7 reasons to eat fast carbs

7 reasons to eat fast carbs
7 reasons to eat fast carbs

This article will talk about when to eat fast carbs and what it is for. The content of the article:

  • Post-training potential
  • Start of the anabolic mechanism
  • Sugar consumption rate
  • Insulin tasks
  • Reasons for Eating Fast Carbs

If athletes are asked what macronutrient is the most important for them, then the majority will answer - protein compounds. This is true, but only partially. The most nutritious is sugar. This is the main regulator of metabolism in the body, and without it, any amount of protein compounds will be useless. This article will look at how you can get sugar to serve an athlete. There will also be 7 reasons to eat fast carbs.

Post-training potential

Grapes as a source of glucose
Grapes as a source of glucose

Before proceeding to consider the main issues of the day, it is necessary to clarify the basic concepts. There are three types of sugars in total: polysaccharides, monosaccharides and disaccharides. The sugar that doctors talk about after a blood test is glucose, which is a monosaccharide. A common sugar that is consumed in food is a disaccharide, made up of fructose and glucose. Since a bodybuilder needs to know physiology in order to increase the effectiveness of training, in the future, the word "sugar" will mean exactly glucose.

The question immediately arises: why do athletes need glucose? The fact is that this is what stimulates insulin synthesis. Although insulin is an anabolic hormone, its mechanism of action on the body differs significantly from testosterone. The male hormone is only able to stimulate protein synthesis, while insulin is responsible for other processes. It is thanks to insulin that the body receives all the building material for creating new tissues, including muscle ones. In more detail below, we will talk about 7 reasons to eat fast carbohydrates.

Getting the body to start synthesizing testosterone in large quantities is not easy. To do this, you should use indirect methods, for example, increase sleep time, consume certain types of fats, from which testosterone will be produced in the future. Insulin is much easier. As soon as sugar enters the body, the production of insulin begins in the pancreas. From this we can conclude that sugar for an athlete is a kind of doping.

But the point is that it is important to learn how to properly control insulin synthesis. The most important thing in this matter is loading the body with sugar before the start of the training and at the end of it. Thanks to this, post-exercise metabolism can be enhanced. This approach, namely the artificial control of insulin production, is a new direction in bodybuilding.

Start of the anabolic mechanism

Carbohydrate protein drink for athletes
Carbohydrate protein drink for athletes

After a training session, the athlete needs to consume carbohydrates with a high glycemic index. But this does not mean that you need to eat a lot of candy or honey. After physical exertion, the body absorbs fluid better. Therefore, it is best to consume a 3: 1 ratio of carbohydrate-protein drinks after exercise for maximum benefit. Moreover, this proportion should be kept exactly.

It is important to remember that the amount of protein should never exceed the indicated ratio. If the body receives less carbohydrates than protein compounds, then the production of the hormone glucagon begins immediately. It is needed to increase the level of glucose, which is obtained from glycogen. The processing and subsequent assimilation of protein compounds requires a large amount of energy, and the body needs to find hidden carbohydrate reserves. As a result, wanting to do his best by consuming more proteins, the athlete only harms himself, preventing the body from creating a supply of glycogen.

When using sugar, priority should be given to monosaccharides - dextrose and glucose. These substances are the primary sugar atoms and cannot be broken down into other elements. In addition, they are small and quickly absorbed by the intestines. It should also be noted that the intestines only metabolize glucose. Fructose is processed in the liver. From this we can conclude that the best solution would be to mix glucose (or dextrose) with fructose.

This can achieve a double positive effect. Thanks to fructose, the synthesis of glycogen in the liver will begin, and glucose or dextrose will force the body to create a store of glycogen in muscle tissues. As discussed above, common dietary sugar is made up of glucose and fructose. For people with inactive lifestyles, for this reason, sugar is an undesirable product. In the liver, there is a store of glycogen, which is poorly consumed without external physical activity. For this reason, fructose is sent to the intestines, which does not process it, which causes a fermenting effect.

Eat carbohydrates after each workout. Even in the case when the athlete needs to get rid of excess weight, and he uses a low-carb diet. After training, carbohydrates are needed so as not to create a glycogen deficiency in the body. This, in turn, will lead to the need to reduce the intensity of training. Since there will be little sugars in the muscle tissues, an insufficient amount of water will also flow there.

Sugar intake for athletes

Honey as a source of carbohydrates
Honey as a source of carbohydrates

Athletes who prefer intense training sessions should consume 1 to 1.5 grams of high glycemic carbohydrates per kilogram of body weight after completing them. For example, if you weigh 100 kilograms, you need to take from 100 to 150 grams of carbohydrates. To these should be added from 30 to 50 grams of protein compounds, following the above ratio of 3: 1.

Those who use forced approaches or "negative" training in their training program need even more carbohydrates. This is due to the fact that after such exercises, muscle tissues receive a large number of microtraumas, and the glycogen reserves in them are almost completely depleted.

As a result, the amount of carbohydrates necessary for the full recovery of the body increases to 3 grams for each kilogram of the athlete's weight. This fact can also be attributed to 7 reasons to eat fast carbohydrates, but this will be discussed in more detail below.

Carbohydrates should be consumed prior to training in the gym. An aqueous solution of glucose with fructose in an amount of 5 to 10 grams of each substance is perfect for this. To these should be added and 10 grams of whey-type protein compounds to create energy reserves.

Insulin tasks

Potatoes as a source of carbohydrates
Potatoes as a source of carbohydrates

With each intake of carbohydrates, the body begins to synthesize insulin. This hormone is designed to eliminate excess glucose. At a high level of this substance, the blood begins to thicken. Insulin converts glucose into glycogens. If its supply is sufficient, then further glucose is converted into subcutaneous fat cells.

After hard training, the glycogen store is depleted, and insulin quickly replenishes this deficit by transporting glycogen stores from other tissues to muscle tissue. Also, a large number of various nutrients are sent to the muscles, among which there are amino acid compounds and water. Due to this, the volume of muscle tissue cells increases significantly.

Reasons for Eating Fast Carbs

Sports activities
Sports activities

It is worth recalling that athletes should consume carbohydrates that have a high glycemic index. So, 7 reasons to eat fast carbs:

  • It is necessary to restore the supply of glycogen in muscle tissues as soon as possible.
  • Muscles need glucose to contract.
  • The high level of glycogen in the muscle tissue promotes muscle growth.
  • Due to the high glycemic index during night sleep, growth hormone synthesis will not be negatively affected.
  • After early training sessions, the body will receive good support from carbohydrates.
  • Insulin is anti-inflammatory and stimulates muscle growth.
  • Insulin synthesis promotes the burning of fat cells and, therefore, the athlete's weight loss.

How to eat fast carbohydrates in sports - watch the video:

[media = https://www.youtube.com/watch? v = Ss35Uxi2H8o] Thus, if the body becomes deficient in sugar, it will be extracted from protein. It can be stated that sugar is the most important anabolic.