Acne scars: get rid of at home

Acne scars: get rid of at home
Acne scars: get rid of at home

A pimple on the face is bad, but temporary, but scars after acne can remain for a lifetime. However, even with such a defect, it is possible to fight not only with the help of a beauty salon, but also with the help of folk methods. Acne on the face is quite common. This problem is especially common among adolescents. A pimple that has jumped up causes a lot of trouble. Firstly, it is quite painful, and secondly, the appearance of a person loses its attractiveness. Therefore, many people are in a hurry to get rid of a pimple that has jumped up. However, an unprofessional approach to this scrupulous matter can end in such a nuisance as a scar (scar) on the face. In this case, the hands drop completely, as many people think that the face is "spoiled" forever, since these spots, in their opinion, cannot be removed. But not everything is so bad, since it is quite possible to remove acne scars on the face even with the help of traditional medicine.

Causes of acne scarring

It is still worth talking about the causes of the occurrence, because as they say - forewarned, then armed. Perhaps this part of our article will help you get rid of new scars. After all, as such, there are not so many reasons for the appearance of scars on the face. Namely:

  • squeezing blackheads;
  • incorrect (untimely) acne treatment;
  • large pimple size;
  • fungal infection on the skin of the face;
  • infectious diseases accompanied by a rash on the face, such as chickenpox;
  • weakened immunity.

Remember that delicate and sensitive skin is a fertile ground for scarring. You have to be extremely careful with such skin. But other skin types also need proper care. If acne occurs frequently and there are a lot of them, be sure to seek medical attention. In such cases, treating acne locally is not an option. There may be an infection inside the body, which must be cured, and only after that the "blooming" of the face will pass. There may also be an incorrect metabolism, improper nutrition, weakened immunity, helminthiasis and other reasons. Do not self-medicate.

Types of facial scars

Depending on the cause of the scar, the following varieties are distinguished:

  • physiological - the lightest scar on the face, which is practically invisible;
  • atrophic - is flesh-colored and looks like a small depression on the face;
  • hypertrophic - small seals that are pink;
  • keloid - in addition to an external defect, they cause unpleasant sensations in the form of itching and pain.

Traditional methods will help remove acne scars

And now, finally, we got to the most important thing, namely, how to get rid of such a nuisance as acne scars on the face? However, the first thing I want to say in this topic is that it is better to prevent the formation of scars from acne on the face than to remove them later. And, believe me, this is much easier to do. Compliance with the rules of hygiene, a balanced and nutritious diet without food containing dyes, preservatives and other chemicals, sweets and flour, is the key to clean, even skin on your face and body. However, if there are already scars, then let's figure out how to get rid of them at home. Of course, the most effective remedy is going to the professionals. Doctors-cosmetologists will be very helpful in this case, since they are specialists. In addition to their professionalism, they are helped by such procedures as:

  • chemical peeling;
  • laser peeling;
  • glycolic peeling;
  • laser resurfacing;
  • microdermabrasion (diamond peeling).

The negative point in this case is that, unfortunately, not everyone has the means to pay for these services, since trips to a beauty salon are not cheap. And in this case, Mother Nature again gives us her many recipes for beauty.

Folk recipes for acne scars

Folk recipes for acne scars
Folk recipes for acne scars

It may seem strange to someone that ordinary products that are often stored in our refrigerator can help from acne scars. However, this is indeed the case. We offer you some recipes of traditional medicine too. But we have a kind request to you, before using this or that recipe, conduct an allergy test. To do this, apply a small amount of the product to the skin on the back of the wrist. Run like this for 10-15 minutes. If there is no burning, itching and sharp redness in the area of application, then you can apply the drug to your face.

  1. Parsley. You need to cut its leaves and pour one glass of boiling water. Leave to infuse for 30 minutes. Then freeze this infusion in ice cube trays, and wipe the skin with an ice cube in the morning and in the evening every day for 2–3 months.
  2. Cucumbers. Cucumber pulp or its juice is applied to scar tissue for 15–20 minutes. Wash off everything with cold running water. It is recommended to use this particular product in the event that dark spots are observed on your face after acne.
  3. Lemon. In this case, you will need its juice, or just slices of lemon, which you need to wipe the affected areas on the face. Lemon juice not only dissolves acne scars, but also cleanses the skin.
  4. Banana. Banana puree is recommended to be applied to the scar for 7-10 minutes. Then wash it off with cool water.
  5. Tomato juice (freshly squeezed) also works well in getting rid of acne scars. It should be applied to the scars and left for a few minutes.
  6. Apple vinegar. This product is diluted with water in a 1: 3 ratio, where one part is apple cider vinegar and 3 parts is water. This mixture is also frozen in ice cube trays, as is the parsley decoction. Wipe the affected area daily in the morning. You can also, for a great effect, moisten gauze in a diluted solution of apple cider vinegar every other day and apply it on your face every other day for 5-7 minutes.
  7. Sandalwood is a recognized product with the help of which the effect of getting rid of acne scars is very high. To do this, you need sandalwood paste, which is applied to the affected skin for 10 minutes. It is not difficult to make pasta at home. To do this, you need sandalwood powder, which must be soaked in water for 12 hours. Instead of water, you can take milk or rose water (an aqueous solution of the components of rose essential oil). On the face, the sandalwood paste dries well and then, after the procedure time has elapsed, it is washed off with cool running water.
  8. Fenugreek (seeds). Pour the seeds of this medicinal plant with 750 milliliters of water and boil it all for five minutes. Wait for the broth to cool completely. Wipe your face with this liquid. If you apply this procedure more than 2 times a day, then the long-awaited effect will come earlier.
  9. Almond oil also fights skin scars. To do this, rub a small amount of almond oil into the skin of the face using light massage movements.
  10. Clay, or rather, clay masks with rosemary, are widely used in cosmetology. It is not at all difficult to make a clay mask. This will require 1 tablespoon of clay. It must be diluted to a mushy state with a small amount of warm water with a couple of drops of rosemary. Apply the masks for 15–20 minutes 1–2 times a week. The course of treatment is 2–3 months.
  11. Vitamin Eis also considered a recognized anti-scar agent. It is used both externally and internally. Since this vitamin is found in large quantities in many foods, for example, in green apples, parsley, artichoke and many others, these vegetables and fruits must be introduced into the diet. Oily vitamin E capsules purchased from a pharmacy can be used externally. To do this, you need to pierce the capsule with a needle and squeeze out a few drops of vitamin E and apply it directly to acne scars.

And finally, I would like to offer another recipe for a mask for scars that have arisen on the skin after acne. To do this, you will need sour cream, oatmeal, lemon juice and natural yogurt. All components except lemon juice are taken in the amount of 1 tablespoon, and the oatmeal must first be ground into flour. You will need 1 teaspoon of lemon juice. Mix all components thoroughly and apply on face every other day for 15 minutes.

Video - how to get rid of acne marks: