American Pit Bull Terrier: description and rules of content

American Pit Bull Terrier: description and rules of content
American Pit Bull Terrier: description and rules of content

How the American Pit Bull Terrier breed was born, appearance, behavior and health, tips for care: nutrition, walks, training. Buying a puppy. These animals have earned a notoriety as aggressive and even bloody pets. In England and Ireland in the 19th century, dog fights for which they used pit bulls were very popular. They were suitable for security and hunting purposes. Endowed with tremendous strength by nature, dogs are at the same time extremely inquisitive. They have strong muscles and a steel grip. Their agility and courage sometimes border on fearlessness. Someone scares children and adults with these dogs, while others consider them the most loving creatures in the world.

How did the American Pit Bull Terrier breed come about?

Two American Pit Bull Terriers
Two American Pit Bull Terriers

The history of the pit bull is inseparable from the history of the bulldogs of western Europe. It is over three hundred years old. The breed originated in the old world. From ancient times to modern times, hunting with dogs on forest animals: wild boar, bear, deer was extremely popular among aristocrats. Note that in those days there was no differentiation of breeds, but there was a division according to specialties. So in the 16th century in Europe and England, in addition to the immutable bulldog - a bull dog, there were several names of dogs for baiting: perro de presso - a dog that was enough, bullenbeiser - a bull bite, Baren Bey - a bear bite, English bullenbeiser, aka mastiff and etc.

The meticulous researcher of biting breeds, Baron Moses Bikstein, in the 19th century, recorded and classified several types of such dogs in writing. Compact Bullenbeisers, he ranked as dogs with a medium-sized skull and an extended muzzle. The researcher classified the rest of the bites of large animals as dogs with a more powerful head and a somewhat thickened muzzle. Let its systematization seem too simple, but at that time it was innovative.

The fight with the bull took place as follows: the athlete threw the dog directly at the head of an angry herbivore. The dog had to group up and in the "flight" grab the bull by the nose. In England, the final bull-dog battle took place in 1842, that is, there was a seven-year hiatus after the official cancellation. At the end of the 18th and beginning of the 19th centuries, sport hunting for badgers developed rapidly. Early in the morning, the "athletes" waited at the holes for the animal to return to its dwelling, and upon its return they released the dogs. In indoor hunting competitions, the dog had to grab the badger and take it out of the box. Moreover, this had to be done within a certain period of time. The winner was the dog who went faster.

Speed catching and dog fights are also becoming popular. Competitions were held in special pits called pits. They were fenced with wooden boards. Bulldogs, terriers and their various cross-breeds of small bulldogs competed there. The dogs mainly caught rodents at speed. The one who could catch more and faster won.

Some of the four-legged athletes migrated with their masters to the new world. The British, Dutch, Germans, French, Spaniards, Sicilians, later Irish, brought their dogs there, including those who participated in illegal dog fights. The colonists used these dogs for military purposes, as well as for hunting badgers, coyotes and pigs. And in 1898, one of the two large communities in the United States of America, the United Kennel Club, registers the breed and calls it the Pit Bull Terrier. Now in the USA, a pit bull is, first of all, a universal sports dog with which they perform in various power competitions.

Description of the external data of the dog American Pit Bull Terrier

American Pit Bull Terrier on a leash
American Pit Bull Terrier on a leash

The American Pit Bull Terrier is stocky, muscular and agile despite its size. Companion dog with excellent nervous organization. According to the accepted standard, the height at the withers in males is from 45 cm to 47 cm, in bitches from 43 cm to 45 cm. With an error of plus or minus two centimeters. Weigh from 9 kg to 12 kg. They move in a springy manner.

  • Head extended and deep. Its widest part is in the cheeks and passes into the muscular neck. This is necessary to accommodate powerful jaws. The forehead is flat, divided in the middle by a furrow. The cheekbones are rounded, the superciliary arches are not marked.
  • Muzzle narrower towards the end and wider at the base. The bridge of the nose is straight. The teeth are strong and white. The jaws are wide and powerful. The flews hang over the lower jaw. The lips are dry and tight. Scissor bite, but may be pincer or slightly undershot.
  • Nose slightly upturned. The nostrils are dilated. It can be of different colors, depending on the color of the dog, from black to brown and pink-flesh-colored.
  • Eyes medium, oval, not very wide apart, not convex. The eyelids are dry, tight-fitting. The color of the cornea is in harmony with the color, but dark is preferred.
  • Ears in pit bulls, they are naturally triangular, hanging on cartilage, small, of medium height. Some breeders prefer cropped-eared dogs more, although this is not required.
  • Neck powerful, almost without bending. The withers are not prominent, there is no dewlap.
  • Frame - as compact as possible, in a square format to provide stability in relation to its weight. The croup is elongated and strongly sloping, and the lumbar region is flexible. The ribcage is deep and long to give room to the heart and lungs. Rounded ribs. The lower abdomen is well tucked up.
  • Tail low location. Seen from the side, it forms a harmonious line with the croup.
  • Front limbs - parallel to each other, widely spaced. They are larger than the rear ones, as they are supporting, but not too powerful. Their bones are round in shape. The shoulder blades are set obliquely, the shoulders are well muscled. The hind legs are powerful. The thighs are strong and well muscled. The hocks are harmoniously placed. Metatarsus slightly short.
  • Paws not large, in a good arched lump, with fingers tightly pressed against one another. Strong nails, elastic pads.
  • Coat short, dense, hard, shiny.
  • Skin snugly fits the entire body of the dog.
  • Color American pit bull is very diverse. Dogs can be, ranging from a purely monochromatic, spotted, brindle, part-color (small spots on the predominant white) shade.

American Pit Bull Terrier behavior

American Pit Bull Terrier for a walk
American Pit Bull Terrier for a walk

The character of fighting dogs is a reflection of their past. The ancestors of these dogs caught badgers, rats, participated in dog fights and hunting wild animals. Nowadays, dog fighting is universally considered barbaric, so modern pit bulls are primarily sports dogs.

Recently, these animals have been selected for such characteristics as health, endurance, strength of character and lack of aggression towards humans. Individuals that showed inadequate aggression towards humans were rejected. As a result, the unique character of the American Pit Bull Terrier has developed.

The modern representative of the breed is an energetic, agile, good-natured and cheerful pet. Oddly enough, but it takes up little space in the apartment. They appear only when the owner needs it. He is an excellent learner and has great affection for children. But still, one should not forget that dogs have a well-developed hunter instinct. Of course, on the basis of this, one should not conclude that all individuals of this species are dangerous to humans - this is stupid. How reckless it would be to declare all jagdterriers or greyhounds, the same natural-born hunters, dangerous to humans. Nevertheless, the presence of a genetically inherent quality of a hunter imposes a special responsibility on the owners of "pits", and this is the main difficulty associated with their maintenance.

Not everyone can cope with such a problem, and of course a child cannot cope. Of course, the breed is not for mass maintenance. Most of all, it suits active and athletic people with a strong character. It is better for Pit Bull Terriers to live outside the city, and so that their owners devote the necessary time to them for training and extensive exercise. Obviously, trying to make this kind of dog trendy should be avoided. The fewer pit bulls in the hands of amateurs, the better for connoisseurs of the breed.

American Pit Bull Terrier Dog Health

American Pit Bull Terrier on the Grass
American Pit Bull Terrier on the Grass

The dog is distinguished by good health. But some individuals are prone to hip dysplasia, cataracts, allergies and congenital heart disease.

American Pit Bull Terrier Care Tips

American Pit Bull Terrier with puppies
American Pit Bull Terrier with puppies

These are unpretentious dogs that are not difficult to take care of.

  • Wool the dog is short and therefore does not require frequent combing. During the shedding period, you need to comb it every other day, using rubber gloves or a brush with natural bristles. They bathe the pet as soon as it gets dirty. Shampoo with PH-balance is diluted with water in a ratio of one to three and lather the moistened dog's coat. Then all the dirt with the concentrate must be thoroughly washed off. After wiping your four-legged friend well, let him dry in a warm room without drafts.
  • Claws require regular circumcision, about once every two weeks. In this simple matter, claws, natfil or a file will help you.
  • Ears the pit bull terrier is cleaned once a week.
  • Eyes you need to inspect and, if redness, rub it with something soothing irritation.
  • Teeth must be cleaned after they have changed from dairy to indigenous. Train your dog to do the procedure every week and they will be in great condition.
  • Feeding quality and balanced is the most important aspect in keeping a pit bull - especially during active growth. Natural nutrition presupposes mostly meat composition. Cereals, eggs, dairy products - the rest. Enrichment of the diet with vitamins and minerals will be important. Those breeders who prefer professional, ready-made feed will be "on a horse". First, they don't need to be cooked. It is only necessary to comply with the portion rate, which is indicated on the back of the package. It is determined by the weight category of the pet. Convenience, quickness of use and correct composition of feed are its main advantages.
  • Walking Pita must be complete. That is, this provides not only to take the dog out three times or twice as needed and immediately home, but you need to play sports and training with it as much as possible. If such irrepressible energy does not provide a full-fledged outlet, he will direct it to your things and "correct" the situation in your home.

Training the American Pit Bull Terrier

Three American Pit Bull Terriers
Three American Pit Bull Terriers

The character of any dog is created by its owner. That is why quite often there are quite parallel reviews about the disposition of pit bull terriers. From an animal, you can grow both an extremely vicious and dangerous dog, and a well-mannered cute companion who gets along with everyone around you. Dog handlers advise against using these dogs as bodyguards.

From the first days of the appearance in the house of a pit bull terrier, constantly teach him. First, determine the rules of conduct in the apartment and with household members. All family members are obliged to strictly observe them. If one person does something wrong, the whole upbringing will go to waste. Then, start with simple commands: place, give a paw, sit, lie down, voice, and so on. It is imperative that when the dog grows up a little, take a course of obedience with it, because this is not a lapdog. The owner must be able to manage his dog.

There is a widespread deeply erroneous opinion that training a pit bull should be done with the use of physical force. So you can break your pet's psyche and turn it into an unpredictable and uncontrollable dangerous killing machine. You need to love your four-legged friend, handling him firmly and affectionately at the same hour. Promotional methods will do their job. Children can only walk with such a physically strong and active dog as a pit bull, as well as train with it, under the supervision of adults.

With them, you can engage in sports training mondioring, in translation - the world ring. All tasks must be completed together: obedience, jumping and then defense. Mondioring is a fun and engaging cynological sport. It was created by specialists from training schools in the late eighties in Europe. This discipline allows for competitions between dog clubs. It combines many elements of the Belgian and French rings with many years of experience, and the renowned national canine schools in Europe. It is popularized in France, Belgium, Switzerland. Recently, these competitions have been loved and recognized in Russia.

Interesting facts about the American Pit Bull Terrier breed

American Pit Bull Terrier
American Pit Bull Terrier

During World War I, the American Pit Bull Terrier became a symbol of the United States Army. On posters of that time, he was depicted with a neckerchief in the colors of the country's national flag. Next to him sat an English and French bulldog, a German dachshund and a Russian greyhound. The poster read: "I remain neutral, but I am not afraid of any of them."

During the American Civil War, a Pit Bull Terrier named "Jack" was the mascot of the 112th Pennsylvania Volunteer Regiment. When the dog was captured by enemies, his fellow soldiers exchanged him for an officer of the "southerners", and after the end of hostilities they ordered his portrait.

There are many legends and scary stories about the aggressiveness of these dogs. According to statistics, inappropriate behavior and bites of pit bulls account for no more than ten percent of the total mass of canine attacks on humans. To tell the truth, this breed is friendly, especially in its manifestations with children.

There is a myth that their jaws have a dead link when bitten. But their jaw is structured the same as that of any other canine. Cynologists in their research note that there is no evidence of a stranglehold. However, it can be argued that their bite force is much greater than that of some other species. You should not make them monsters, the Rottweiler or German Shepherd has a bite of equal strength.

Many believe that the breed weighs more than forty kilograms. There is also a huge misconception that pit bulls don't feel pain. Their nervous system is exactly the same as that of other dogs. Pitas tolerate pain threshold more easily than decorative dogs. This dog was bred to perform the assigned tasks by the owner at any cost. But here the point is not in the "hard skin" of these dogs, but in their persistence in achieving the set goal.

Buying an American Pit Bull Terrier puppy

American Pit Bull Terrier Puppy
American Pit Bull Terrier Puppy

If you have long dreamed of an American Pit Bull Terrier and this is not your first dog, then feel free to start it. But in order for your future four-legged friend to have a stable psyche, excellent health and excellent external data that correspond to the standard as much as possible, then your road should lie in a professional nursery.

Since the breed is popular and widespread, there are a lot of inhabitants, therefore "inferior" pit bulls are the "scourge" of the modern world. Once in the hands of unscrupulous people, the dog suffers serious "injuries". Grief-breeders mindlessly knit dogs, not thinking about their physical and mental data. You can never tell from a puppy what will grow out of it. This is why there are still so many misconceptions about this breed.

Professionals, on the contrary, “cheer” for improving the quality of breed individuals. All of their puppies are kept in the best conditions. They are vaccinated, antiparasitic procedures and fully fed. In addition, a breeder will never sell a puppy to inadequate people with mental problems. The price of a Pit Bull Terrier can range from $ 200 to $ 600.

More detailed information about the American Pit Bull Terrier in the following video:
