Antiestrogens on the steroid cycle

Antiestrogens on the steroid cycle
Antiestrogens on the steroid cycle

It is known that the high level of estrogen in the male body leads to side effects. Learn about the use of antiestrogens on a steroid cycle. All athletes know that estrogens (female hormones) are always present in small quantities in the male body. However, a significant increase in the level of their content leads to the development of such a side effect as gynecomastia (abnormally rapid growth of breast tissue in men). To combat this unpleasant effect, as well as to accelerate the synthesis of the natural male hormone, antiestrogens are used on a steroid cycle. The most popular among athletes are Clomid and Citadren. Thanks to these drugs, swelling is reduced, and the risks of other side effects associated with the use of AAS are reduced.

These drugs are widely used in traditional medicine, but we are interested in their use in sports. In total, two groups of antiestrogens have been created: receptor blockers and aromatase inhibitors. This article will be devoted to them.

Estrogens and antiestrogens

Antiestrogen in the package
Antiestrogen in the package

It is accepted that all hormones with the characteristics of testosterone are classified as androgens, therefore, all AAS are also androgenic drugs. In the case of female hormones, the situation is similar and all hormones similar to estradiol (the main female hormone) are usually referred to as estrogens. The most active and powerful natural estrogens are estradiol and estrone.

These hormones have the same similarities to each other as the substances of the androgen group. The most potent estrogen is estradiol, with the strongest effect per milligram. It can be formed from a male hormone under the influence of the aromatase enzyme, or from estrone under the influence of a special enzyme.

It should be noted that estrone has less effect on the body, which means that a higher level of estrone in the body is required for the result to be similar. This hormone can also be formed from estradiol or androstenedione. When using anabolic steroids and without taking measures to reduce the level of estrogen, the athlete may develop gynecomastia, excess fluid is retained in the body and the production of natural male hormone is suppressed. Also, with a high content of estrogen in the male body, fat burning processes are hampered, which can lead to the distribution of fat according to the female type.

It should be noted that estradiol has carcinogenic metabolites that can cause liver disease called cholestatic hepatitis. In rare cases, it can develop with the use of steroids and, contrary to popular belief, it is precisely the high level of estrogen metabolites, and not androgens, that causes it.

Often, athletes in the initial phase of taking steroids may feel unwell at high dosages of the male hormone. This is possible if you do not use antiestrogens on the steroid cycle. That is why it is recommended to start using AAS with small doses, gradually increasing them.

Flavoring AAS and antiestrogens

A man with gynecomastia before and after taking antiestrogens
A man with gynecomastia before and after taking antiestrogens

Many athletes believe that they know all the aromatizing anabolic drugs, but sometimes they are wrong. This is because progestogenic activity (progesterone is also a female hormone) can very easily be mistaken for estrogenic activity. Both hormones can cause gynecomastia and swelling.

It is safe to say that steroids that affect only estrogen receptors, but also progestogen receptors, are taken for aromatizing. It should be noted that androgens are not able to convert to progestogen, but can act on receptors themselves. The most potent progestogen properties are possessed by nandrolone.

This is quite an important fact for athletes, since at acceptable dosages, Deca is able to reduce the level of estrogen, reducing the rate of synthesis of natural testosterone, and aromatase does not have the ability to combine with male hormone molecules. However, due to the individual characteristics of the body of athletes, the soundboard is also capable of causing gynecomastia. At a certain level, progesterone helps to increase libido in women, but when a certain level is exceeded, the effect is exactly the opposite. Also, progesterone can reduce libido in men, but the individuality of the body also plays an important role here.

Perhaps not everyone understood why the article on antiestrogens raises the question of the progestogenic properties of AAS. But after all, when using the soundboard, anti-estrogenic group drugs are not able to save the athlete from side effects. This statement is also true for Winstrol, Anadrolone, Primobolan, Masteron and some others less popular among athletes. Dianabol, boldenone, testosterone and halotestin are highly susceptible to the aromatization process. It should be noted that the latter is used most often in small doses and does not present difficulties in terms of aromatization.

Antiestrogens-aromatase inhibitors

Arimidex citadrene tablets
Arimidex citadrene tablets

The most popular aromatase inhibitor among athletes is citadren. In addition, this drug has the ability to inhibit the enzyme desmolase, which accelerates the synthesis of cortisol. In this regard, it should be noted that suppression of cortisol synthesis is not always beneficial. But citadren is taken in small doses and has practically no effect on the production of cortisol.

The average dose of citadren is about 250 milligrams per day. The agent is excreted from the body within 8 hours and it is better to divide the dose into several doses. The optimal regimen for taking the drug is half a tablet in the morning and a quarter every six hours. It should be noted that cytadren has some side effects.

The second, also very popular inhibitor, anastrozole, does not have a negative effect on the body, but it costs significantly more. A sufficient dosage of anastrozole is considered to be 1 milligram per day. Sometimes half a pill is enough, but it depends on the individual characteristics of the organism.

Antiestrogens-estrogen receptor blockers

Clomid tablets in a package
Clomid tablets in a package

The most popular drugs in this group of antiestrogens on the steroid cycle are tamoxifen and clomid. If high dosages of anabolic steroids are used on the AAS course, then it is not possible to stimulate LH synthesis. But when the level of androgens decreases, then clomid is used in an amount of 50 milligrams with a low level of female hormones and 100 milligrams when the estrogen content is high. Clomid is most often used by athletes when using steroids.

Find out about taking antiestrogens after a steroid course in this video:
