Some athletes experience headaches while taking steroid medications. Find out the reasons for this and about the means to prevent this side effect. Today we will talk about the increase in pressure during the steroid cycle. This leads to headaches. Basically, this can happen on a mass-gaining course, which includes drugs containing estrogens. If you have pain, then you should not use only aspirin to fight it. It is possible that the pain is caused by high blood pressure on the steroid cycle, which needs to be reduced.
High blood pressure symptoms

Simultaneously with the growth of muscle tissue mass, the process of blood production also increases. It should also be noted that with systematic aerobic and anaerobic loads of high or medium intensity, the size of the left ventricle of the heart increases. Sometimes you can hear the phrase "sports heart", this is what it means.
It should be remembered that if you suddenly stop playing sports, then due to a strong increase in the ventricle, the heart often malfunctions. From this we can conclude that if an athlete has been seriously involved in sports for several years, then it is undesirable to stop training, otherwise the threat of a heart attack increases. Due to the hypertrophied heart and the larger blood volume, the blood pressure on the steroid cycle of athletes always exceeds the medical norms. On average, 140/90 figures for an athlete are normal pressure, but if these figures are exceeded, then this does not bode well. It does not matter whether you are currently using steroids or not, if you experience the following symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor:
- Frequent pain in the back of the head;
- Heart palpitations, even at rest;
- Multi-colored circles often appear before the eyes;
- Ringing in the ears;
- Shortness of breath and nausea are common.
It is important to remember that up to 30 years of age, hypertension can be latent and its symptoms will not appear. You need to constantly monitor your blood pressure, doing this once throughout the week. This should be done even if you are not currently using AAS. It should also be noted that with increased consumption of protein compounds and a small amount of carbohydrates in the diet, the blood becomes thick, which also contributes to an increase in blood pressure. Drink more water to thin your blood.
Reasons for increasing pressure when using AAS

There are three reasons for this:
Increased blood volume during a steroid cycle

Almost all steroids contribute to the formation of red cells (erythrocytes). This is certainly good for athletic performance, but for this reason the blood thickens. Among the steroids that maximize the formation of red blood cells, it should be noted oxymethalone, nandrolone, fluoxymesterone, testosterone and boldenone.
Anabolic cholesterol balance changes towards bad

This leads to the formation of new plaques on the walls of blood vessels, which increases the likelihood of developing a heart attack. This was the cause of the death of the famous bodybuilder Mike Matarazzo. To a greater extent, among all AAS, this is facilitated by methandrostenolone and stanozolol.
Large amounts of excess fluid

When steroids are used, fluid is retained in the body, which also contributes to an increase in pressure and stress on the heart. The following steroids should be noted here: methandrostenolone, oxymetholone, testosterone, methyltestosterone. Separately, it should be noted trenbolone, which does not differ in the ability to retain fluid, practically does not affect the increase in blood volume, however, when it is used, an increase in the heart rate and high pressure on the course of steroids is very often noted.
How to withstand high pressure

To reduce the amount of fluid retained in the body, aromatase inhibitors should be used, however, the established dosages for these drugs should be adhered to. Otherwise, the balance of cholesterol will also be disturbed towards the bad. When used on a course of oxymetholone, clomid or tamoxifen should be used. These were the simplest problems, the solution to which is not difficult. But the remaining ones are quite difficult to solve.
Immediately it should be said about the correct nutrition program, which must include fish oil, rich in omega-3 fatty acids. It is the richest food in these nutrients. You can also use mildronate and inosie-f. Their effectiveness increases significantly when used together with Cardiomagnum. Be sure to adhere to the recommended dosages so as not to harm the body.
If none of the above methods solved the problem with high blood pressure, then you will have to use more drastic methods. Now we are talking about special drugs that can lower blood pressure.
Physiotens for pressure regulation

The active substance of this drug is moxonidine. If all methods do not bring results, then this tool will definitely help. Thanks to its use, the cells will increase insulin sensitivity, and when taken at night, the synthesis of growth hormone will be enhanced. The daily dosage is 0.4 milligrams. It should be noted right away that physiotens is quite expensive.
Kapoten will lower the pressure

The active ingredient in capoten is captopril. In terms of cost, this tool is more acceptable for most athletes. But its main advantage is the ability to lower blood pressure selectively, that is, with physical exertion. The active substance of the capoten has a rather mild effect on the body, and the drug is also able to remove excess fluid from the body. It should be taken twice a day, 25 milligrams each. You can also take the entire dose at once before going to bed.
Clonidine to lower blood pressure

Many people know about this drug. It is best to use any of the above, as clonidine lowers blood pressure very strongly, which leads to drowsiness and fatigue. The drug should be taken twice a day, 15 milligrams.
In conclusion, it is worth noting that if you always have high blood pressure on a steroid cycle, then you should not use them. This can be very hazardous to your health.
For more information on high blood pressure and other side effects during an anabolic cycle, see this video:
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