Would you like to surprise your guests with a new delicious dessert? Prepare fried bananas! This is a simple version of a delicious, unusual and very effective dessert that is prepared in a matter of minutes.

Recipe content:
- Ingredients
- Step by step cooking
- Video recipe
Bananas are considered an exotic fruit for our country. However, during its existence, it has already become a rather familiar fruit. They can be bought in any store, they are always present at festive tables, fruit salads and canapes are prepared from them … At the same time, not all housewives and cooks make all kinds of dishes from them, such as pies, fillings, pastries, etc., since it is customary for us to eat bananas fresh, without the use of heat treatment.
Although in the countries of Asia and in Cuba, many different dishes are prepared from them, and fried bananas are perceived there as normal as we have scrambled eggs. I propose to take advantage of someone else's experience and cook an amazingly delicious dessert - fried bananas in batter. And so that the delicacy is not particularly high-calorie, and even more useful, use rye flour. But for not having such flour, classic wheat flour will do.
The dessert turns out to be very tasty, airy and tender, similar to a cake. And the banana itself from the high temperature turns into a viscous cream, which is covered with a sweet crust on top. This dish is not prepared for a long time, it is very simple and from a minimum set of products.
- Caloric content per 100 g - 275 kcal.
- Servings - 25
- Cooking time - 20 minutes

- Banana - 1 pc.
- Rye flour - 5-6 tablespoons
- Beer - 100-150 ml
- Sugar - 1 tsp or to taste
- Ground cinnamon - 0.5 tsp
- Vegetable oil - for frying
Cooking bananas in rye flour batter

1. Pour flour, sugar and cinnamon into the batter container. If desired, you can add flavoring and aromatic spices, for example, instant coffee, cocoa, vanillin, coconut, etc.

2. Pour beer to the food. Instead, as a liquid component for batter, you can use any juice, compote, milk, kefir, whey, yogurt or ordinary drinking water.

3. Whisk the batter well so that the dough is homogeneous without lumps. Its consistency should be similar to thick pancake dough, like sour cream.

4. Wash the banana, peel and cut into 1 cm rings. For this recipe, you can use any bananas, incl. and overripe.

5. Dip a few banana slices into the batter.

6. Mix well so that they are covered with dough on all sides.

7. Heat the frying pan with vegetable oil thoroughly so that the oil starts to sizzle a little. Spoon the bananas into the skillet with a dessert spoon.

8. Fry the bananas on one side over medium heat for about 2-3 minutes until golden brown, then turn them over and keep them for the same amount of time until they have a characteristic color. Dessert is prepared very quickly, so you should not leave the pan.

9. Put the finished dessert on a platter and serve hot until the crust is crispy and the banana inside is tender and soft. Place a bowl of whipped chilled sour cream, cream or hot chocolate on the table so that each eater sprinkles the chosen sauce over the dish before eating the sweets.
See also a video recipe on how to cook bananas in batter.