How to get rid of a burn mark at home

How to get rid of a burn mark at home
How to get rid of a burn mark at home

Methods for treating burn marks. Considered folk remedies and pharmaceutical preparations for removing spots and scars. Burn marks are scars that have formed as a result of the healing of damaged tissues under the influence of high temperatures or chemicals. Traces after skin damage can be different, it all depends on the severity of the burn and on what caused it.

The main causes of burn marks

Keloid scars after burns
Keloid scars after burns

It should be noted that after thermal or chemical exposure to the skin, wounds heal more slowly, and scars and spots are more pronounced than with bruises, cuts and tears. This is due to natural processes that occur in the epidermis under the influence of high temperatures.

The reasons for the appearance of burn marks are as follows:

  • Protein coagulation … This is the folding of skin protein particles under the influence of high temperature. In the deep layers of the skin, the same thing happens as when boiling a chicken egg. In place of the coagulated cells, depressions remain, which are very poorly smoothed.
  • Fibrin formation … It is a connective tissue that forms at the site of a coagulated protein in the skin. Scar tissue is more rigid and coarse in structure. It is formed unevenly, irregularities and roughness may occur at the site of the former burn.
  • The appearance of keloid formations … Simply put, it is an accumulation of collagen fibers that have arisen at the site of the burn. Over time, these scars can grow due to the presence of blood vessels in them. Through the capillaries, collagen accumulations are nourished and enlarged. These scars are usually treated with surgery. This is done to stop their growth.
  • Skin atrophy … In places that have been exposed to high temperatures, metabolic disorders can be observed. The cells in this area do not interact with each other, so the skin becomes very thin and translucent. A spot appears at this point.

How to remove a burn mark

There are many ways to deal with scars, blemishes, and darkening from burns. But keloid scars that grow are only treated with a surgical operation, as a result of which part of the tissue is excised.

How to remove burn spots in the clinic

Laser resurfacing of scars
Laser resurfacing of scars

If over time the scars have not disappeared, and the tissue has grown, then the problem can be solved by one of the modern methods offered by clinics and beauty parlors.

Modern methods of removing stains after burns:

  1. Laser resurfacing … During the procedure, scars and spots are exposed to a laser beam with a specific wavelength. The procedure can even be performed on the face. After a few procedures, the marks will become almost invisible.
  2. Deep peeling … It is usually done with fruit acids. After scrubbing, weak organic acids are applied to the face or other parts of the body, which burn off part of the scar tissue. In this case, the relief of the scars becomes less pronounced.
  3. Cryodestruction … During the procedure, the damaged areas are doused with liquid nitrogen. It helps exfoliate scar tissue and improve skin health. The regeneration process after manipulation is accelerated.
  4. Phototherapy … It is a modern procedure that is used to get rid of small, dark spots from burns. During the manipulation, the epidermis is exposed to light rays of different wavelengths. This enhances the processes of tissue regeneration and renewal.
  5. Collostotherapy … This is a relatively new method. During the procedure, a small amount of collagen is injected into the damaged area with a needle. It fills in the voids in scar tissue. After 10-12 procedures, the scar tissue is gradually replaced by healthy, due to the impact of collagen. The relief is leveled, the scar or stain becomes less noticeable.
  6. Aesthetic surgery … This is a method of excising scars with a scalpel. Usually used for keloid marks that grow. After the tissue is excised, the doctor sutures. The scar after the intervention is less pronounced than the burn marks. Over time, it can be removed using ointments or laser resurfacing.

How to remove redness from burns with homemade masks

Honey and cinnamon for burn marks
Honey and cinnamon for burn marks

It happens that after thermal damage to the skin, bubbles do not form, and the skin in this place does not peel off. But after a while, a red spot appears, which may darken. Many people try to remove this area with scrubs and masks from available tools.

Ways to remove red spots after burns with improvised means:

  • With honey and cinnamon … This is a kind of paste that whitens the skin and starts regeneration processes. The product can be used to remove burn spots on the face. Warm up 30 ml of bee nectar and add? tablespoons of cinnamon powder. Mix thoroughly and apply to the affected area. Leave for a third of an hour. Then massage the stain and rinse with warm water. Repeat the procedure 3 times in 7 days for a month.
  • Cucumber and tomato … This is a kind of alternative to chemical peeling with fruit acids. You need to peel the fruit of a cucumber and tomato and grind the vegetables in a blender. Wipe your face with the resulting gruel in the morning and evening. Due to the action of acid, the mask will help to lighten the spots a little and even out the relief.
  • Soda … Everyone in the house has this substance. Sodium bicarbonate can be used to quickly remove burn stains. Pour 20 g of baking soda powder into a bowl and add a spoonful of water. It is necessary for a gruel to form. Apply it to the affected area and massage for 1 minute. This is an effective peeling that will help to “scrape off” the damaged layer of the skin.
  • Bodyaga … It is a freshwater sponge powder that effectively fights acne scars and burn marks. You need to purchase a sachet of the product at the pharmacy and pour 15 g into a separate bowl. Add a little water to the powder to form a porridge. Apply it to your skin for 10 minutes. Then massage and rinse. The product can be tingling and uncomfortable. If the burning sensation intensifies, wash off the composition immediately. This remedy improves blood circulation and starts regeneration processes.
  • Lemon … It is an effective tropical fruit for skin lightening. It is necessary to grind a quarter of the fruit in a blender until you get porridge. Pour some oatmeal into the mixture. Apply to stain and leave on for 25 minutes. Rinse off with very cold water. The product removes redness and brown spots that appear after burns.

How to get rid of oil burn marks

Peppermint oil for burn marks
Peppermint oil for burn marks

Essential oils promote tissue regeneration and make raised burn marks smoother and less visible. There are many options for oil masks.

Recipes for masks with oils from burn marks:

  1. Camphor … Saturate a piece of soft cloth with camphor oil and apply the applique to the affected area. Usually, the scar tissue should be left overnight. In the morning, the stain is washed in warm water. The procedure is repeated every night for 1 month.
  2. Mint and rosemary … Mix equal amounts of oils and soak a piece of cotton wool. Rub scars and stains with the oil mixture 3 times a day. This must be done within a month. Mint activates the regeneration processes in the epidermis. Gradually, the scar tissue is replaced by the usual one.
  3. Rosemary … Pour 50 ml of olive oil into a bottle and add 1 ml of rosemary oil to it. Rub the product into the burn marks several times a day. At night, you can fix the disc moistened with the composition to the affected area with a plaster. This will speed up tissue renewal.
  4. Mixture of oils … You need to pour 2 ml of wheat germ oil into the bottle. Introduce 1 ml of calendula oil and 5 drops each of myrtle, rose and rosemary oils into the bottle. This composition is used to wipe spots and scars.

Medical remedies for burn marks

Dermatics from scars
Dermatics from scars

If you go to your doctor, for minor injuries, you will most likely be advised of topical treatments for burn scars. Their advantage is that they practically do not enter the bloodstream and do not harm the liver and kidneys in any way, unlike pills and injections.

List of medical products for burns:

  • Contractubex … This is a combination medicine that is sold as a cream. The product contains heparin, onion extract and allantoin. Onions prevent wound infection and kill bacteria, heparin - the formation of excessive scar tissue. Allantoin softens the scar and makes it less prominent. It is worth considering that the sooner you start using the product, the faster the traces will dissolve. Accordingly, older scars will take longer to heal. The cream is applied to the affected area twice a day.
  • Solcoseryl … This cream is used to regenerate the skin. It contains a substance of the same name Solcoseryl. It saturates tissues with oxygen, influences metabolic processes and saturates cells with collagen. This drug is often recommended by dermatologists to remove the marks after healing of acne, pimples and burns. The product is applied in the morning and evening.
  • Mederma … This drug is in the form of a transparent gel. The product contains allantoin, sorbic acid and xanthan. The tool is quite effective, it softens dense scar tissue and stimulates the restoration of the skin. Recommended to apply twice a day.
  • Dermatix … This is nothing more than a silicone gel. After being applied to the scar tissue, it forms a thin film that prevents the epidermis from drying out. The film stops the growth of scar tissue, which is effective for treating keloid scars. This drug was recently created by Dutch pharmacists using silicon-based polymeric organic compounds as a base.
  • Medgel … These are silicone plates that are applied to keloid scars and old burn marks. They prevent moisture evaporation and accelerate the skin's regeneration process. They are mainly prescribed for the treatment of non-healing scars after burns.

How to treat a burn mark with folk methods

Burn stain wax
Burn stain wax

Traditional medicine offers many ways to deal with old scars and blemishes from thermal and chemical burns. The action of these funds is due to the stimulation of the regeneration process and tissue softening.

Let's take a closer look at folk recipes for burn spots:

  1. Melon and egg … You need to break a raw egg and pour it into a container. After that, the shell must be washed and left to dry. Melon seeds are also washed and dried. Now these two ingredients should be ground in a mortar and mixed in equal amounts. You will get a homogeneous powdery mass. This mixture must be diluted with a small amount of vegetable oil to obtain porridge. The mass is applied in the morning and in the evening on the trail after the burn. The course of treatment is 2 months. The powder with oil must be mixed immediately before applying to the epidermis.
  2. Peas … It is recommended to take peas and crush them to a flour state. After that, the mixture is diluted with warm milk until a pancake-like dough is obtained. This mass is rubbed into the affected areas twice a day. In the evening, smear a large amount of product on a scar or stain and cover with a plaster.
  3. Beeswax … To prepare the product, take 100 ml of olive oil and 50 g of beeswax. The bee product must be grated. Mix the ingredients and put on low heat. Stir the mixture all the time until the wax chips dissolve in the oily environment. Cool the medicine and lubricate it liberally with a cloth. Apply a compress to scars and blemishes at night.
  4. Woodworm … It is necessary to take a half-liter jar and fill it with woodlice grass. Next, fill in the vegetable raw materials with sunflower oil and close the lid. Leave the medicine in a cool place for 14 days. After two weeks, strain the oil, squeeze the grass and discard. Apply applications of this oil to the damaged areas.

Ointments for burn marks

Applying ointment from burn marks
Applying ointment from burn marks

Now in the pharmacy you can find a huge number of effective ointments for spots and scars that have arisen after burns. All of them are effective, but it is worth carefully studying the composition of the drug in order to avoid allergic reactions.

Ointments for burn marks:

  • Clearwin … It is an effective ointment formulated using Ayurvedic recipes. The composition of the product contains only extracts, decoctions and extracts from herbs - turmeric, harad, aloe vera, vacha and it. These components are absorbed into the deep layers of the dermis, where they start the recovery processes.
  • Strataderm … This ointment is developed on the basis of silicone compounds, which, covering the affected area, prevent it from drying out. The course of treatment is 2-6 months. It is during this time that the scar will soften, and some of the tissues will become less prominent.
  • Aldara … It is an inducer of the synthesis of an immune response. Simply put, the agent activates the immune system in the places to which it is applied. Accordingly, cells regenerate faster, and scar tissue does not grow.
  • Diprospan … It is a hormonal ointment that stimulates the metabolism of the affected areas. The drug is based on glucocorticosteroids, so you should not use it for more than 7 days. It is usually used to quickly relieve redness after burns.
  • Kelofibraza … This medication comes in the form of a cream. It is composed of urea and heparin. Thanks to these components, the scar tissue is softened. Over time, tissue regeneration accelerates. Scars are not as clear-cut. Gradually, the border between the scar and the skin is erased.

How to remove burn marks - look at the video:

To avoid having to heal scars and burn spots, respond appropriately in an accident. Hold the affected area for 10 minutes under running cold water and lubricate with panthenol. Don't forget to disinfect the wound.