In summer there is no shortage of greenery, and in winter it is often not enough. Of course, store-bought Mediterranean seasonings and spices will help out. But sometimes we want the herbs we are used to. A step-by-step recipe with a photo of dried herbs for the winter: cilantro, parsley, basil. Video recipe.

Fragrant herbs are a pleasant addition to many dishes. To enjoy its taste and aroma all year round, in the summer you need to take care of its preparation. The main ways of preparing greens for the winter are freezing and drying. Each method allows you to save greens for the winter, but their taste will be different. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages, you just need to choose the most suitable option for yourself. The freshest are frozen herbs, and dried ones need to be added to dishes a little earlier than fresh ones, so that they have time to fully give their aroma. Today we'll talk about how to cook dried herbs for the winter: cilantro, parsley, basil. But if you wish, the set of varieties of greens can be expanded to your liking.
You can dry each greenery separately and store each type in a separate jar. Or you can prepare an assortment of several types of herbs (dill, parsley, basil, cilantro, mint, spinach, sorrel, thyme, rosemary, etc.) and store the mixture in one jar. Such a preparation will be appropriate for many dishes. Moreover, it is not difficult to preserve spicy herbs for the winter. Drying is also convenient because it takes up little space and is convenient to store, and when dried, the greens still retain their color and aroma.
- Caloric content per 100 g - 275 kcal.
- Servings - Any Amount
- Cooking time - 15 minutes prep work plus drying time

- Cilantro - any quantity
- Basil - any amount
- Parsley - any quantity
Step-by-step preparation of dried herbs for the winter (cilantro, parsley, basil), recipe with photo:

1. Place the herbs in a sieve and rinse under running cold water.

2. Place them on a cotton towel and leave to dry. To speed up the process, blot them with a paper towel.

3. Tear off the greens from the stems and cut into medium size. The thinner and finer the roots are cut, the faster and better they dry. If you decide to dry greens with large stalks, then in the finished dried form, grind them into powder. Otherwise, in dishes they will look rough and taste.

4. Put cilantro, parsley and basil on a baking sheet in a thin layer and send the herbs to dry for the winter in the oven at 50 degrees. Drying time is about 2-3 hours. Dry herbs with the door slightly open so that steam can escape and air can reach them. Turn the greens periodically and stir them up with your hands so that they dry evenly. Transfer the finished dried herbs to a jar and store under the lid at room temperature. You can also grind it in a mortar and store it as a powder.
In addition, the roots can be dried in another way. Lay them out on cardboard, paper or plywood and dry in the open air in the shade for 5-6 days, in a room at 20 ° C for 8-10 days. You can also string bunches of greens (like mushrooms) and hang them in a draft, for example, on a balcony.
See also a video recipe on how to dry greens for the winter.