How to deal with the loss of a loved one

How to deal with the loss of a loved one
How to deal with the loss of a loved one

Loss of a loved one and its consequences. This article will offer recommendations for managing depression after a tragedy in life. The loss of a loved one is always a tragedy for those who appreciated the attention and love of a given individual. Only extremely callous people or convinced cynics will be able to treat the voiced trouble calmly and judiciously. You should figure out all the possible options for how to deal with this.

Reasons for the loss of a loved one

Divorce as a cause of the loss of a loved one
Divorce as a cause of the loss of a loved one

Each of us has lost something in our lives: a valuable thing, necessary information and even our own conscience. This creates a feeling of discomfort and a feeling of outright annoyance at the fact. When it comes to losses of a personal character, then in this case it is worth talking about the following reasons for the grief that has come to a person:

  • Disappointment in loved ones … To forgive a person dear to himself is real only if he is aware of the full severity of the deed. In the case of a complete reluctance of introspection on the part of the guilty person, reconciliation is out of the question. Mutual accusations will constantly grow, like a snowball, which over time will make loved ones strangers to each other for a rather long period of time. The worst option in this situation is to part forever.
  • Betrayal of a loved one … Disappointment can still be forgiven over time by starting active work on the renewal of previous relationships. In the event of betrayal by a previously close person, the situation will be much worse. An awkwardly spoken word will not do much harm and will not cause the development of public resonance about the immoral behavior of a loser. However, the obvious betrayal is very difficult not to notice when the information voiced by ill-wishers becomes tangible to consumers to disgustingly.
  • Betrayal of the second half … In this case, it is worth noting the fact that even people who truly love each other are often not able to pass such a test with a positive result for all interested characters. Not every person will suffer physical betrayal from the subject who sunk into his soul. Consequently, the credibility of the cheater is undermined, leading to the end of the existing relationship.
  • Slander and slander … Very often we become led by people when they whisper sweetly in our ears. Overly emotional persons are ready to believe anyone, if at the same time (as it seems to them) their honor and dignity are affected. For especially suspicious personalities, the imagination will immediately provide a picture of the betrayal of a loved one in the most unhappy, but eloquent colors. As a result, through your own frivolity, you can lose a loved one just because of idle speculation.
  • Divorce … Not only betrayal and slander can destroy stable family relationships. Divorce is the final instance of any marriage in which people have failed to come to a common solution. In such a couple, there may even be love and a few adorable children, but stubborn people rarely hear anyone other than themselves and their ambitions.
  • Death of a loved one … In this case, it is worth talking about a real human tragedy, when the whole world fades before our eyes. We can always forgive the living when we want to, but we can never bring the dead back. Death is the end of all illusions and dreams, because after it there is only one landmark in the form of the word “nothingness”.
  • Lack of information … In this case, I am reminded of the Gone Girl movie starring the famous actress Sarah Bullock. In this case, we are talking about a real human drama, when you lose a loved one for yourself under the most mysterious circumstances. Confusion can break the life of even a very strong spirit people.

Important! For all the reasons voiced, you should take a closer look at the behavior of your loved one, who may subsequently commit rather inappropriate actions. At best, he will become dangerous for himself, and at worst - for other innocent people.

The main signs of a person after the loss of a loved one

Aggressiveness as a sign of the loss of a loved one
Aggressiveness as a sign of the loss of a loved one

It is very often important to help people who are starting to plunge into a psychological vacuum. The loss of loved ones and loved ones is a test that not everyone is able to cope with.

Such personalities need the support of others, and they can be calculated by the following criteria:

  1. Closure and emotional stress … Having lost a loved one, people in most cases withdraw into themselves, thus protecting their psyche. This state is very striking, especially when the problematic individual used to be a joker and the soul of the company. The famous actor Keanu Reeves, who brilliantly played in the cult film "The Matrix", leads the life of a hermit. In his case, one can observe a classic example of the presence of evil fate in the fate of a person. Having lost an unborn child and then his beloved woman, the actor closed in on himself. Living more than modestly with fantastic fees, he invests fabulous sums in cancer rehabilitation centers. Dmitry Shepelev has a similar situation in Russian show business. After the loss of Zhanna Friske, he endured attacks from the press and relatives of his beloved for a very long time, but did not contact anyone. And only a year later he found a way out of his pain - he wrote a book about their joint struggle with the disease, feelings and experiences.
  2. Laughter through tears … Everyone reacts to a stressful situation in their own way, so one should not be surprised at the loss of a loved one hysterical behavior. When you are betrayed in your immediate environment, it always unsettles. Trying to appear strong, an individual with a broken heart tries to put on a calm air. He tries to joke, which looks very unnatural and far-fetched.
  3. Change of the usual way of life … The loss of a loved one is definitely the introduction of an element of disharmony into the usual life of the grieving person. In this case, the reason for the departure of the dear subject is not important, because the final point has been set on a certain segment of the life path. Consequently, a morally traumatized person may feel disgusted with what previously brought him joy.
  4. Strange visions and juxtapositions … In the event of the death of a loved one, some people begin to see what others cannot observe. In the crowd of ordinary people, the sufferers are ready to see the silhouette of the deceased and even smell his favorite perfume. All this seems crazy for those who have not experienced the bitterness of loss in their lives.
  5. Constant guilt … Even in everyday conversation, it is possible to identify a subject who has experienced the loss and death of a person. As a rule, such people torment themselves with groundless accusations of insufficient love in the past for an individual who has left this world. For them, self-flagellation becomes the meaning of life, because it makes it easier to survive the acute pain of the loss of a dear person.
  6. Aggressive behavior … It's no secret that many people drown their pain from the loss of a loved one in alcohol. For some sufferers, one scheme they know also works: you are alive and happy - he (she) left (left) me - unfair, painful. With this approach to the created life situation, a person begins to behave in an elementary way towards other people.
  7. Absent-mindedness and awkward actions … A person who has experienced stress begins, as it were, to re-adapt to his usual rhythm of life. All his actions become chaotic, which leads to the thought of an existing panic in the grieving worldview. In this case, we will not recognize the former clever girl who, with a snap of her fingers, solved any problem.
  8. Exaltation … All of us in childhood believed in miracles, because human nature is always drawn to something light and fabulous. After the loss of a loved one, some people begin to attach great importance to those things that were previously skeptical. At this time, the grieving person can become an easy prey for all sorts of sects and pseudo-Christian organizations.
  9. Prolonged state of shock … This phenomenon is the most difficult consequence of the tragedy among the above signs of a sufferer. In such a case, a person cannot switch to any other life factors, completely dissolving in grief. Friendly conversation and support in this situation will not help, because the self-destruction mechanism of the victim's personality is on and actively functioning.

Note! A person in grief after the loss of a loved one is a time bomb that can explode at any moment. Psychologists strongly recommend taking a closer look at such people in your environment until the moment when they can harm themselves or others.

Ways to eliminate depression with the loss of a loved one

With such a problem, you need to unequivocally fight, because its consequences can be the most unpredictable. A person who respects himself and clearly sees his successful future must make every effort to get out of this vicious circle.

Independent actions after the loss of a loved one

Solitude as a way out of depression
Solitude as a way out of depression

Help with the loss of a loved one on your own is as follows:

  • Self-discipline … In this case, the thought suggests itself that it is easier said than done. However, a person is designed in such a way that he can completely control his emotions. To hide behind the peculiarities of one's temperament is an open weakness, because only mental illness justifies an individual who has fallen into a prolonged hysterics. I must say for myself clearly and harshly: time heals, and I'm not the first to experience this.
  • Self-hypnosis … At the same time, I immediately recall the excellent expression that if the bride leaves for another, then it is not known who is lucky. This laconic conclusion contains a great philosophical meaning. If the loss of a loved one is directly related to betrayal on his part, then you should not regret the loss. The world is full of open and honest people who can brighten up the loneliness of even the most desperate sufferer.
  • Isolation from society … Some skeptics will begin to resent the voiced recommendation, considering the best solution to the problem of finding the victim among a large number of people. All this is excellent only in the second phase of an individual being in a stressful state after the loss of a loved one. At the very beginning and peak of the problem, he has a keen desire to hide from the whole world, which is worth respecting. After a certain period of time, the grieving person himself will make contact with his close environment, when he is simply ready for this.

Psychological advice for the loss of a loved one

Visit to a psychologist
Visit to a psychologist

Specialists in the field of healing human souls have clearly defined for themselves a system of dealing with the voiced problem:

  1. Wedge wedge method … In case of betrayal and betrayal, this method can work in two ways. The victim of deception is able to find new relationships, but at the same time there is a great risk of starting new problems with previous love battles that have not yet ended.
  2. Planning your own life … A bright future is a perfectly programmed past. At the same time, no one recommends repeating past mistakes, because such actions are unproductive. You should take only the best from the experience of past years and focus on this factor.
  3. Constant appeal of facts … Very often we hear that helping with the loss of a loved one does not tolerate unnecessary memories. Of course, it's not worth tormenting past wounds, but a healthy analysis in this case will not hurt. If you talk about the problem for a long time and fruitfully, then there will be no trace of it over time. Correction: if the situation is controlled by a sane person, and not a theoretician with a wild imagination of a schizophrenic.
  4. Request for help … This type of support for the desperate may seem strange to people with a critical mindset. However, it is precisely the plea for help that can bring the sufferer out of the state of persistent depression. The human soul, which is free from the burden of commercialism, is very often not alien to the mental pain of others. We are all human and we are all human, as the famous quote says. Asking others is not shameful, because someday all of us will be overtaken by grief in the form of the loss of a loved one.

How to cope with the loss of a loved one - watch the video:

Very often, experts give good advice on how to cope with the loss of a loved one. At the same time, it is worth remembering that each of us is always able to rebuff an unexpected blow of fate. Gentleness of character is an excuse for people who initially prefer to give up when they lose loved ones. It is necessary to clearly decide for yourself how to continue to live without a significant object for yourself. Otherwise, the scheme for obtaining the fateful one-way ticket will be irrevocably launched.
