GHRP-6: peptide for the secretion of GHRP

GHRP-6: peptide for the secretion of GHRP
GHRP-6: peptide for the secretion of GHRP

The peptide GHRP-6 increases the synthesis of growth hormone. Learn about the features of the use of the substance. Pharmacological features and dosage of GHRP-2 secretion peptide. GHRP-6 is a stimulatory peptide for GHRP secretion. The drug is produced in an injectable form. The main application of this group of substances was found to increase the synthesis of growth hormone. In addition to GHRP-6, it includes ipamorelin, GHRP-2, and hexarelin. Each of these drugs has almost the same effect, and there is no need to combine them.

The main task of GHRP-6 is to increase the level of growth hormone, which accelerates the synthesis of insulin-like growth factor. Due to this, fat burning processes in the body are enhanced, and an increase in muscle tissue mass can also be observed. Most often, GHRP-6 is used instead of growth hormone and is combined with it in exceptional cases.

Choosing GHRP-6 instead of any other drug from its group, one should focus on the ability of the peptide to increase appetite, help accelerate the body's recovery from injury and inhibit inflammatory processes.

Using the GHRP-6

Bottles with GHRP-6
Bottles with GHRP-6

Since GHRP-6 is used to achieve the same effects as HGH, this should only be done when there is an economic benefit. For example, there is no growth hormone preparation on sale, or the athlete wants to stimulate its synthesis, instead of direct administration.

Also, the peptide for GHRP secretion can be used as an accelerator of fat burning processes, acceleration of muscle fiber mass gain in combination with AAS, improvement of the quality of the skin and in the treatment of injuries.

It should be noted that GHRP-6 is not used on a regular basis. This should only be done when necessary. Some athletes still use the peptide for a long time, but in this case, it is worth reducing the dosage of the drug to the minimum acceptable.

Dosages of GHRP-6

GHRP-6 packaged
GHRP-6 packaged

GHRP-6 is quite effective when used alone, however, when combined with GHRH, results can be improved. In this case, the dosage of GHRP-6 should be halved. Also, the drug can be combined with Mod GRF 1-29, while getting an excellent result.

Most often, GHRP-6 is available in vials containing 5 milligrams of active ingredient. Before use, the peptide should be diluted with sterile or bacteriostatic water. When administered, insulin syringes are mainly used. For example, to administer a dosage of 100 micrograms of the drug, a 5mU syringe is required. The drug can be administered intramuscularly, intravenously or subcutaneously.

It is customary to take GHRP-6 at least twice throughout the day, but it will be optimal to do three injections during the day. It is also important to note that GHRP-6 is used 05 - 1 hour before meals, at a time when the sugar level is low. A single dose is from 50 to 300 micrograms, and in the case of a combination of a peptide with GHRH, the dosage of GHRP-6 is reduced to 50-100 micrograms.

If it is necessary to further accelerate the synthesis of growth hormone, then you can slightly increase the dosage. In turn, when treating injuries, increasing the dose may not give the desired result.

Pharmacological features of GHRP-6

Syringe and medicine
Syringe and medicine

At the beginning of the article, it was already mentioned that GHRP-6, like all other peptides of the GHRP group, are ghrelin mimetics. This hormone is synthesized in the cells of the stomach as the body responds to fasting. It is the increase in the level of ghrelin that leads to the acceleration of the synthesis of growth hormone.

It should be noted that ghrelin has many functions in the human body. It can increase appetite, have cardioprotective effects on the body, inhibit inflammation, burn excess fat, and aid in wound healing. Also, the peptide is able to somewhat accelerate the synthesis of cortisol, but the effect on the body of this hormone when using GHRP-6 can be compared with the fasting period, and there will be no damage to muscle tissues.

Ghrelin, when used solo, is not capable of increasing strength indicators, unlike GHRP-6. It is worth recognizing that fasting can have a healing effect in addition to accelerating fat burning processes. This is due to a similar effect after the application of GHRP-6.

There is an opinion that the peptide is capable of promoting the accumulation of fat, but according to the results of recent clinical trials, this process occurs only in certain organs, for example, in the liver. When using the peptide for the secretion of GHRP in bodybuilding, no such processes have been observed. Rather, on the contrary, the drug, with a properly drafted nutritional program, can significantly accelerate the fat burning processes.

The effect of using GHRP-6 as a growth hormone synthesis stimulator can be reduced with a high amount of somatostanin and glucose. This factor makes it necessary to use GHRP-6 only during the period of low blood sugar, i.e. before meals. This is due to an increase in the content of insulin-like growth factor in the body. For the same reason, the effectiveness of using the drug in combination with growth hormone decreases.

In addition to the factors described above, a decrease in the level of the hormone produced by the thyroid gland also has a great influence on the effectiveness of the use of the peptide for the secretion of GHRP. Sometimes you can find claims that GHRP-6 can lead to the development of gynecomastia. At the moment, no such cases have been recorded. However, it should be recognized that due to the increase in the amount of prolactin when using GHRP-6, this is possible. However, this side effect can only occur in people who have a genetic predisposition to this disease. In this case, it is recommended to take ipamorelin instead of GHRP-6.

The drug cannot harm the body, and the only side effect may be increased hunger. It should be noted that GHRP-6, acting on ghrelin receptors throughout the body, is able to bring a greater effect than growth hormone.

You can find out about the results of testing GHRP-6 in this video: