Colds on steroid cycle

Colds on steroid cycle
Colds on steroid cycle

The question of what to do if a cold overtakes during a steroid course is quite relevant. Learn what to do when you catch a cold during your cycle. Anything can happen in life, and illness during an anabolic cycle is no exception. Many athletes are interested in knowing what to do in this case. It is about colds on the course of steroids and in bodybuilding in general that the conversation will go on today.

Colds while taking steroids

Injection, pills and dumbbell
Injection, pills and dumbbell

If you get sick during the steroid cycle, then further actions depend on the strength of the ailment. If this is a mild cold and the athlete feels that in a couple of days he will be in perfect order, then the course can be continued. If everything is more serious and the disease can drag on, then it is best to interrupt the course.

If the cycle was completed earlier, then the next one can also start faster and compensate for all losses on it. When your body recovers from an illness, you can safely begin a new anabolic cycle. If you do not interrupt the cycle with a prolonged cold or flu, then you can only harm yourself.

If during the courses you monitor the level of testosterone, and the duration of the cycles does not exceed eight weeks, then the body will recover quickly enough. You can also take Clomid or Nolvadex for prophylactic purposes. If you are sure that the recovery will be delayed or the course was long, then you should start taking gonadotropin or a small dose of testosterone, about 100 milligrams for a week will be quite enough. This will be beneficial for your immune system.

It does not make sense to use medium or even higher doses of AAS during the recovery period after a cold. The athlete must decide whether he will recover or start a new cycle. If a certain percentage of muscle mass is lost during the period of illness, then you will quickly catch up after recovery. It is better to complete the course earlier, and after recovery, start a new one. Otherwise, the damage to muscle mass can be more severe. In addition, if you are sick, you will not be able to exercise, and without training, taking steroids is simply pointless.

Colds in bodybuilding

The athlete is not feeling well
The athlete is not feeling well

It should be said right away that if the cold is mild, then you can safely continue to train, as well as not interrupt the steroid cycle. Otherwise, it is better to fully recover and then continue the training and cycle. Among the main symptoms of a cold on a course of steroids, it should be noted:

  • Cough;
  • Increased body temperature;
  • General weakness;
  • Runny nose.

It should be admitted that colds and even more so the flu for athletes is a very unpleasant event. If an ordinary person can safely be treated, then the athlete must comply with the regimen. The disease violates this order and you have to make adjustments to your life.

During illness, at least at the initial stage of its development, even good nutrition can be difficult. Each person in his life suffered from colds and more than once. For this reason, it makes no sense to tell how you want to eat at high temperatures. We are not talking about the training process during this period at all. Thus, the following conclusion can be made: when the cold is of a mild nature, you can continue to exercise and not stop the AAS cycle. But in case of a serious illness, you should be cured, after which you can start training again and start a new cycle.

Loads for colds

The athlete performs a dumbbell press while standing
The athlete performs a dumbbell press while standing

When a cold on a course of steroids is in an active phase, then there can be no question of any physical activity. The body must direct all its forces to fight the disease, and if during this period you continue training, you can harm your health:

  • During this period, when exercising in the gym, the synthesis of cortisol will accelerate, and your muscles will only be destroyed.
  • Training requires a lot of energy, which you do not have during your illness.

If your condition is very bad, then all attention should be paid to the treatment of the disease.

Also, after recovery, you cannot immediately give the body high loads. It is necessary to smoothly enter the usual training regime. To do this, in the first lesson, use working weights that are half the maximum. Then, with each new workout, increase the load by ten percent until you reach your usual level. As for the number of approaches and repetitions, they can be left unchanged.

If your health has worsened, but you are not completely sick yet, then focus on your feelings. If you can go to the gym, do a workout, but reduce your working weight by half. Let one week be devoted to light training. This will have a positive effect not only on your overall health, but also on your muscles. But after a full recovery, you can return to your usual load within a week. After a serious illness, this will take longer.

Cold treatment on a course of steroids

Cold medicines
Cold medicines

Often people begin to treat colds on their own. However, if your condition does not improve within 3-5 days, then you should consult a doctor. Treating colds in bodybuilding the same way as always. If you have a severe cold, you need to use special drops, for example, humer or saline. These are mild drugs and in the case when they do not help, a stronger drug is needed - a naso spray. It is a powerful remedy, but remember that it can be addictive with prolonged use and only slow down the healing process.

With a strong cough, travisil and hot tea help well, which should be consumed throughout the day and a lot. If you feel pain in your throat, then try taking septolete or tantum verde.

At high temperatures, use common antipyretic drugs, such as the famous teraflu. But at the same time, it should be remembered that it is necessary to fight only with a high temperature, if it has exceeded 38 degrees. At low temperatures, antipyretic drugs should not be taken, let the body fight the virus on its own.

Learn more about training while sick in this video:
