Cheese Mont de Ca: cooking and recipes

Cheese Mont de Ca: cooking and recipes
Cheese Mont de Ca: cooking and recipes

The chemical composition of Mont de Ca cheese: calorie content, useful properties and contraindications for use. How do they eat and what recipes with his participation can be easily implemented in the home kitchen?

Mont de Ca is a French cheese made from cow's milk, which belongs to the pressed semi-hard varieties. Ripens within 2 months. It has a mild and pleasant taste, as well as a delicate milky aroma, so it is liked by almost all consumers. The flesh of the cheese has a bright orange color and is pierced with small holes. The product has a lot of useful properties, but some categories of consumers should treat it with extreme caution.

Features of the preparation of cheese Mon de Ca

Cheese production Mont de Ca
Cheese production Mont de Ca

The French learned how to make Mont de Ca cheese in 1849. Since then, his recipe has hardly changed. As before, it is made mainly in small dairy farms from the milk of French cows. The largest amount of cheese is produced between late spring and mid-autumn, when dairy cattle graze in meadows rich in herbs.

According to the original recipe for Mont de Ca cheese, the following stages of its preparation are distinguished:

  • Fermentation of milk;
  • Separation of the curd from the serum;
  • Product pressing;
  • Maturation of the formed cheese head in a damp cellar;
  • Periodic head rinsing with salt brine with orange food coloring.

As a result, the masters get a Mon-de-Ca cheese head with a diameter of 20 cm. Such a product weighs about 1, 8 kg. Cheese prepared in strict accordance with the standard recipe has a fat content of 40 to 45%.

Interesting! The name "Mont de Ca" cheese received some time after its invention and glorification in France. It was originally called "Saint Bernard". It was under this name that he received honorary prizes at various agricultural exhibitions in the 90s.
