A little-known bone berry - calorie content, composition and beneficial properties. Why not everyone can eat northern pomegranate. Recipes for dishes, preparation for the winter and interesting facts about the bone. In Transbaikalia, folk healers believe that bone marrow has an antiepileptic effect. The infusion is made from the collection of berries and leaves affected by mold, rust. Official medicine does not advise to be treated in this way, although healers received a positive result of treatment. With the same broth, "fright" is poured out.
Two-week consumption of bone marrow juice in the amount of 2 tablespoons or a glass of tea with berries completely restores the reserve of vitamin C after winter and seasonal diseases. If a preventive course is carried out after the New Year, it is possible to prevent the development of spring anemia.
Harm and contraindications to the use of bone marrow

Not everyone can eat northern pomegranate. Contraindications to the use of bones are as follows:
- Increased acidity of gastric juice - gastritis, erosive damage to the mucous membrane of the esophagus, digestive tract and intestines, peptic ulcer may develop.
- Peptic ulcer in the acute stage.
- A tendency to constipation and colitis, including those of a nervous nature.
- Thrombophlebitis and varicose veins - an increase in hemoglobin further thickens the blood, and the condition may worsen.
- Arterial hypertension with symptoms of high blood pressure.
In some cases, an allergic reaction may appear on the northern pomegranate.
Drupe should not be introduced into the diet during pregnancy and lactation, especially if this berry is unfamiliar to the body. Like all foods with acids, it can provoke heartburn during pregnancy, and colic in an infant during lactation.
Bone bone recipes

Boneberry is good fresh. When picked in handfuls, the berry is not eaten - it is too sour, but then, sprinkling with sugar "catch", you can get real pleasure. It is even tastier to eat bony bones with honey, washed down with milk, or, if you have stocked up with whipped cream, cover the sour berries with a cold frothy cap.
Bone bone recipes are homemade drinks, jellies and preserves. Also, the berry is used as an ingredient in meat sauces.
Bone bones dishes:
- Pancake sauce … Pour a glass of drupes into an enamel pan and pour water - 150-180 g, add sugar - 5 tablespoons. You need to salt a little - a quarter of a tablespoon is enough. Heat over low heat, stirring constantly, bring to a boil. If the taste does not seem to satisfy, you can add salt or sweeten it, add ground cloves. The sauce is boiled until it thickens - this takes about 20-30 minutes. Then it is removed from the heat, a piece of butter is dipped and whipped with a blender. Serve chilled.
- Wine … Ingredients: stone bone - 1 kg, the same amount of sugar and 700 ml of water. The berries are washed, pounded in mashed potatoes, placed in a bottle with a narrow neck, at least 4 liters in volume. The water is heated, half of the sugar is dissolved in it, it is not brought to a boil. One part is used immediately, the berries are poured, the neck is tied with gauze and the bottle is removed to a warm place for 5 days. The wort is taken out on the 5th day, mixed, the second half of the sugar is diluted, again added to the bottle. Leave it warm for another week. Stir the starter every day. After a week, the fermented mass is filtered, the cake is separated, and the liquid is again poured into the bottle. A rubber glove is put on the neck, it is necessary to make 1 puncture. When the glove settles, the wine is carefully filtered again, bottled and left to ripen in a cool, warm place. Fermentation usually takes about 45 days, and ripening takes about 3 months. The cake is not thrown away. It is dried, ground into flour and added for baking or in meat sauce.
- Berry drink … This hot drink helps to relieve the condition during illness - it brings down the temperature, quenches thirst on a hot summer day, if cooled. For a 2-liter teapot, you need to collect a handful of drupes, 6 leaves from the same bush, as well as currant and raspberry leaves - 5 pieces each. Place the tea leaves in boiling water, bring to a boil and turn off immediately. Honey is used to improve the taste.
- Jam … The berries are separated from the stalks, washed and allowed to drain excess liquid. Syrup is boiled - 1 kg of sugar is dissolved in 1, 5 glasses of water. The syrup is boiled for 5 minutes, the berries are poured over it, the basin is placed on a small fire, and brought to a boil. Remove from heat, set aside, wait until it cools down, and put it back on fire. After 4-5 boils, you can lay out the hot jam on sterilized jars, roll up the lid. You can also use another method for cooking jam: boil a rarer syrup and pour them over the berries, leave for 5-6 hours, stirring constantly, and then cook the jam in the usual way. Berries cooked using the first method retain more useful properties.
- Kvass … Boil sugar syrup - 500 g of berries, half a glass of granulated sugar and 3 liters of water, pour the berries, bring to a boil. Add 5 g of yeast, a handful of dried raspberries, set for fermentation - you need to throw 2 leaves of mint into the liquid. When foam appears, the liquid is drained and placed in the refrigerator to "kill" the yeast. Can be consumed after 6 hours.
- Morse … Pour fresh or frozen stone bone together with sepals into boiling water, bring to a boil, remove from heat. Pour the water through a fine sieve into a saucepan. The cake is squeezed through, the resulting juice is set aside for now, and the cake is allowed to boil for 5 minutes. The liquid is filtered again and cooled a little, the cake is removed. Juice is poured into the cooled drink and a little honey is dissolved - such a drink retains all the beneficial properties of a fresh berry.
- Biscuit … Dried and milled bone cake is added to the flour, about a handful per 1 kg, quick biscuit dough is kneaded. Beat together the yolks and whites with sugar - 3 eggs, 1/2 cup of sugar, knead the dough - 0.75 cups of flour, bake a biscuit in the usual way - in a form greased with sunflower oil, in the oven at 180 ° C. The sponge cake, while hot, is cut into equal pieces, greased with jam. Jelly is boiled - gelatin is dissolved and mixed with a small amount of jam. Pieces of sponge cake greased with jam are placed one on top of the other, like a cake, the top layer is sprinkled with any fresh berries (you can decorate with lemon wedges) and pour gelatin on top.
For all dishes, except for baking, you can use berries along with the stalks - they retain more useful properties. But if you want to enjoy the delicate taste, you should sacrifice your free time and completely peel the berry.
Interesting facts about bone

Kostyanika predicts the weather more accurately than modern forecasters. If its leaves curl up into a tube, the day will be hot - this way the plant retains precious moisture. But in anticipation of rain, they fully unfold in 15-20 hours.
Despite the limited habitat, drupe can be found in the North Caucasus in the mountains or in Central Asia, in oases. True, it is impossible to prepare berries from Central Asia in the form of jam - the layer of pulp is very thin.
The botanical name for the northern berry is stony stone. But there are also other types of plants - hoppy and star-shaped. It is they who grow outside the main habitat. The stony drupe may look like erect stems, the hoppy one only spreads along the ground, resembling horizontally located grape lashes.
Watch the video about the bone:

If there is an opportunity to try the bone, you should not refuse. And even better - to collect it yourself in natural conditions.