CJC-1295: Growth Hormone Booster Peptide

CJC-1295: Growth Hormone Booster Peptide
CJC-1295: Growth Hormone Booster Peptide

The drug CJC-1295 is a peptide for increasing growth hormone. Learn about its features and bodybuilding uses. What do you need to know when using this peptide? The main feature of the CJC-1295 peptide is the ability to increase the synthesis of growth hormone. The substance is a mimetic of a hormone (GHRH) that stimulates the production of GH or its analog. Simply put, the mechanisms of action on the body of these substances are similar.

Effects of CJC-1295 on the Bodybuilder's Body

CJC-1295 Powder
CJC-1295 Powder

When CJC-1295 is used to accelerate growth hormone synthesis, IGF-1 (insulin-like growth factor) production is also increased. Thanks to this, the processes of utilization of excess fat cells are accelerated, and can also lead to an increase in the mass of muscle fibers. Almost always, drugs of the GHRH group, including CJC-1295, are used instead of growth hormone, but in some cases they are combined with it.

The second main drug in the GHRH group is Mod GRF 1-29, which can be recommended instead of CJC-1295. The main difference between these substances is the duration of their work. Mod GRF has a short duration of action on the body, which makes it almost ideal for creating a pulsating intake of a substance into the body. In contrast, the CJC-1295 has a long exposure time and cannot provide such a scheme.

It should also be noted that very often athletes confuse CJC-1295 with "CJC-1295 without DAC" The latter cannot be called a CJC-1295 peptide. This is just the wrong name for Mod GRF. It is the DAC prefix that classifies the drug into the GHRH group.

Uses of the CJC-1295 peptide

Bodybuilder training with an expander
Bodybuilder training with an expander

The optimal use of CJC-1295 is considered to be cases when the athlete needs to support the synthesis of growth hormone, but without increasing it to a level close to the maximum. This can be explained by the fact that the amount of the hormone in the body, achieved by using it, is not quite suitable for a kind of pulse dosing regimen, which can lead to the maximum possible effect. At the same time, a stable level of the peptide is able to support growth hormone synthesis well.

With infrequent use of CJC-1295, certain side effects may occur that are associated with high levels of growth hormone, for example, decreased insulin sensitivity, high swelling, etc. Since CJC-1295 is a peptide for increasing growth hormone, it is able to stimulate the production of large amounts GH, which will not benefit the body. If side effects appear, then you should stop using the peptide, and then reduce the dosage.

Dosages of CJC-1295

The doctor draws a syringe
The doctor draws a syringe

CJC-1295 is available in ampoules containing 2 or 5 milligrams of powder. Before using the drug, it must be diluted by adding the required amount of bacteriostatic or sterile water to the powder. If, for example, an ampoule contains 2 milligrams of the drug, then when this amount of peptide is diluted in 2 milliliters of water, then the solution will have a concentration of one milligram per milliliter of water.

For recruitment and subsequent administration of the drug, insulin syringes should be used. In the example discussed just above, a 100 IU syringe is required, according to the marking on the insulin syringes. The substance can be administered subcutaneously, intramuscularly, or intravenously. It all depends on the preferences of the athlete. You can also add other drugs to the same syringe with CJC-1295, for example, the same GHRP, which will reduce the total number of injections. The optimal dosage of Growth Hormone Enhancement Peptide (CJC-1295) is one milligram twice a week.

Combination of CJC-1295 with GHRP

CJC-1295 and GHRP
CJC-1295 and GHRP

In principle, the CJC-1295 can pair well with the GHRP, but it must be admitted that the Mod GRF is still better suited for this. It's all about the effectiveness of their use, which is higher in the second case. This is due to the fact that when using DAC modifications, the level of free substance decreases. This could have negative consequences, but it is compensated by the constant level of the peptide in the body. If it is necessary to reach the maximum content of GHRP, then the level of this peptide in the free state should be increased. Mod GRF does this much better. In the case when CJC-1295 is combined with GHRP, the dosage of the first peptide will be 100 micrograms or 50 micrograms when using hexarelin. CJC-1295 is used at the above dose.

Pharmacological features of CJC-1295

CJC-1295 packaged
CJC-1295 packaged

As discussed above, CJC-1295, a growth hormone enhancing peptide, belongs to the class of GH-accelerating substance mimetics. It should also be noted that GHRH is a hormone synthesized by the body. However, due to its high cost in bodybuilding, it has not become widespread. CJC-1295 is a modified version of the first 29 amino acid compounds of GHRH, to which the DAC complex has been added. Thanks to the competent combination of drugs, a half-life of the order of a week can be ensured with a stable level of the substance.

It has already been said that the CJC-1295 peptide increases growth hormone levels, just like GHRH. No peak release of natural growth hormone occurs after peptide injection. It should also be remembered that CJC-1295 is not as effective in combination with GHRP as Mod GRF. This is due to the peculiarity of the modification of CJC-1295 DAC to reduce the level of free peptide.

Thus, to achieve the best possible results from the CJC-1295 growth hormone-boosting peptide, this substance is not very well suited. For these purposes, it is better to use Mod GRF. But to maintain the level of growth hormone, CJC-1295 is the best fit, since it is quite enough to do two injections throughout the week. The drug is used long enough to detect side effects. However, there are no such statements at the moment, which may indicate the safety of the use of the substance. Athletes who have already used the drug are quite satisfied with its effectiveness.

For the test results of the CJC-1295, see this video:
