Carbohydrates in sports

Carbohydrates in sports
Carbohydrates in sports

Do you know how to underestimate complex carbohydrates and overestimate protein? Recommendations of the iron sports pros, how to compose a diet for gaining mass. Today we can say with complete confidence that the main supplier of energy to our body is a group (and very extensive) of substances called carbohydrates. Athletes consume significantly more energy than ordinary people, and for this reason, the required daily intake of this nutrient for them can be about 800 grams.

Mainly carbohydrates are found in plant foods. This is due to the fact that plants are able to synthesize them from water and carbon dioxide. Carbohydrates provide energy for the functioning of the brain and nervous system, and are also used by the body in the synthesis of various enzymes, immunoglobulins, amines, etc.

Also, you should know that all carbohydrates can belong to one of two groups - simple or complex. Despite all these positive aspects, the body, with an excess of nutrient, is able to convert it into fats. Thus, you need to properly use carbohydrates in sports.

What are simple (fast) carbohydrates?

Simple carbohydrates
Simple carbohydrates

This type of nutrient is found in milk, various fruits, and some vegetables. The main fast carbohydrate is glucose and a constant concentration of this substance must be provided in the body. This allows the cells to fully feed, and the hormone insulin is responsible for the delivery of glucose to the cellular structures.

Any sudden change in glucose concentration causes fatigue in a person. It should also be said that with a sharp increase in glucose concentration, appetite increases, which as a result causes a sharp increase in the level of the substance in the blood. If you want to get rid of body fat, you should always keep this in mind. We will now take a quick look at the main types of basic simple carbohydrates.

  • Fructose. This substance is found in fruits. The amount of fructose in a product can be determined by the degree of its sweetness, the higher this indicator, the more fructose it contains. Since fructose is able to provide cellular structures with energy without attracting insulin, it is recommended for use by people with diabetes.
  • Lactose. This substance is found in milk and dairy products. It can be fully absorbed only if the body has a sufficient amount of the special enzyme lactase. Note that about forty percent of people on the planet experience problems with the assimilation of lactose. In this case, you should use fermented milk products. This is due to the fact that some of the milk sugar in them is in the form of lactic acid.
  • Sucrose. Food sugar is almost 95 percent of this substance and does not contain other nutrients. When the conversation comes about the use of carbohydrates in sports, then you need to be careful with sugar.
  • Maltose. Found in malt, beer, honey and molasses. Compared to sugar, maltose, in addition to carbohydrates, also contains various trace elements, which makes it much more nutritious for the body.

What are complex (slow) carbohydrates?

Complex carbohydrates
Complex carbohydrates

Plants are capable of storing complex carbohydrates in two forms: cellulose and starch. In animals, including humans, complex carbohydrates are stored in the form of glycogen. Almost 80 percent of the slow carbohydrates we get from starch. This substance is found in grains, legumes, and some vegetables, such as potatoes or corn.

Starch begins to be processed by the body already in the oral cavity with the participation of saliva enzymes. After this, the digestive reactions do not stop until the starch is completely broken down into carbohydrates. Glycogen accumulates in the cellular structures of the liver and muscles. Moreover, muscle tissue contains about one percent of glycogen from the total muscle mass. It is this glycogen that is consumed during sports, and the substance in the liver is intended to normalize the concentration of glucose in the blood in the absence of food.

Importance of carbohydrates in sports

Girl with fruits and tape measure
Girl with fruits and tape measure

Any foods containing carbohydrates are fuel for our body. Once processed, the nutrient is converted into glucose, which feeds the brain and nervous system. If the cellular structures of the brain are not provided with a sufficient amount of glucose, then the performance of the organ is sharply reduced, and we begin to feel lethargic and drowsy.

Part of the glucose is stored by the body in the form of glycogen, which is then actively used during training. In sports where endurance is the primary measure of fitness, athletes often consume a variety of carbohydrate sources. This allows them to improve their athletic performance. Carbohydrates are also important in "iron" sports, since the consumption of glycogen in athletes is very high. The more glycogen depot you have, the more intensely you can exercise.

Carbohydrates are also important in sports. To increase muscle mass by only a pound, you need to spend 2.5 thousand calories. This is what carbohydrates are for. When choosing a source of energy, the body always prefers carbohydrates, since it can get clean energy from them as soon as possible.

As a result, by consuming enough carbohydrates, you retain protein compounds, which will then be used to create new muscle fibers. If you are losing weight, then in this situation you need carbohydrates. To activate the fat burning processes, you need a catalyst, the role of which is played by carbohydrates.

For more on carbohydrates in sports, see here:
