Vibrating platform for weight loss

Vibrating platform for weight loss
Vibrating platform for weight loss

Find out what kind of weight loss platform it is, how to use the vibration platform in practice and what advantages and disadvantages it has. Increasingly, in fitness centers, you can find vibration platforms for weight loss. This is due to the growing popularity of this simulator, but for many people it continues to be a mystery. However, manufacturers of sports equipment continue to actively increase the production of vibration platforms, and they are also found in abundance on various Chinese online trading platforms.

It should be admitted that the very idea of training on an unstable platform is not new and has been actively discussed in fitness circles for about a dozen years. Since the vibration platform for weight loss in most cases is something new and incomprehensible for domestic sports fans, a lot of rumors and myths have appeared around this simulator. Today we will deal with this issue.

Vibrating platform for weight loss: what is it?

Three vibrating platforms on a white background
Three vibrating platforms on a white background

First, it is worth finding out how the vibrating platform for weight loss is arranged. As the name implies, the device is a platform of a certain size, vibrating at a frequency of 60 hertz. Moreover, the amplitude of these fluctuations can reach up to ten millimeters. Note that professional models are equipped with additional resistance bands for fitness activities.

On sale you can find vibrating platforms for practicing at home. They are small in size and can be easily placed in a closet. Professional devices are equipped with computers, and these are the ones most often purchased by fitness centers. It is quite obvious that their cost is much higher.

If you decide to purchase a vibrating platform for weight loss, then you must remember that there are two categories of simulators on the market:

  1. Power plate - this company is the undisputed leader in this market segment, and it is its products that are used by show business stars, professional athletes, etc.
  2. US Medica VibroPlate - this category should include the products of various Chinese companies.

According to advertisements from the manufacturer of the machine, a 10-minute session on the platform, combined with or without simple exercise, equals an hour of regular exercise in calories burned. It is assumed that shaking the body barks an opportunity to achieve a similar effect as with strength training.

During training on the simulator, the muscle fibers receive microtrauma, similar to resistance training. Since the body must repair all these damages, the energy expenditure increases and the person gets rid of fat. Recall that this is according to the official statements of the manufacturer of the vibration platform for weight loss. Scientists have not done research in this direction, and there is no evidence of the effectiveness of this type of simulators.

How does the weight loss vibrating platform work?

Group lesson on vibrating platforms
Group lesson on vibrating platforms

When a person steps on the machine and activates the required program, the vibrations of the working platform are transmitted to the body. As a result, the following happens:

  • Due to vibration, muscle fibers are actively contracted, approximately several times within a second.
  • The structure of the cartilage tissue improves and the joints become more flexible.
  • Under the influence of vibration, blood vessels expand, which accelerates blood flow and has a positive effect on the quality of tissue nutrition.
  • The processes of endorphin synthesis are activated and the psychoemotional state of a person improves.

This is just a part of the positive effects that marketers of manufacturing companies promise us. As we said, studies on the effectiveness of vibrating platforms for weight loss have not been conducted. To establish the truth of the statement of the creators of the simulator, it is necessary to turn to the physiology of our body.

It is worth agreeing with the fact that adipose cell structures can be destroyed by vibration. However, once released, the fatty acids must be oxidized. Otherwise, they return to the cells of the adipose tissue. And this will happen immediately after the completion of your lesson. It should also be noted that most of the vibration transmitted by the platform will be trapped in the legs.

From this we can conclude that using only one vibration platform for weight loss is clearly not enough. This simulator cannot fully replace classic workouts. The statement that 10 minutes of classes on the platform is commensurate with an hour of training is seen as a publicity stunt. If you want to lose weight with this device, then you cannot do without exercise. It should also be said that with all the advantages of the vibration platform for weight loss, frequent training can only do harm. Any vibrations cause vibrations of internal organs. If you are exposed to this effect for a long time, then serious troubles can arise.

The benefits and real properties of the slimming vibration platform

The girl stands with one foot on the vibration platform
The girl stands with one foot on the vibration platform

Once again, we remind you that there is no exact data on the indicator of the delayed effect of increasing oxygen consumption by the body. By and large, scientists cannot say for sure how much metabolic processes will accelerate after using the simulator, and whether this will happen at all.

However, a group of employees at one of the universities did a little research. All subjects were divided into three groups:

  • 1st group - three times a week for half an hour, simple swings and several single-joint movements were performed.
  • 2nd group - according to a similar scheme, training was carried out at home, and the movements were the simplest.
  • 3rd group - worked on a vibration platform under the supervision of a trainer.

As a result, the scientists stated the fact that all participants in the experiment were able to slightly improve physical performance and get rid of fat. In addition, thanks to the use of the vibration platform, the results were better in comparison with home training. Someone probably thought that an excellent means of dealing with excess weight had been found, but not everything is so simple.

We have already said that frequent exercise will harm you, not benefit. In addition, two important nuances should be taken into account:

  • The study did not compare vibrating to the most effective workout for burning fat - basic strength movements combined with a cardio session.
  • The subjects were not selected in accordance with the training experience, and this is quite important for the purity of the experiment, because the mechanics of movements are as close as possible to ideal in those people who have previously been involved in sports.

Is it possible to lose weight with a vibrating platform?

Two girls are engaged on vibration platforms
Two girls are engaged on vibration platforms

If you have no idea what the concept of "functional exercise" means, then it is worth starting training under the supervision of an experienced trainer. Most often, a set of certain exercises is performed on the platform, for example, squats, lunges, push-ups, lifting dumbbells to the chest, etc. Actually, there are a lot of options, but the general meaning is that it is necessary to perform strength exercises for half an hour.

Do not think that this is very easy, if only for the following reasons:

  1. Platform instability is not the best way to teach a beginner athlete how to perform a movement. The constant vibration will make it difficult for you to concentrate at work, it will be difficult to follow the sensations. Arising in the hip and knee joints. In addition, cheap platforms are small in size and if the girl has long legs, then squatting will be extremely inconvenient.
  2. To perform lunges, you must be able to stabilize the body, otherwise the risk of injury increases. When one leg is placed on the vibration platform for weight loss, there is a high risk of movement of the knee joint to the sides, which must be avoided in any way.
  3. The situation is similar with push-ups. If you don't know how to stabilize your shoulder joints, you can get hurt.

From all of the above, we can conclude that before using the vibration platform, it is necessary to master the technique of strength exercises well. Any trainer with sufficient knowledge will tell you the same. He will also remind you of the importance of nutrition. As a result, we were again at the beginning of our conversation. If you want to lose weight, exercise and put together the right nutritional program.

Harm and contraindications to training on a vibration platform

A girl makes a side lunge on a vibrating platform
A girl makes a side lunge on a vibrating platform

We have already partially touched upon the potential dangers of training on this simulator. Among other things, there are a number of contraindications. In these cases, it is strictly forbidden to use a vibrating platform for weight loss:

  1. Recently undergone surgery - so that the stitches do not come apart, you cannot stand on the simulator until they are completely healed.
  2. Lactation and pregnancy period - it is quite understandable that due to vibrations, placenta detachment and subsequent miscarriage can occur. After giving birth, you should refrain from using the machine for at least three months.
  3. Bypass surgery - if this procedure was carried out, then the platform will nullify all its positive aspects.
  4. Epilepsy - under the influence of vibration, there is a high risk of an attack.
  5. Artificial organs - and again vibration is to blame, which can lead to complete organ failure.
  6. Prostheses - they should be removed before starting the lesson.
  7. The presence of metal elements in the body - During the first two months, there may be damage to soft tissue or bone structures.
  8. Diabetes - with high physical exertion, the concentration of sugar in the blood changes sharply.
  9. Inflammation and high body temperature - for any diseases for which heating cannot be used, including local heating.
  10. Osteoporosis with T-bal from four and above - fragile bones cannot withstand vibration.
  11. Postponed heart attack or stroke - after these diseases, as well as if you have been diagnosed with thrombosis, it is strictly forbidden to use the vibration platform.
  12. Stones - Under the influence of vibration, stones can break off and clog the channels in the gallbladder or kidneys.
  13. Hernia - possible aggravation of a person's condition.
  14. Periods and migraines - in order not to cause profuse blood loss or new attacks of headache, refuse to work on the simulator.
  15. Retinal problems - due to vibration, the retina can flake off, leading to complete blindness.
  16. Skin ailments - the patient's condition may worsen.

Everyone decides for himself about the need to use this type of sports equipment. However, first you need to master the technical nuances of basic strength exercises. It is highly likely that, having started to train according to the classical scheme, then it would not even occur to you to use a vibration platform for weight loss.

How to train on a vibration platform at home, see below:
