Find out which equipment should appear in your home gym first in order to conduct effective workouts. Setting up a gym at home can be tricky if you go about it on a large scale. In accordance with the equipment of the classroom, three classes can be conditionally distinguished:
- Premium class - is equipped with all the exercise equipment and sports equipment necessary for a comfortable exercise. It is quite obvious that the organization of such a hall will require serious financial investments from you.
- Middle class - is equipped only with the necessary equipment and allows for high-quality training.
- Budget class - minimum equipment and to improve the efficiency of classes involves the use of improvised means.
If you are not limited in finances and free space, then you should opt for the premium hall. For most athletes, a mid-range gym is fine. The budget class can only be guided by in a weak financial situation. Let's take a closer look at each home training room class.
Premium home gym

In almost any apartment, you can find a place to create a gym. But if you plan to equip it to the maximum, then you will need a lot of free space. Today we're talking about 5 things you need to work out in your home gym, and as you go through each of the classes, you'll get to know them.
As for the premium class, the number of required types of sports equipment and equipment may be higher. When choosing a place for your own gym, you must use a well-ventilated area. In addition, it is worth taking care of high-quality lighting. Scientists have proven that strength training in low light has an extremely negative effect on the organs of vision.
The minimum distance between the machines and the walls is 30 centimeters. If small children or pets live with you, then they should restrict access to the room to minimize the risk of injury. To ensure good sound insulation, the walls should be covered with cork panels. However, this recommendation is only valid for a room used as a gym.
We also recommend changing the floor covering. Carpet or tufted flooring is best suited for this. If possible, it is also worth increasing the cushioning properties of the floor. However, you will need specialists and additional financial expenses to resolve this issue. There must be one full-length mirror in your room.
If there are mirrored doors near the wardrobe, the hall can be organized close to it and thereby save money. Below we will talk about the most necessary things for training, but you should also take care of various little things, for example, wristbands, jump rope, weights, etc. It is possible that you will not have enough space to store them in the existing cabinets and pantry. In such a situation, you cannot do without an additional rack or shelves. They can be replaced by a wooden box located under the bed.
To make your workouts as enjoyable as possible, you should think about aesthetics. When choosing a color scheme for a gym, dark and harsh tones should be avoided. They can be discouraging and in such a situation training will not be as effective as possible. After preparing the premises, you can think about the choice of sports equipment.
If your task is to correct and then maintain weight, then it is worth using cardiovascular equipment. The most popular among them are treadmills, elliptical trainers, steppers, exercise bikes. When a person sets himself the goal of pumping muscles, then the choice should fall on strength training equipment. But you can't do without barbells and dumbbells in any case. These two shells will help you solve any problem.
If you want to know what 5 things you should have for your home gym workout, then the barbell and dumbbells are sure to be among them. Even in the absence of financial problems, only those people who allocate a whole room for a gym can afford more than one simulator. The most compact among them are exercise bikes and steppers. Although there is a fairly large selection of sports equipment for home use on the market today, it is not always possible to make it as compact as possible.
A middle class gym at home

This option is suitable for most athletes. On average, it will cost from 10 to 20 thousand rubles to equip such a hall. When preparing the premises, attention should be paid only to the most important aspects:
- Flooring.
- Illumination and access to fresh air.
- The presence of a mirror.
We did not mention the observance of security measures, because this is understandable and so. To create a space for intermediate classes, you will definitely need three subjects.

We recommend that you purchase two sets with a set of weights: 0.5, 1, 2.5 and 5 kilos. This will be quite enough for conducting full-fledged classes at the initial level of training. In the future, if you decide to continue to progress the load and grow, you will have to buy heavier discs: from 10 to 15 kilos. Cast dumbbells can also be an option, but more free space will be required to store them.

If you want your home workouts to be as complete as possible, then be sure to get a barbell. You will find several types of bars in sporting goods stores. However, it is worth focusing on a straight line with a diameter of 2.5 centimeters and a length of 1.8 meters. It is quite obvious that without discs the neck will be useless. There are options here as well, and we recommend paying attention to the rubberized pancakes.
They do not emit strong noises when dropped and will not dent the laminate. Such pancakes should be chosen carefully. The coating should not be overly soft or crumbly when pressed. When choosing the weight of the barbell discs, be guided by your capabilities. It makes no sense to collect a large number of disks at once. You can limit yourself at first to two weights of 5 kilos and several to 0. Then, if necessary, you can purchase additional ones.
Bench press

The third item and 5 essentials for your home gym workout is the bench press. We recommend using equipment with a standard width of 23 to 25 centimeters. This is quite enough for making the wiring. The length of the bench should be chosen in accordance with the area of your gym and individual anthropometric indicators.
Among other things, pay attention to the height of the bench. Most often, 40–45 centimeters are enough. The last criterion for choosing this type of sports equipment is the filler material. It is best to use firm types to eliminate negative stress on the spinal column.
We recommend getting a power frame that you can make yourself. This will make you feel confident when working with serious weights. Of course, this type of sports equipment may well not fit into the interior of your premises, but if you are serious about training, then a power frame is worth buying. Other important things to note are the horizontal bar and the pulley block.
Budget gym: 5 things you need to workout

A conversation about such a hall will be meek, because it does not require a lot of equipment to equip it. It is imperative to purchase dumbbells and a barbell. Moreover, they do not have to be new. Used sports equipment is fine for those on a tight budget.
Also, a kettlebell will not be superfluous. Probably, money will not be allocated for the purchase of a bench for the press, and even more so for a power frame. Three stools can be used as a bench. A good imitation of Scott's bench can be a chair, the back of which is wrapped in soft material. If you are planning to create a budget class gym, then you will have to get creative when using improvised items.
What other sports equipment can be useful for girls to work out in a home gym?

Girls can also create their own room in the apartment. To do this, they will need significantly fewer shells. If possible, you should consider purchasing a cardio equipment. Recall that the most compact and affordable is the stepper. Most girls go in for sports to optimize body weight and maintain it. As a result, they may well do without a barbell and bench press. But you can't refuse dumbbells.

A very popular sports equipment among women, which is worth purchasing for training at home. Its main advantage is its high functionality. In your free time, the fitball can be used as a chair. Moreover, this can also become a kind of training, because, unlike a chair, sitting on a fitball is more difficult and you have to balance and thereby make your muscles work.
Skipping rope

This shell is worth buying for men too. In the absence of a cardiovascular machine, a jump rope can be an excellent choice. By working with a skipping rope, you can not only tighten your leg muscles, but also speed up your metabolism. Don't think that jumping rope is easy. The recommended duration of rope lessons for beginners is five minutes. Gradually bring this time to 0.5 hour. You can use the rope to warm up and cool down before the main part of your workout.
Pilates ring

Today Pilates is extremely popular among the fairer sex. It is believed that a metal ring from a beer barrel became the prototype of this projectile. Creating this sport, Joseph Pilates was forced to use materials at hand to create various sports equipment. Of course, modern isotonic rings are much more convenient to use and feature high functionality. With their help, you can pump almost all muscle groups. Moreover, the risks of injury during such classes are zero.
Latex tape

Among all sports equipment considered today, this one is the simplest and most affordable. Only a jump rope can compete with latex tape. But in terms of functionality, the tape is still better. It can be used to strengthen the muscles of the arms, back, legs and trunk. On sale you can find ribbons of three colors, by which you can determine the degree of resistance of the projectile. For beginners, it is enough to use blue. The hardest is lilac, which is suitable for experienced athletes. If you have an average skill level, we recommend using light green latex tape.
What is needed to equip a home gym, and what you can do without, see the following story from Denis Borisov: