Baby bananas - how do they differ from simple ones?

Baby bananas - how do they differ from simple ones?
Baby bananas - how do they differ from simple ones?

Where did Baby Banana come from? How are they different from regular bananas? And what kinds of bananas are there in the world? You will be surprised, but there are more than 400 varieties of bananas in total. Basically, they are divided into "sweet" and "starchy". Varieties of sweet bananas are eaten raw for dessert, while varieties of starchy ones are fried, boiled, dried, steamed, even cooked with fish, meat, and rice. And beer is made from them. The flesh of "starchy" bananas is dense and tastes a bit like potatoes.

Baby bananas

In addition to common feed yellow bananas, which are presented on the market, you can also find on sale dwarf bananas, which are called differently "Baby bananas", "Sugar bananas", "Bananas baby", "Baby Banana" … The hallmark of these bananas, in addition to their small size, is the yellow flesh with a sweeter taste than plain bananas. Unfortunately, simple feed bananas and bananas - babies - are all that are presented in the range of banana imports.

In the CIS countries, baby bananas are expensive, better than simple ones buy three times more, although they are tastier, healthier and more nutritious. And if you visit Asian countries, for example in Thailand, then they are mainly eaten there. They are very cheap in Tai, as you can see on the main, the first photo has a price tag - 20 baht, this is the whole bundle (they are not sold as a canopy, but in bundles). 20 baht (1 $ = 30 baht) is 20 Russian rubles, or 5, 30 Ukrainian hryvnias. In Ukraine, such bananas are sold at UAH 32-35. per kg.

Red bananas

Red bananas
Red bananas

There is also red bananas … But they appear on sale less often, since they are not able to endure transportation. It's good if you're lucky enough to try them someday. In red bananas, the flesh and skin can vary from red to purple. They are especially good when fried and baked.

There are also bananas and apple flavor … They are called differently Apple bananas … Their distinctive feature is their thin green peel. And they are slightly larger than baby bananas (thicker and longer). Of course, it's a pity that such exotic varieties are not so available in the post-Soviet space, but nothing can be done about it. It remains only to choose correctly what is on sale.

What are the features of baby bananas?

As we mentioned above, baby dwarf bananas are very sweet and have a more pronounced taste (higher content of vitamins and microelements than ordinary bananas). Where did they come from?

The dwarf banana plant has been cultivated for a very long time. This plant was brought by the legionnaires of the Roman Empire from the tropics. And it was named in honor of Anthony Musa, who was the physician of Octavian Augustus (the first Roman emperor). Dwarf bananas, in turn, are divided into another 40 species, but they are already common in the tropics.

Can dwarf bananas be grown at home?

They adapt well and they don't care about the heat. They are able to grow at normal room temperature, not lower than 15 degrees.

Currently, only one species is widely known - the dwarf Canary banana, brought for the first time in 1829 from China. Grown in Florida and the Canary Islands.

In the house, this miniature variety can only be grown in a well-lit place. Another growing method is the hydroponic method, which only applies to mature plants originally grown in soil.

The fruits of such bananas are seedless, they can only be propagated by rooted lateral processes. They exist on their own roots and reach up to 150-200 cm. It is better to choose a plant with a new growth, without the presence of brown spots on the edges of the leaves, it is desirable that it be with whole leaves. They must be transported home with great care.

A minimum of care and this plant will take root very well in the house. But you should prepare a lot of space for it so that you can later enjoy the delicate taste of sugar bananas.
