and slide the bottom of it onto the starter bar. Slide and snap the top row panel onto the upper groove of the installed panel. There is a cutout on the side of the siding panels, designed so that each of them goes behind the other. Thus, there will be no voids between the panels.

Remember that siding can deform under the influence of temperature extremes, so the panels must be fastened in such a way that they can move in the fastening holes. When the entire wall is sheathed all the way to the top, install a finishing plank.

Remember to attach the siding to the frame with nails or self-tapping screws. To do this, make holes in the upper part of the panels with a puncher (the pitch of the nails is no more than 40 mm). After every 5-6 rows, level the surface of the finish using a level.

Note! When installing siding, a situation may arise when the panels do not fit tightly. Many owners perceive this as a tragedy, although it is enough to apply a little super glue (between the poorly joined panels) and the problem will be eliminated. In this case, it is important to ensure that the edges of the docking panels are free (for expansion under the influence of temperature extremes). Features of the exterior decoration of the bath with siding are shown in the video:

There is nothing complicated in cladding a bath with siding. It resembles drawing up a children's designer. If you follow all the instructions and recommendations, you will have high quality cladding that will last for many years.
