American Foxhound: its content

American Foxhound: its content
American Foxhound: its content

External parameters of the American Foxhound, manifestations of the character of the dog and the nuances of its health, requirements for care: walking, which includes diet, training. Puppy price. The American Foxhound, or American foxhound, is one of the first dog breeds to be bred in the United States of America. Its representatives are close "relatives and descendants" of the English Foxhound. The American Foxhound was bred by American settlers in order to become more adapted to life in the New World. These dogs are known for their masterly hunting skills and were mainly used to catch and kill foxes.

During the Middle Ages, hunting with dogs became the most popular and important form of recreation among the European nobility. And, among farmers, it was not only entertainment, but also a way to rid their farms of pests and get food. This sport was the most popular and developed in the countries of England and France. By the beginning of the Renaissance and new discoveries, such sporting events had become a very ritual art form. Nowhere was fox hunting more ceremonial than in Great Britain.

The American Foxhound bears a very strong resemblance to its more widely known progenitor, the English Foxhound. But still, he has differences by which the dog is easy to recognize. The breed is softer than its English counterpart and is usually slightly taller at the withers. These dogs, as a rule, have a much stronger sense of smell and are much more mobile and active than their ancestors.

The strain shows much more variation than most purebred dogs, and some of the lines are different enough to be almost a separate species. Almost the entire history associated with the emergence of the American Foxhound is the result of its hunting heritage.

Description of the external parameters of the American Foxhound

American Foxhound physique
American Foxhound physique

The representative of the breed is a large dog. Males are usually between 55, 88 and 63.5 cm high at the shoulder, while smaller females should be between 53, 34 and 60, 96 cm. Some show dogs are significantly taller, especially those that are shown on AKC events. In fact, the requirements of the AKC allow the participation of males up to 71, 12 cm at the withers and females up to 66, 04 cm.

While American Foxhound standards do not indicate ideal weights, most of these dogs weigh between 29, 49 and 34 kg. However, some show dogs can be significantly heavier, and individual working lines are much lighter, ranging from 18, 15 to 20, 42 kg.

  1. Head - elongated, slightly widened between the ears. These canines have a noticeably flat skull, although there is a small occipital dome. American Foxhounds have extra skin around the muzzle and cheekbones, which can form several wrinkles, but not as numerous as, for example, the Bloodhound.
  2. Muzzle animal long, rectangular. The bridge of the nose is usually even. The transition from forehead to muzzle is smooth. The flews hang down slightly, overlapping the lower jaw. Lips are black-colored. The dentition is developed, located in the bite in the form of scissors.
  3. Nose - black, developed and slightly elongated, which gives the dog the maximum area for aroma receptors.
  4. Eyes - oval, medium parameters, brown or hazel eyes. These dogs should have a typical sad, pleading expression.
  5. Ears American Foxhound long, lowered. They usually have to be considerably longer when compared to his English cousin.
  6. Neck - long and muscular.
  7. Frame - elongated, very muscular, especially around the shoulders. The withers are well developed and protruding. The chest is narrower rather than wide, not too drooping. Ribs not protruding. The back is long and muscular. The loin is strong, the croup is slightly sloping. The abdomen is tucked strongly closer to the groin.
  8. Tail - Medium rise, long, usually carried in an upright, saber-shaped style.
  9. Front limbs - long straight lines that increase their speed. The legs should be less thick than the legs of the English Foxhound. The hind legs are erect, with elongated, prominent hips.
  10. Paws - round, gathered in a lump.
  11. Coat American Foxhound of medium length and tight to the skin. The guard hair is coarse in structure. It may have a slight undercoat.
  12. Color representatives of the breed has a variety of colors and patterns, any of which are acceptable. There is a saying that a good dog can have any color that breeders of the variety would like. However, different lines of these canines can be colored the same way. The most common coat colors are white, black and brown, but there are also blues, reds and dark browns.

Manifestations of the character of the American Foxhound breed

Red & White American Foxhound
Red & White American Foxhound

Foxhound from America differs significantly from his English counterpart in terms of temperament. It is known that these dogs are much more sympathetic to people. Pets are usually very affectionate and friendly, especially with people they know well. This breed is also known for being extremely gentle and playful with young children. Most American Foxhounds are quick to get close and peaceful with strangers, although some may show some concern or aloofness.

If not to talk about too high hunting needs of representatives of the breed, then these pets will be excellent companions for most families. However, many active families who have the ability to provide these dogs with play and adequate physical activity are finding that, with the right care, the American Foxhound can adapt to a life other than hunting.

These pets are generally good with other dogs. Representatives of this species have performed their hunting duties for centuries and often in groups of fifty or more individuals. If you are looking for another dog in your household with existing canine residents, the American Foxhound might be the perfect choice for you. However, it is always important to be careful when introducing new dogs to existing pets. As is the case with all canine breeds, non-working male breed specimens can show aggression towards each other, especially in the presence of bitches or during the hot season.

The American Foxhound was bred to chase the fox, but not kill it. In addition, the breed has always worked alongside horses. As a result, breed individuals tend to exhibit a lower level of aggression towards other pets, which is typical for them. If you are looking to bring your dog into a house with other animals, then the American Foxhound is one of the best options available from the hound family.

Despite the fact that these dogs were bred for the pursuit of small mammals. This means that they can be extremely partial to a family cat or a neighbor's "murka". Also be aware that some of these dogs may have a significantly higher predatory instinct than others. Their socialization should begin as early as possible. Perhaps it is not recommended to introduce an adult American Foxhound with pronounced hunting data into a house where there are no dogs, but other pets are kept, for example, cats, hamsters, rats, parrots, and so on.

Nuances of the health of the American Foxhound

Running American Foxhound
Running American Foxhound

The Foxhound of America is a very healthy breed, especially for a dog of this size. The average life expectancy for breed representatives is between eleven and thirteen years, which is quite a lot for a large dog, especially considering that most of these animals work as hunters.

The American Foxhound has been bred exclusively as a working animal and has displayed these qualities for many centuries. Breeders tried to eliminate any health defects as quickly as possible. But, this does not mean that the breed is completely protected from health problems. It's just that the Foxhounds of the American territories show comparatively less inherited genetic disorders.

One of the most common hereditary disorders in breed specimens is thrombocytopathy (abnormal platelet function). However, this is still a small problem, as there are few cases of its manifestation. Other health problems that have ever occurred in American Foxhounds include hip dysplasia, eye problems, and weight gain.

It is always advisable that your pets are tested by either the Animal Orthopedic Foundation or the Dog Registration Foundation, especially if you intend to breed them. You are required to perform OFA and CERF tests for various genetically inherited disorders, such as blindness and hip dysplasia, that may affect your dog or its offspring.

American Foxhound Care Requirements

American Foxhound looks to the side
American Foxhound looks to the side
  1. The coat of the breed has an extremely low undercoat content. This variety needs regular brushing, but should never be professionally cared for. This does not mean that such dogs do not shed, it is just that the process is not abundant. The American Foxhound loses less hair than other dogs. However, they are large canines, and hairs, especially white ones, will easily show up on your furniture and carpets. Therefore, comb your pet regularly, and every day during the coat change. In order not to clean your home, carry out "hairdressing" procedures on the street. To do this, you need a special tool. Furminators, slickers and scallops will not work. You need brushes or gloves made of rubber materials that have excellent grip on the hairs. They will effectively draw out the maximum amount of dead hair, create an excellent massage of the skin and evenly distribute the natural lubricant throughout the animal's fur coat. Dogs need bathing less often than combing. But, when choosing a detergent concentrate, you should pay attention to its composition. The shampoo should not be aggressive so as not to upset the PH balance of the American Foxhound skin. All soap products must be washed off thoroughly.
  2. Brush the teeth of these pets a couple of times a week so that in old age the dog chews without problems and does not show dental problems.
  3. The ears of the American Foxhound require special attention. As is the case with many dogs with long, drooping ears, the ears of this breed can accumulate wax and dirt. Dirty ears often contribute to chronic infections. As a result, dogs' ears must be cleaned regularly. This process, the animal must know from a young age. Once a week, the dog's ears are filled with herbal lotion while holding the head, and with a gentle massage, they are pushed deeper. After a short exposure, the dog is shaken off, and the separated dirt is wiped off with a clean cloth.
  4. The eyes of the American Foxhound need keen attention, especially after the hunt. It is always necessary to check if the dog has injuries or dust on the mucous membrane. If dirt or other foreign particles get in, wipe your pet's eyes with soothing medications. For mechanical, serious injuries, consult a veterinary ophthalmologist to avoid complications.
  5. The dog's nails should not be long. If you walk a little with your pet, then they will definitely be more than the required length and interfere with it when moving. Clippers or a special file for animals will help to shorten their length.
  6. You should organize the feeding of your American Foxhound so that the dog gets the maximum everything that his body needs. If you are feeding your dog ready-made industrial food, super-premium, then you do not need to worry about the selection of ingredients and their quantity. But, with natural nutrition, not only high-quality lean meat is always required, but also vitamin and mineral supplements.
  7. Walking. The primary concern for most families who would like to own an American Foxhound is the breed's activity requirements. These dogs are designed to work in high rhythm and speed over long distances. They are some of the top dog athletes in the world. This means that a quiet walk for twenty minutes every day will not be enough for pets.

The breed needs a tremendous amount of exercise. Inadequate, almost every American Foxhound will become extremely destructive, and quite vocal in solitude. If the breed does not sell, then this strong and powerful dog is likely to destroy most of your furniture and more.

In addition, any open space where your pet is free to be alone should be extremely safe. Many of these dogs are capable of climbing a six-foot fence with surprisingly little effort. These dogs have enough strength and intelligence to go through seemingly insurmountable obstacles.

Another aspect of the American Foxhound that makes the breed difficult to keep as a companion in urban areas is its voice. Representatives of the species were bred with a high, melodious voice, which is very much loved by hunters. These dogs are very, very loud and are also one of the most vocal dog breeds in the world.

Even a well-organized and well-executed American Foxhound will make noise on a regular basis. And those breed specimens that are bored without an owner or business can howl for hours. Pets living in urban settings will almost certainly attract the attention of disgruntled neighbors who will constantly complain and scandal.

American Foxhound dog training

American Foxhound near the hostess
American Foxhound near the hostess

Dogs like these will provide you with some difficulty in training them, although not to the same extent as most of the hound family. These animals were bred to continue hunting for hours, and as a result, they became stubborn and slightly independent. You will definitely have to spend extra time and energy on training representatives of this breed.

Even well trained, the American Foxhound can be selective in obedience. If you are looking for an unquestioning obedient dog, then this is probably not the best breed for you. However, such pets are noticeably easier to train than most canines, and will show you somewhat better end results in the end.

It can be extremely difficult for American Foxhounds to respond to the owner's call when they are on the trail. These dogs were bred for a long search for the animal, and they love to do it. Once the dogs start tracking something, they are unlikely to return when you call. Because these dogs are extremely fast and have excellent endurance, they may find themselves several miles from where they are being sought.

Also, animals can focus so much on their goal that they often become victims of a traffic accident. Because of this, it is important to keep American Foxhounds on a leash at all times, except for very well trained representatives.

American Foxhound puppy price

American Foxhound puppy
American Foxhound puppy

The best representatives of the breed in America. The price for a puppy is $ 300-1000.

See the video below for what an American Foxhound looks like:
