How to use green face clay?

How to use green face clay?
How to use green face clay?

Composition and useful properties of green clay. Does this natural substance have contraindications? The best recipes for face masks based on green clay. How to use them correctly, real reviews.

Green clay is a natural remedy that is very popular in facial skin care due to its rich composition, numerous beneficial properties, high efficiency and versatility in use, and is included in the list of the best products for maintaining female beauty. Read more about the effects and options for using green clay for the face at home.

What is green clay?

Green clay for the face
Green clay for the face

In the photo there is green clay for the face

The use of green clay in cosmetology goes back centuries of successful practice. Hippocrates and Avicenna spoke about its beneficial properties. In ancient times, using this remedy, it was possible to fight joint pain, relieve symptoms of poisoning, and treat skin diseases. The famous Cleopatra knew about the properties and uses of green clay, used products based on it to make the skin soft and elastic. And today green clay is better known in cosmetology, in particular in the care of oily and problem skin, elimination of skin imperfections, be it acne, blackheads, greasy shine.

Green clay is an excellent cosmetic product with a unique composition. The iron oxide present in it is responsible for the color. Moreover, the richer the color of the substance, the more profound the effect of green clay on the face.

In addition, the product has a rich mineral composition, which determines its beneficial properties:

  • Silicon … The substance contains about 50% of this mineral. Thanks to its antiseptic effect, it helps the skin to recover faster, and to heal the damage. Silicon is involved in the synthesis of collagen, so the use of green clay helps to rejuvenate and slow down the aging process.
  • Aluminum … This substance is valued for its high bactericidal properties, promotes drying of the skin, heals various damage to the epidermis well, and normalizes the acid balance.
  • Zinc … Mineral in green clay that enhances skin regeneration. Fights various defects of the dermis, be it acne, acne, normalizes the sebaceous glands and the process of sebum production.
  • Silver … Mineral with great natural strength and powerful cosmetic effect. It is a natural antiseptic, so masks based on green clay are good at killing microbes and removing toxic substances from the skin. As a result of the use of the agent, the recovery processes occurring in the dermis are activated.
  • Calcium … A substance that dries the skin and heals wounds, minor injuries, cracks. Green clay face masks help to lighten age spots, even out its color.
  • Magnesium … Mineral, which is responsible for the normalization of intracellular metabolic processes. The substance is necessary for the skin, as it participates in the production of elastin, which in turn increases the elasticity of the skin.

Also in the composition of green clay, other minerals are found that are no less useful for the skin of the face - phosphorus, copper, selenium.

Useful properties of green clay for the face

Facial skin enhancement with green clay
Facial skin enhancement with green clay

Taking into account the rich composition, the numerous beneficial properties of green clay are not at all surprising. Most often it is used to care for problem skin, oily and combination types.

As a result of the application of green clay, the following cosmetic defect is achieved:

Elimination of facial puffiness;

  • Reducing the oily skin, normalizing the sebaceous glands and sebum production;
  • Drying acne, accelerating their healing;
  • Fight against black dots;
  • Elimination of areas of inflammation and redness;
  • Fight against peeling of the skin;
  • Cleansing clogged pores;
  • Antiseptic action;
  • Matting the skin;
  • Improvement, leveling of the tone of the face, lightening of pigmentation, spots after acne;
  • Skin rejuvenation, anti-wrinkle;
  • Face contour lifting, lifting effect;
  • Skin toning;
  • Nutrition, moisturizing dry skin;
  • Restoration of normal metabolism in the cells of the dermis;
  • Normalization of blood circulation in the skin;
  • Acceleration of the regeneration process of the epidermis.

Another useful property of green clay is absorbing. It is good to use it as a scrub for light peeling, while the product deeply cleanses the skin not only from dirt and dead cells, but also from toxic substances and toxins.

In addition, green clay is good for the scalp, as it improves blood flow and, accordingly, cell nutrition, helps with skin diseases.

The benefits of green clay and the results of its use can be appreciated after the first procedure. The condition of the skin improves in general, its elasticity increases, it acquires velvety and tenderness. As such, the product is a worthy competitor to expensive procedures for skin rejuvenation, which are carried out in beauty salons. However, at the same time, green clay is a completely natural remedy that does not contain harmful impurities, universal, easy to use, effective and affordable.

Green clay for the skin of the face is used alone in its pure form and as an ingredient in mask recipes that include the use of other components. The combination of the substance with other products allows you to increase the cosmetic effect of the procedure.

Note! Green clay is able to penetrate not only into the upper layers of the dermis, but also deep into the lower ones, while activating metabolic processes in all layers.

Contraindications and harm of green clay

Couperose as a contraindication to the use of green clay
Couperose as a contraindication to the use of green clay

Green clay is a natural product that has practically no contraindications and does not cause side effects. Its use does not provoke allergies, since the substance has antiallergenic properties.

However, it is important to check for negative reactions to the green clay mask, as it includes other ingredients that may be less safe for the face and may cause allergies. To do this, apply a small amount of the working compound to the inner fold of the wrist or the skin behind the ear. After 20 minutes, the reaction is assessed, if there are no undesirable manifestations (redness of the skin, rashes, itching), you can use the agent as directed.

To exclude possible negative consequences, it is undesirable to use masks based on green clay for sensitive skin types. The same recommendation applies to the presence of rosacea on the face. Also, do not apply the composition to the area around the eyes.

Features of the use of green clay for the face

How to apply green face clay
How to apply green face clay

To get the maximum effect from using green clay, it is important not only to know, but also to adhere to the rules for using the product.

Some recommendations related to its use:

  • Choose a high quality substance, you can buy green clay at a pharmacy or specialty stores.
  • When preparing face masks based on cosmetic green clay, do not use metal utensils: the chemical elements of the composition will react, the substance is oxidized, and you will not be able to preserve the benefits of the product. Stir with wooden utensils.
  • Prepare the mask just before the procedure in order to apply a fresh mixture that stores all the beneficial substances. Also keep in mind that clay is a substance that dries quickly.
  • Use mineral water to dilute dry green clay powder. It can also be replaced with thawed one. Dilute the substance until the consistency of thick sour cream is reached. As a rule, this will require adding 1-2 tablespoons of water. In any case, it should be cool, as hot clay loses its beneficial properties when used.
  • Before making a mask with green clay, like any other, you need to remove makeup and cleanse your face from impurities. To achieve a greater cosmetic effect, steam the skin beforehand, so the beneficial substances contained in green clay will be absorbed more efficiently. You can also use a scrub before applying the mask.
  • To achieve the best effect, you can slightly warm the mixture, but not more than 40 ° C. To do this, use a water bath.
  • The mask, made on the basis of green clay, is applied to the entire face, excluding the area around the eyes, since the skin is especially sensitive here. In addition, the product can be used pointwise or on problem areas, for example, in the T-zone: as a rule, this is how green clay is used for acne, acne, blackheads.
  • If the mask dries very quickly and tightens the face too much, then you can collect water in a bottle with a diffuser and spray over the applied mixture.
  • After applying the mask, it is recommended to take a horizontal position, since when the green clay dries, it pulls the skin down strongly, and the purpose of the cosmetic procedure is to improve the condition of the dermis.
  • Since green clay can dry very quickly, skin tightness is possible. To get rid of this feeling, you can spray your face with water. It is important to avoid crusting.
  • The mask is removed carefully, and then it is imperative to moisturize the skin using a cream suitable for the skin type.

It is important to adhere to a certain duration of the procedure, taking into account the type of skin:

  • If your skin is dry and thin, the exposure time of the green clay mask should not exceed 5-7 minutes. Enough one session in 7-10 days.
  • With a normal type of skin, you can increase the duration of exposure to the product and wear the mask for 10-12 minutes. The procedures are carried out once every 5-7 days.
  • To care for problematic, oily skin, procedures are carried out more often, since such a dermis needs more frequent cleansing - 1 time in 3-4 days. The exposure time of the mask is also increased: the mask is washed off 15-20 minutes after application.
  • If the recipe with green clay contains nutritious ingredients such as fat sour cream, avocado, oils, the procedure is extended by 5 minutes. It is good to do such nourishing masks 2-3 times a week.

Green clay face mask recipes

Green clay face mask
Green clay face mask

When using green clay for facial skin and preparing masks, they are enriched with additional components. It is good to add essential and vegetable oils, decoctions made on the basis of medicinal herbs, aloe vera extract, freshly squeezed lemon juice, bee products into the composition.

The most effective homemade green clay mask recipes:

  1. For oily skin … Mix 10 g of green clay with 5 g of honey. Add the same amount of freshly squeezed lemon juice and drip with tea tree oil. Next, the mass is kneaded until it acquires the consistency of thick sour cream. If necessary, the mixture can be diluted using water. The exposure time of the mask is 15 minutes.
  2. For aging skin … Also, such a mask will help revitalize the dry type dermis, get rid of wrinkles, and slow down the aging process. To prepare the composition, you will need 50 ml of hot milk. Dip a freshly picked cabbage leaf into a container with it and wait until it swells and becomes soft. Then you can grind it until it reaches the gruel, into which green clay is introduced in the amount of 1 tsp. The mixture is diluted with the same amount of mineral water and thoroughly mixed. Apply on the face and wear the mask for 10-15 minutes.
  3. For problem skin … The mask will help to cope with skin imperfections - acne, acne, blackheads, eliminate oily sheen in problem areas, and normalize the sebaceous glands. To prepare the product, you only need green clay and purified water, which is used to dilute the dry powder until the consistency of thick sour cream is reached. The exposure time of the agent is 15 minutes.
  4. For dry skin … A nourishing mask is prepared on the basis of 2 tablespoons of green clay. Also, 1 teaspoon of avocado pulp is introduced into the recipe, which must first be kneaded. If not, you can use olive oil. The mixture is diluted with water to obtain the consistency of thick sour cream, and a couple of drops of almond oil are dripped there. Maintain the mass on the face for about 20 minutes.
  5. For normal skin … The product qualitatively cleanses the face from impurities and exfoliated skin cells. For its preparation, take 2 tablespoons. green clay and mix with 1 tbsp. oat flour. To dilute the composition, you will need purified water. Knead until the composition is homogeneous. The exposure time of the mask is 15 minutes.
  6. Acne mask … It is equally effective against acne and any inflammation. To prepare the remedy, you will need to first prepare a decoction of chamomile. Dilute them with 20 g of green clay. The tool carefully treats problem areas of the face, leave it for 15 minutes. After applying the green clay acne mask, it is recommended to use lavender lotion.
  7. Against acne … You can also use the product if you have acne and red spots left after they have healed. To prepare the mask, prepare 0.5 tsp. green clay, which should be diluted with sour cream until the lumps dissolve and the consistency of sour cream is reached. Then a couple of drops of rosemary oil are dripped into the mass. Such a remedy for skin imperfections is used pointwise and kept for 15 minutes.
  8. For skin rejuvenation … To prepare the composition, you will need two teaspoons of green clay and one white one. Mix the powder and dilute with 50 ml of purified water. Next, one teaspoon of peach oil is added to the mixture. You can also use grape oil instead. The mass is thoroughly mixed until it becomes homogeneous and the lumps dissolve. The exposure time of the mask is one third of an hour.
  9. For a glowing skin … This mask is suitable for all types of skin care. To prepare the composition, you will need 1 cucumber, which must be chopped on a fine grater. To the resulting gruel add 4 teaspoons of green clay and mix thoroughly. Then 2 teaspoons of dry yeast are introduced into the mixture and the mass is kneaded until uniformity is achieved. The treatment time for the radiance mask is 25 minutes. Warm water is used to remove the mixture.
  10. To eliminate oily sheen … This mask is suitable for the care of oily and problem skin types. To prepare it, mix 20 g of green clay with 5 ml of freshly squeezed juice of the aloe plant. Add lavender oil to the resulting composition - just a couple of drops. You can use grapefruit or bergamot instead. The exposure time of the mask is until it dries.
  11. For nourishing oily skin … To prepare a vitamin composition, you need jojoba oil. Use it instead of water. When diluting green clay with jojoba oil, keep a 2 to 1 ratio. Stir until you achieve a uniform consistency and the lumps dissolve. Next, drip bergamot ether into the mixture. The exposure time of the mask with green clay is 10 minutes.
  12. For drying acne … In addition, the mask has antiseptic properties. To prepare the composition, you will need 2 tbsp. l. green clay and pre-whipped chicken yolk. Also add half a teaspoon of baking soda to these ingredients and dilute with two tablespoons of water heated to 40 ° C.
  13. Against acne marks … Such a composition will help get rid of the marks left by acne and pimples. To prepare the mask, you will need 1 tbsp. l. green clay. The same amount of kiwi pulp, previously mashed, is added to it. After mixing, pour in a teaspoon of vegetable oil and dilute with a tablespoon of water.

Real Reviews of Green Clay Face Masks

Reviews of the green clay face mask
Reviews of the green clay face mask

Reviews of face masks made with green clay are mostly positive. They help to improve the condition of the skin as a whole, get rid of unaesthetic defects in the form of acne, acne, blackheads. Also, such formulations tighten the oval of the face, remove fine wrinkles, slow down the aging process, and remove the greasy shine. But this result can be achieved only if you choose a recipe for your skin type and use the product correctly. Here are some indicative reviews about green clay masks.

Alena, 35 years old

I have sensitive skin, so I always prepare face masks myself, as it immediately reacts to store-bought ones with a rash. Of all the recipes, the composition based on green clay and cucumber suits me best. If you want a radiant complexion, add more dry yeast as you prepare. The result will not be long in coming: guaranteed after the first procedures, the complexion improves, it acquires a radiant appearance, and heals in general. Also, as a bonus, you can get rid of skin imperfections.

Olga, 31 years old

During pregnancy, I decided to switch to completely natural cosmetics, and for this there is only one option - to prepare cosmetics on my own. For a long time I drew attention to different types of clay, they have a rich composition and numerous useful properties. Reviews of green clay are some of the best. I decided to replenish my reserves with this remedy, I will fight the oily sheen, which also began to intensify during pregnancy.

Elena, 23 years old

Since adolescence I have been suffering from increased oily skin. And if you have a similar problem, I can recommend one wonderful remedy - green clay. It normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands, the production of sebum, removes the greasy shine, helps to achieve a matting effect. It is good to combine it with another useful natural remedy with a rich composition and outstanding beneficial properties - aloe juice, which should be used immediately after squeezing out the leaf of the plant. Also, a cleansing mask with green clay and aloe vera removes acne and blackheads.

How to use green clay for the face - watch the video:
