This article will cover the basic equipment used by powerlifters. Powerlifters now use knee and wrist bandages, a belt, a bench press shirt and jumpsuits for deadlifts and squats. The equipment was originally used to protect athletes from injury. Currently, a bandage and a belt meet these requirements.
But technologies are developing rapidly, which was quickly reflected and the equipment in powerlifting, currently produced, allowed athletes to increase their performance by 50 kilograms on average, and sometimes significantly more. Thanks to this, as well as the almost universal use of steroids at the amateur level, the standards in this sport have increased significantly.
Modern equipment has also raised the spectacularity of the competition. True, the Russian Powerlifting Federation has created a unified standard for equipment. This move by the federation leadership pushed many athletes to move to commercial federations, in which there are standards for equipped athletes and not equipped. It is worth recognizing that at the moment the situation in powerlifting is very serious and it is urgent to take measures to resolve it. But it's time to go directly to the main topic of the article.
Olympic weights and barbells

This equipment is present in any gym. Home practitioners should make sure there is sufficient weight to carry out the Phase 4 exercises. When there is more strength, then she will submit to you. It should be remembered that for this program it is necessary to lift more serious loads in comparison with the previous ones. To ensure safety, it is worth taking care of having a partner who can hedge around the exercise.
Heavy dumbbells

This type of equipment includes everything that was said in the first paragraph. Nowadays “quick-change booms” such as the PowerBlock are a worthy alternative to the traditional barbell. They allow you to save a lot of space and quickly change weight.
Power frame

Powerlifting equipment is no longer conceivable without a power rack, which is a standard gymnastic equipment. When performing exercises, you should always use only safety bars that are installed at the required height so that you do not get serious injury if the bar falls.
Rope (rope) pulley

This equipment is quite expensive and not many people will be able to have it at home. A suitable device with low and high angles of attachment is required, as well as a straight bar. This equipment is available in most rooms.
Pull-up bar

If it was decided to install the crossbar at home, then you should take a responsible approach to the choice of its material and the method of fastening. It must withstand the weight of the athlete and external resistance, in the role of which the weight plates attached to the belt are used.
Horizontal bench and reclining bench

At home, it will be quite enough to have an inclined bench with the ability to adjust.
Chest Support Station

This component that makes up powerlifting equipment is found in many gyms. If it is absent in yours, then it is necessary to replace the exercises where the station is used with others.
Weights for pulling up

It is best to use a standard weight belt for this purpose with a chain that secures the weights.
Nice shoes

Powerlifting shoes have special requirements. First, she must have a low heel. Thanks to this, you can feel the ground, as if walking on it barefoot. You can buy special boots for this sport, now powerlifting equipment includes this. You can also use wrestling shoes. It is worth noting that for some exercises, sneakers with a low rise will be more comfortable. They are great for squats and intense warm-ups.

This equipment is required for some exercises and is found in most gyms. If the expander is required for home use, then two or even three devices with different ohmic balances should be purchased. This is necessary because some exercises require different levels of resistance. It is advisable to purchase resistance bands without handles, for example from Jump Stretch or Iron Woody.

This accessory plays an important role in powerlifting equipment. It is indispensable for particularly difficult exercises, such as deadlifts. It is advisable to purchase a pair of bracelets.
Foam roller

When performing a number of moving exercises without a roller, it will be very tight. They can usually be found at specialized sports equipment centers or online stores. Most popular with athletes are three-foot cylinders. High quality accessories cost over $ 30 per piece.
Square squats

This is nothing more than a regular barbell squat performed with a box under the buttocks. Thanks to the box, you can control the required depth of the squat when the thigh is parallel to the ground. You can either purchase a branded one or adapt a homemade bench for this.

It is an irreplaceable item and must be included in your powerlifting equipment. Thanks to this substance, your hands will always be dry, and this will make it possible to firmly hold on to the bar. You can use ordinary magnesium, which is used by gymnasts. This should be remembered. To use chalk, you should be careful and the field of completion of the training session should be removed after you.

Useful for measuring jump length.
Tennis ball

This simple and common accessory will be needed to prepare for soft tissue work.
You can learn more about the specifics and frequency of using equipment in powerlifting in this video: