The melon season has begun long ago, which means that you can not only eat it in its own form, but also prepare various goodies. Melon puree can not only be eaten, but also used for baking in pies, pancake fillings and to complement cereals.

Recipe content:
- Ingredients
- Step by step cooking
- Video recipe
Few people know that melon is a plant of the pumpkin family, a false berry. Despite the fact that the homeland of melons and gourds is Africa, India and Asia, it is already grown in our area. Of course, perhaps not so sweet, but nevertheless, it has already become possible. Any kind of melon has many beneficial substances for the body, such as vitamins A, C and group B. The culture is rich in iron, which is 17 times more than in milk. Melon also contains chlorine, sodium, calcium and potassium.
The plant is recommended for use in case of exhaustion, anemia, atherosclerosis and other cardiovascular diseases. Melon perfectly enhances the effect of antibiotics and reduces their toxicity. It contains a lot of enzymes, which means that it is well absorbed by the intestines and helps its work. Doctors recommend using it for digestive disorders, liver diseases, kidney stones and bladder stones. In addition, melon enhances immunity and hemoglobin. In general, you eat and get not only a gustatory pleasure, but also great benefits.
In order for the melon to be tasty, and, accordingly, the dishes with its participation turned out to be excellent, you need to buy it only ripe. The following signs will help you choose this:
- A pleasant, sweet aroma must emanate from the culture.
- When clapping the palm on the melon, the sound should be muffled.
- When you press on the area on the opposite side of the stem, the ripe melon is slightly springy, and the unripe melon is firm and does not feed to the pressure.
- Caloric content per 100 g - 45 kcal.
- Servings - 200 g
- Cooking time - 15-20 minutes

- Melon - 1/4 h
- Butter - 30 g
Making melon puree

1. Wash the melon and pat dry with a paper towel. Cut the fruit into 4 pieces and remove the seeds from one of them, which is necessary for the recipe. Then peel it, and cut the pulp into slices about 1 cm thick.

2. Place the butter in a frying pan, which is placed on the stove. Turn on medium heat and melt.

3. When the butter is completely melted, add the melon to fry.

4. Fry it until light golden brown and turn it over to the same consistency. In principle, fried melon can be eaten on its own, it is also quite tasty.

5. But if you use it to make a pie, in the form of jam for pancakes or other dishes, then use a blender or a crush to chop it to a puree consistency.

6. Cool the finished melon puree dessert and you can pour it over cheesecakes or pancakes, use for filling in pies and pies, or just grease cookies and use with fresh tea or coffee.
See also a video recipe on how to quickly make melon puree.