How to use blue hair clay

How to use blue hair clay
How to use blue hair clay

Blue hair clay. What are the beneficial properties, does it have contraindications. Recipes for the best masks for the growth and strengthening of curls. Blue clay is a type of fine-grained sedimentary rock that has found application in many areas of human activity. Along with it, there are clays of a different color palette - black, green, red, etc. But it is blue in the cosmetics industry that is recognized as the most effective. It was formed at the bottom of the Cambrian seas about 500 million years ago from minerals such as kaolinite, spar, limestone, mica and marble. They claim that Cleopatra herself took care of her hair using products from this breed. At the moment, blue clay is actively mined on the Crimean peninsula, and, of course, it is no worse than the one used by the queen of Egypt.

Description and composition of blue clay

Blue clay as a pantry of trace elements
Blue clay as a pantry of trace elements

The breed has a surprisingly rich composition - many types of trace elements and mineral salts are concentrated in it. It contains the following elements per 100 grams:

  • Silicon - 180-775 mg;
  • Calcium - 25-60 mg;
  • Aluminum - 12-40 mg;
  • Manganese - 11-30 mg;
  • Iron - 8-15 mg;
  • Sodium - 9 mg;
  • Zinc - 6-9 mg;
  • Magnesium - 4-8 mg;
  • Potassium - 3-6, 3 mg;
  • Nitrogen - 3-8.5 mg;
  • Chromium - 3-3.8 mg;
  • Phosphorus - 2, 2-2, 5 mg;
  • Molybdenum - 2-3, 8 mg;
  • Copper - 1, 4-3 mg;
  • Nickel - 0.6-1 mg;
  • Silver - 0.3-0.8 mg;
  • Cobalt - 0.08-0.25 mg;
  • Radium - 0, 006-0, 012 mg.

However, it should be noted that the compositional features are affected by the place of extraction of the rock, the information provided is averaged, and more accurate data on the presence of certain elements and their concentration can be found on the packaging in which it is sold.

Useful properties of blue hair clay

Woman with a clay mask on her hair
Woman with a clay mask on her hair

Of course, for a person far from chemistry, it is difficult to understand how all these components can be useful for hair. Well, let's translate into a simpler language.

Blue clay is a whole range of beneficial effects on curls, among the main ones:

  1. Enhanced growth … If you have long dreamed of long hair, blue clay masks are a great way to get closer to your dream. Silicon, contained in large quantities in the rock, contributes to their enhanced growth.
  2. Preventing hair loss … Iron, in turn, helps to improve blood microcirculation and metabolic processes in the scalp, which means that the hair is provided with better access to nutrients, as a result, the likelihood of excessive hair loss is sharply reduced.
  3. Strengthening hair … Potassium and calcium are one of the most important elements for the health of curls, they comprehensively strengthen them, make them more elastic and voluminous.
  4. Prevention of the development of scalp diseases … Zinc is a good antiseptic, thanks to this property, with regular use of blue sediment products, the likelihood of dandruff, fungal inflammation, increased activity of the sebaceous glands and other scalp diseases is reduced. In the same case, if certain problems already exist, zinc will help eliminate them.
  5. Moisturizing hair … Finally, it is worth mentioning an important property of copper: it moisturizes the strands well, reduces their fragility, and gives a shiny healthy look.

As you can see, blue hair clay is a real medicine; it is difficult to find an equally valuable product in cosmetology for creating and maintaining luxurious hair. It is important to note that the positive influence of the breed extends not only to the strands, but also to the scalp. It helps to treat delicate diseases such as seborrhea, trichophytosis, microsporia, etc.

In addition, it must be said that the healing blue powder is a universal remedy, it can be used for all types of hair, it picks up its "key" for any situation and is suitable even for such cases when the fat content at the roots is increased, and the strands at the ends are completely dry … In this situation, clay products work on two fronts: they normalize the work of the sebaceous glands and moisturize the curls where necessary.

Note! Buying blue clay from one manufacturer or another, you have the opportunity to enhance this or that positive effect. For example, if you are more interested in moisturizing your hair, you should purchase a substance with a high copper content. In the same situation where fast growth is your main concern, look for clay with the highest possible concentration of silicon.

Contraindications to the use of blue hair clay

Woman sneezes with allergies
Woman sneezes with allergies

And, nevertheless, with all the beneficial properties of blue clay, there are a number of contraindications to the use of masks based on it. As we said above, a specific type of hair is not an obstacle to the use of masks, but the presence of one or another disease or a particular feature of the body may become it.

First of all, it is worth mentioning that allergy sufferers need to be careful. With a tendency to allergies, any new product should be introduced gradually, following the reaction of the body, blue clay is no exception.

It is prohibited to use masks in the presence of chronic diseases of the organs of vision and hearing, as well as in osteoporosis, bronchial asthma, skin diseases, open form of tuberculosis. Finally, it is worth noting that even if you are completely healthy, but the applied mask is uncomfortable, it must be washed off immediately. Even though you are not prone to allergies, blue clay may well be the only food to which your body responds with an allergic reaction.

Note! If you are suffering from a serious illness, which we did not mention above, but you have doubts whether it is worth using blue clay products with your problem, be sure to consult with your doctor.

Blue clay hair mask recipes

Since the healing properties of the breed became known for a very long time, you need to understand that a huge number of recipes for how to use blue clay for hair have accumulated. All of them generally have a beneficial effect on the strands and scalp, but also each specific mask, due to additional ingredients, can enhance one or another beneficial property. Below we will look at the various formulations, but before you try them on yourself, try to make a "clean" mask first. Just dilute the blue powder with water to a thick sour cream and apply to the strands - this way you can check if you are allergic to the breed.

Blue Clay with Hair Growth Oils

Burdock oil in bubbles
Burdock oil in bubbles

Blue clay, as we said above, in itself stimulates hair growth, but if you add other ingredients to the mask that also lead to increased strand growth, the visible effect will be achieved faster.

Burdock and castor oil have long been considered one of the best hair growth remedies in folk medicine, let's look at how to properly combine clay with them:

  • Clay and burdock oil mask … This is the simplest recipe - for it, you just need to mix blue clay with burdock oil and apply the resulting mask to your hair. You should have a sour cream consistency, approximate proportions of 1: 1, that is, a tablespoon of dry clay powder must be dissolved in a tablespoon of oil. Of course, burdock oil in this recipe can be easily replaced with castor oil. To enhance the effect, after applying the mask to your hair, you need to put a plastic bag on top and cover your head with a towel. It takes at least half an hour to wear the product. By the way, another way to enhance the therapeutic effect of the mask is to warm it up a little before applying.
  • Clay mask with castor oil and honey … This mask not only promotes accelerated hair growth, but also heals them in every possible way - it is especially good at fighting split ends and brittleness. For cooking, take blue clay powder (1 tablespoon), castor oil (1 tablespoon), yolk (1 egg), honey and lemon (1 teaspoon each). We mix all the ingredients into a homogeneous mass, heat a little and apply to the hair. We cover the head and wear the mask for 30-50 minutes.
  • Mask of blue clay and oils for oily scalp … In the event that you have oily scalp, masks with oils are not a good idea, but if the problem is not too pronounced, you can afford such a remedy, but you need to dilute the oil with water. The mask is prepared as follows: burdock or castor oil (1 tablespoon) and water (1 tablespoon) are added to the powder of blue clay (2 tablespoons). The components are mixed until smooth, and the product is applied to the hair for an hour. Do not forget that to enhance the effect, the mask can be heated and the hair can be wrapped.

Note! Instead of burdock and castor oil, you can use olive oil - it has a great effect on the hair, but for some reason it is undeservedly deprived of attention.

Blue clay with kefir for hair shine

Bottle and glass with kefir
Bottle and glass with kefir

Another excellent folk remedy for hair health is kefir. It is used in many homemade masks, including to enhance the properties of blue clay. Clay and kefir masks have a particularly good effect on the appearance of curls: they turn dull, dry and split ends into shiny, elastic and healthy hair.

Let's take a look at several options for masks:

  1. Clay and kefir mask … The easiest option, as in the case of masks with clay and oils, is to mix the blue powder with kefir in a ratio of about 1: 1 and apply the product to the hair for 20-40 minutes.
  2. Clay mask with kefir and egg … The healing effect can be enhanced by adding an egg to the mask. To do this, you first need to separate the yolk (the protein is not needed), beat it and mix with kefir, and then gradually introduce the powder into the mixture. The mask should be thick enough so that you can conveniently apply it to the strands. It should be worn from 30 minutes to an hour.
  3. Clay mask with kefir and vinegar … This mask provides another additional effect - it fights dandruff well. To prepare the product, mix kefir (100 ml), vinegar (2 tablespoons) and clay (2 tablespoons). The mask will turn out to be liquid, but it will adhere well to the hair. You still need to wear for 20 minutes. The vinegar may tingle a little, this is normal, but if you experience severe discomfort, wash off the mixture immediately.

Note! All these masks will be more effective if they are warmed up before application, and then covered with a bag and a towel. Also note that if you have an oily hair type, it is better to use kefir with a lower percentage of fat.

Hair masks with blue clay and vitamins

Vitamin E capsules
Vitamin E capsules

Finally, another type of very effective blue clay product to consider is a hair strengthening mask with added vitamins. They can be bought, just like clay, in ampoules at the pharmacy. They have a truly healing effect on hair and are used when they need emergency recovery.

Let's take a look at a few vitamin masks:

  • Clay mask with vitamin E (tocopherol) … This vitamin effectively nourishes the hair, but it does not dissolve well in water, and therefore it is better to cook this product in oil. We recommend using flaxseed or almond in this mask. The agent is mixed in the following sequence: first we add vitamin E to the oil, then pour the clay powder. The approximate proportions of oil / clay are 1: 1, tocopherol is added to a standard pharmacy ampoule.
  • Mask with vitamins A and E … Vitamin A as an additional component perfectly moisturizes the hair. Another additional ingredient in the mask will be milk - it will soften the strands well. The mass is prepared as follows: milk (150 ml) is heated, clay (3 tablespoons) is added to it, and then vitamins A and E, one ampoule each.
  • Clay mask with vitamin A and niacin (B3) … Nicotinic acid helps fight hair loss. This mask is very easy to prepare. You need to mix together one ampoule of vitamins, add water in a 1: 1 ratio, and then 30-50 grams of clay.

All masks with vitamins should be infused for 30-50 minutes before application. You can wear them on your head for quite a long time - up to 2 hours.

How to use blue hair clay - watch the video:

Blue clay is a natural cosmetic product that has a powerful beneficial effect on the hair and scalp. Masks based on it strengthen the strands, promote their growth, nourish, give strength, shine. In general, the benefits of curl remedies from the healing blue breed are very, very wide. The healing effect is enhanced by adding certain components to the masks. However, for all the usefulness, one must not forget about the contraindications, so be sure to read them before applying a blue clay mask to the strands.
