How to choose steroids and determine the AC company, where the dosage of the active substance corresponds to the result stated on the label. Find out the answer right now. The content of the article:
- Choice of steroids
- Manufacturing companies
Athletes who have been using anabolic drugs for a long time will certainly already know all the steroid companies. They have long ago chosen the best option for themselves. But for beginners, this article can be very useful, since from it they will learn about all the companies involved in the production of steroids today.
Features of the choice of steroids

All information is based on personal experience as well as the opinions of famous athletes. Naturally, we will only talk about original anabolic steroids. Those drugs that are manufactured clandestinely are best avoided. Today on the market you can find a lot of counterfeit drugs, and in order to avoid deception, steroids should be purchased only in specialized stores.
Of course, a counterfeit drug can work well, but this happens very rarely, and mostly cheap substances are sold under the guise of expensive ones. For example, methenolone or boldenone enanthate can be replaced with diluted testosterone.
It is possible to replace methane or turinabol with cheap methyltestosterone. And if you buy such a fake, it will still be good. Most often, such products contain various impurities of foreign substances, which can lead to serious health problems.
Recently, injectable stanozol has become a rather painful drug, although there are no problems with its effectiveness. When using it, you should be very careful not to cause an abscess.
The same can be said about Primobolan (Methenolone Enanthate). If stanozol is not the main steroid, and can be replaced, then primobolan is the safest drug of all containing testosterone. It is very often used in combination with testosterone esters in the first cycle. Almost all manufacturers dissolve primobolan in hard oil, which causes painful sensations during injection.
Remember, when choosing a steroid, you must use only a quality product that is produced by well-known steroid manufacturers.
Steroid Manufacturing Companies

Consider the most popular steroid companies:
- Alpha … This Indian company makes very high quality steroids. This fact is largely due to the official status of the company. Of course, quality always directly affects the cost of a product, and Alpha products are quite expensive, but worth it. Of course, today the company can be safely called the leader of this industry.
- Radjay … Another company from India, and also all steroids produced in its walls are of high quality. This applies to both tablets and injections. If you need methandrostenolone injections, then feel free to choose Radjay.
- Aburaihan … This Iranian company is one of the oldest among all steroid manufacturers. For the entire time of its presence on the market, there has not been a single negative response. Aburaihan's Testosterone Propionate is the best. But right away we have to admit that injections of this drug are quite painful, but it works just fine.
- Zhengzhou … Already from the name it is clear that this is a representative of the Celestial Empire. In our country, its products are not found as often as we would like, and all drugs are presented in tablet form. The company produces stanozol and turinabol of very good quality.
- Balkan … The manufacturer of steroids from Moldova is rightfully popular with domestic athletes. In our market, its products are very widespread. All drugs are of very high quality, and you can safely purchase steroids from this manufacturer.
- Vermodje … Another representative of Moldova and as popular as Balkan. The quality of the company's products is at a high level. Once athletes had complaints about her steroids, but now there are no problems. All trenbolones are very good in Vermoge's performance. On the net you can find information that they are made from the veterinary drug Revalor. However, no one who consumed the company's products noted an increase in the level of estradiol, which is present in Rewalor. You can safely use the company's steroids.
- Pharmakom Labs … The third Moldovan company in today's list of the best steroid manufacturers. Quite an acceptable option for athletes. Pharmakom Labs cannot be counted among the leading companies, but it has earned the title of a strong middle peasant. Perhaps not everyone will like their masteron, but there are no complaints about anastrozole.
- Golden dragon … Typically Chinese name, which immediately speaks of its territorial affiliation. An excellent manufacturer, and all the drugs they produce work great. It should also be noted that all injectable steroids are very mild. This steroid manufacturer is likely using a specific type of oil.
- SP Labs … The company from Moldova is again in the top of manufacturers. All testosterone esters, nandrolones, and drostanolone work great. For some athletes, trenbolone seemed as mild as boldenone.
- British dragon … This company is a Malaysian-Thai joint venture. Today, the manufacturer's original products are quite rare on the domestic market, but fakes are quite common. But you can buy it in specialized stores. However, due to the high availability of fake steroids, the best solution would be to refrain.
- BM Pharma … India has always been famous for its pharmaceutical industry, including sports. Reviews about the company's drugs are generally positive, but sometimes athletes complain about the appearance of abscesses after injections.
- Lyka Labs and Malay Tiger … These companies must represent India and Malaysia, respectively. However, very often counterfeit products of very low quality appear on the domestic market. Although it is worth admitting that these steroids work, they are inferior to the products of the above steroid manufacturers.
- Desma, Organon, Norma Hellas, Shering, Bayer … All these companies have been on the sports pharmacology market for a long time and are deservedly considered one of the best. However, in our country they appear very rarely, but if you are sure of their originality, then, of course, you should take. True, it is practically impossible to find them, and it is easier to use the products of Moldovan manufacturers.
How to choose steroids - watch the video:

In today's article, it was told about all the main manufacturers of steroids, whose products are present on our market.