Bananas in batter

Bananas in batter
Bananas in batter

Table of contents:


Do you want to surprise your guests with an unusual dessert? Make batter fried bananas. This is a very simple and affordable option for making a delicious, unusual and spectacular delicacy, which can be done in no time.

Cooked bananas in batter
Cooked bananas in batter

Recipe content:

  • Ingredients
  • Step by step cooking
  • Video recipe

Bananas for our country are an exotic fruit, although they have already become quite familiar, because they are sold in any store and supermarket. At the same time, bananas are fried, baked, in batter, etc., and now they are still perceived as something exotic. After all, it is customary for us to use them independently, or add them to various traditional fruit desserts without using heat treatment. Although in Cuba, Thailand and other Asian countries, no one will be surprised at fried bananas. Such dishes are perceived very naturally, like we have scrambled eggs. Therefore, I propose to get acquainted with someone else's experience and cook bananas in batter. It will be useful to know that in most cases in other countries they are fried in chocolate or caramel. But I'll talk about this later.

A few words about batter! It is prepared with a wide variety of products. The most common option is milk. But today in cooking you can find batter on beer, kefir, juice, yogurt, coffee, tea and many other liquid components. Therefore, if you are a supporter of confectionery experiments, then you can modify this recipe a little and use other components instead of milk.

  • Caloric content per 100 g - 275 kcal.
  • Servings - 3
  • Cooking time - 15 minutes


  • Bananas - 2 pcs.
  • Milk - 1, 5 glass
  • Wheat flour - 1 glass
  • Baking soda - 0.5 tsp
  • Sugar - 2 tablespoons or to taste
  • Refined vegetable oil - for deep fat

Cooking bananas in batter

Bananas peeled
Bananas peeled

1. Peel bananas and cut obliquely into 1-1.5 cm thick slices.

Flour is combined with sugar and soda
Flour is combined with sugar and soda

2. Pour wheat flour, baking soda and sugar into the dough bowl.

Milk is poured to the products
Milk is poured to the products

3. Pour in milk at room temperature.

The batter is mixed
The batter is mixed

4. Whisk the dough until smooth without lumps. The consistency of the dough should be like sour cream, i.e. slightly thicker than pancakes, but less often than pancakes. If necessary, add some milk or flour, as gluten is different for each type of flour.

Bananas dipped in batter
Bananas dipped in batter

5. Alternately dip the banana pieces into the dough in batches.

Bananas mixed in batter
Bananas mixed in batter

6. Stir the bananas with a tablespoon until they are completely covered with batter.

Fryer prepared
Fryer prepared

7. Now prepare the deep fat. If you have a special deep fat fryer, then use it. If not, then pour the vegetable refined oil into any convenient container (saucepan, ladle, mug) and pick up a slotted spoon with which you will extract the ready-made bananas from the boiling oil.

Bananas dipped in boiling oil
Bananas dipped in boiling oil

8. Place the container with oil on the stove and heat it well. You can check the readiness of the oil as follows. Drop a little dough - it should immediately grab a golden brown crust. Then dip the bananas into the boiling oil with a tablespoon.

Bananas dipped in boiling oil
Bananas dipped in boiling oil

9. As soon as the banana gets into the oil, it will immediately fizzle and foam. It should be so! Boil it for a few minutes until golden brown and remove from the container.

Bananas are laid out on a paper towel
Bananas are laid out on a paper towel

10. Place the bananas on a paper towel (or napkin) so that it absorbs any excess fat.

Ready dessert
Ready dessert

11. Sprinkle the finished treat with powdered sugar or garnish with a scoop of ice cream and serve.

See also a video recipe on how to cook bananas in batter (Julia Vysotskaya's Recipe).

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