Find out when the temperature rises after exercise and what to do in this situation. Occasionally, athletes may experience fever after exercise. This does not always mean the development of any disease. Under the influence of strong physical exertion, the body is forced to expend a lot of energy, some of which is used to contract muscles, and the rest goes into the environment in the form of heat.
If your temperature after training did not increase significantly and at the same time you feel good, for example, you do not feel sick or there is no feeling of aching joints, then this phenomenon can not be given much importance. To prevent this situation from repeating itself, we recommend slightly lowering the load and dressing less warmly.
Why does the temperature rise after exercise?

To understand why the temperature rises after exercise, there are several situations to consider:
- The load is incorrectly selected - it is characteristic of novice athletes and if such a situation arises, it is necessary to slightly reduce the intensity of the exercise.
- The thyroid gland is excessively active at work - with this disease, the body temperature rises even with normal exertion.
- Neurogenic hyperthermia - in this condition, other disorders are often manifested, for example, vegetative-vascular dystonia.
- Increased concentration of prolactin - this hormone at a high level can cause various disorders in the body.
- You are ill - an infectious or cold disease can make itself felt exactly after the end of the lesson.
Let us remind you that if the temperature rises after exercise, and you also experience other unpleasant symptoms, contact your doctor. Otherwise, nothing terrible happened.
Can you exercise with a high temperature?

If an athlete has caught a cold or contracted a viral disease, then in most cases he is disappointed and does not want to miss the training. Some in a similar state decide to visit the hall and conduct a lesson, which is absolutely impossible to do.
Even with a significant reduction in loads, you will not be able to insure yourself against various complications. It is possible that for some time you will feel good, but by the evening the illness will make itself felt. Remember that the temperature rises even higher after exercise and this can lead to disastrous results.
You can continue classes only after you are completely cured. It is better to lie in bed for a few days and limit physical activity than to get serious complications. If you have a high fever, we strongly recommend that you skip the class and start treatment.
Overtraining symptoms

We have already said that the temperature after training can rise as a result of excessive exercise. In this situation, if you continue to use the same loads, there is a great risk of being overtrained. Many builders are sure that only professionals can overtrain, but they are the ones who can correctly dose the loads. It's another matter for novice athletes who want to get positive results in a short time, and are sure that heavy loads will help them with this. To continually progress, you need to not only train hard, but also give your body plenty of time to recover. This suggests that you should avoid overtraining and now we will look at the most obvious symptoms of this condition.
- The pleasure of training is lost. If you suddenly don't feel like exercising, then this is the first symptom of overtraining. On the other hand, this symptom can be considered very subjective, because it is possible that you are just being lazy.
- You feel exhausted. Now we are talking about a situation where you are really so very tired that you can not continue to train. This immediately affects your sports performance and the previous weights of sports equipment suddenly become unbearable for you or you cannot run at the same speed.
- Irritability increased and a feeling of depression appeared. When these symptoms appear, it is necessary to correctly determine their nature. It is possible that the whole thing is in problems with the family or at work. If at the same time after completing the training you feel better, then it is not a matter of overtraining. But when the situation worsens after class, you should reconsider your loads.
- Sleep is disturbed. This symptom can manifest itself not only in the form of insomnia, but also in an excessive desire to sleep. If the process of waking up to work or training has become a real torture for you, the likelihood of overtraining is extremely high.
- Stop progress or decrease in athletic performance. It is for tracking this process that the training diary is intended. Of course, the training plateau can be caused by other reasons, for example, errors in the training program. But when this symptom appeared along with others, then it is worth giving the body a couple of days of rest.
- Headache. Painful sensations appear for no apparent reason in the morning or evening. In such a situation, you will have to analyze your condition and if you have other symptoms described today, you should take a break. At the same time, with severe headaches, you should visit a doctor, because they can be a symptom of various diseases, and not just overtraining.
- Decreased interest in sex and decreased appetite. If you think that a poor appetite will help you lose weight, and a decrease in interest in having sex speaks of your spiritual enlightenment, then this is a misconception. Food and sex are basic instincts for humans, and at any level of civilization, these needs cannot be ignored.
- Tachycardia appeared. An increase in heart rate is one of the most objective symptoms of overtraining. If the heart rate is elevated in the morning, and also exceeds the usual indicators when using the previous physical activity, then you probably need to rest.
- Muscle pains are constantly felt. Surely you are already accustomed to the burning sensation in the muscles after exercise and do not pay attention to it. However, if aching pains and aches follow you constantly and do not give you the opportunity to relax, then this is a wake-up call.
- Reducing the body's defenses. In order for the body to activate regenerative reactions after training, it needs a large amount of amines. These same substances are also used by the immune system. With overtraining, most of the amine reserves are used for recovery after training and, as a result, the immune system cannot do its job efficiently. This leads to the development of various diseases that you cannot get rid of in any way.
How to bring down the temperature quickly and effectively?

Now we talked about the reasons for the rise in temperature after exercise. If this increase turned out to be significant, then it is necessary to bring down the temperature as soon as possible. However, you must remember that you need to take any action if the temperature reaches or exceeds 38 degrees. If it is below this value, then you do not need to do anything.
Note that many people tolerate temperatures of 38.5 degrees quite normally. However, this is a purely individual indicator. The body temperature rises for a reason during the fight against various diseases. At this moment, antibodies begin to be actively synthesized, the speed of some biochemical processes increases, and some pathogens die. At high temperatures, you need to stay in bed and try to drink as much fluids as possible, but not in large portions. We recommend using still water, compotes, berry juices and cranberry juice. This is necessary to restore water balance, since at high temperatures, fluids are quickly excreted from the body. You also need to increase the heat transfer rate and for this you cannot wrap yourself up. The optimal room temperature is about 20 degrees.
Using a wet wrap can lower your body temperature. Even better results will be obtained if the yarrow tincture is added to the wrapping water. From folk remedies, rubbing with a vinegar solution is very effective. To do this, you need to mix 9% vinegar with water in a ratio of 1 to 5. Rub the resulting solution on the limbs, back and abdomen. You can also use a decoction of mint by applying a wet towel to the locations of the major blood arteries.
If we talk about medicines, then one of the most effective and at the same time safe means is paracetamol. A one-time dosage of this drug is 15 milligrams per kilogram of body weight. However, if you have liver problems, then you need to be careful with the pills. Ibuprofen is also excellent in the fight against high temperatures. A single dose of this remedy is 10 milligrams per kilogram of your body weight. When the temperature has risen above 39 degrees, and you cannot bring it down, be sure to call an ambulance. Remember that a very high temperature is a serious danger to the body.