Cilantro, a description of the plant, the chemical composition of the leaves, the calorie content of the product, useful properties, harm and contraindications, options for use. Cilantro is an herbaceous annual herb that has a great smell and is often used to add interesting flavor to culinary dishes. It is also called coriander (from the Latin Coriandrum sativum), although this name is colloquially applied to seeds and cilantro to greens. Other names: Chinese, Arabic or Mexican parsley, kisnets, kolyandra, chilantro.
Description of the cilantro plant

Here is a more detailed description of the cilantro plant:
- Area … The Eastern Mediterranean is considered the birthplace of cilantro. Gradually, they began to cultivate it in Europe, and then the plant was brought to New Zealand, America, Australia. At the moment, it is grown almost all over the world.
- External characteristics … Cilantro looks very similar to parsley, which is familiar in our country. It blooms with small white or pale pink flowers, collected in umbellate inflorescences, located on an erect stem, the length of which reaches 50-70 cm. Cilantro fruits grow in the form of small balls, painted in yellow-brown color.
- Plant development stages … After planting seeds in March-April, the first shoots appear quite quickly. First, the greenery develops, the stem gradually forms, on which flowers bloom in June. From late July to mid-August, the seeds are fully ripe.
- Growing conditions … The plant is resistant to cold, but demanding on lighting. With a lack of light, the ripening of the fruits is delayed, while the yield and the content of essential oils decrease. The soil should be well moistened during germination, stemming and flowering. The development of barren flowers is influenced by an increased temperature (above -35 degrees).
Chemical composition of Coriandrum sativum

Cilantro is of great value for human health, because it contains a lot of useful substances. The calorie content of fresh cilantro is 23 kcal, of which:
- Carbohydrates - 3, 6-3, 8 g;
- Proteins - 2-2, 2 g;
- Fat - 0.45-0.5 g;
- Water - 92-93 g;
- Dietary fiber - 2, 7-2, 9 g;
- Ash substances - 1, 4-1, 5 g.
Cilantro greens are cholesterol-free. In dried form, it contains no fats at all, the protein content is at the level of 3 grams, and carbohydrates at the level of 55 g, which is why the calorie content of 100 g of the dried product increases to 215 kcal.
Minerals that make up cilantro, and their average level:
- Potassium - 520 mg;
- Copper - 225 mg;
- Calcium - 67 mg;
- Phosphorus - 48 mg;
- Sodium - 46 mg;
- Magnesium - 26 mg;
- Iron - 1.7 mg.
Also coriander greens contain selenium, manganese, zinc.
The vitamin composition includes:
- Vitamin C - 25-28 mg;
- Vitamin A - 3, 9-3, 5 mg;
- Vitamin B4 - 12, 5-12, 8 mg;
- Vitamin E - 2.5 mg;
- Vitamin PP - 1, 1-1, 12 mg;
- Vitamin B5 - 0.55-0.57 mg;
- Vitamin B6 - 0.14-0.15 mg;
- Vitamin B2 - 0, 15-0, 165 mg;
- Vitamin B1 - 0.06-0.07 mg;
- Vitamins K, B9 - less than 1000 mcg.
Useful properties of Mexican parsley

You don't need to be a scientist to understand its value for the body after studying the composition of cilantro. Its very first useful property is nutrition of the body with vitamins and minerals, which in turn perform many other functions.
Let's get acquainted with them in more detail:
- Gastrointestinal tract … By eating cilantro leaves, we provide ourselves with good digestion, a healthy appetite, as well as a thorough digestion of fatty and protein foods. Also, peristalsis improves - the contraction of the intestinal walls, which ensures the movement of the masses in it.
- Genitourinary system … Strengthens potency.
- Metabolism … Improves water balance, helping to remove excess fluid from the body. Accelerates the elimination of toxins.
- The cardiovascular system … Cleans blood vessels from cholesterol, toxic substances, for example, alcohol, due to the elimination of fluid, lowers blood pressure.
- Organs of vision … Cilantro is useful for people suffering from degenerative diseases of the lens and retina.
- Nervous system … Helps fight depression, normalizes the nervous system, improves the conduction of nerve fibers. Helps fight insomnia.
- Oral cavity … Prevents bleeding gums, strengthens them. Cilantro is capable of relieving toothache. It is used in the treatment of stomatitis.
In general, the healing properties of cilantro can be described by its ability to have a multifaceted effect on the body. Cilantro has anti-inflammatory, antiviral, antimicrobial, analgesic, choleretic, expectorant, wound healing, antihemorrhoid, anthelmintic, analgesic, hemostatic effect, and also lowers blood sugar.
Contraindications and harm of cilantro

To the wide list of useful properties, it is worth adding a list of contraindications inherent in cilantro. Groups of people who should not eat Arabic parsley:
- Pregnant women (the prohibition is associated with the hemostatic property of cilantro, which can cause blood thickening).
- Women who are breastfeeding (cilantro ingredients can spoil the taste of breast milk).
- People who have had myocardial infarction or stroke.
- People suffering from thrombophlebitis, high acidity.
- With hypertension, thrombosis.
You should not eat cilantro if you have an individual intolerance to its components. Be careful about the joint intake of coriander and other sources of vitamins, especially ascorbic acid and retinol. With an excess of vitamin substances, a rash may occur.
Cilantro can also be harmful if abused. It manifests itself in a violation of potency in men, the menstrual cycle in women, the appearance of problems with sleep and weakening of memory. An acceptable daily intake for an adult is 35 g of the green part of the plant or 4 g of seeds.
Features of the use of cilantro
Vitamin composition and a high level of mineral content determine the widespread use of cilantro, not only as a food product. It is used in cosmetology as a nutrient, in dietetics - as a product that helps to lose weight.
The use of arabic parsley in cooking

The main use of cilantro is the use of individual parts of the plant as a spice, adding a magical aroma and subtle spiciness to dishes. Basically, greens are added to salads, but they are also crushed into soups, adjika, fish and meat dishes, sauces, and sausages.
The pleasant aroma also improves the taste of bread and confectionery. In general, the use of cilantro in cooking is limited only by the preferences of the cook, who decides for himself where to add cilantro, and where not.
In the best way, cilantro greens are stored in a cool place, while it must be placed in a vessel with a small amount of water and covered with a plastic bag. For longer storage, the herbs are dried, salted or frozen, but in this case the spice loses some of its useful components.
The use of cilantro in cosmetology

Cilantro is an important plant for perfumery because contains essential oils necessary for the synthesis of aromatic substances. It is also used in soap making, creating creams and lotions.
For facial skin care, you can prepare a decoction at home. To do this, chop fresh herbs, pour boiling water and let it brew for 30-40 minutes. With the cooled solution, you can wipe your face with a cotton pad or use it for washing instead of regular water.
To understand the benefits of cilantro for the skin, it is worth remembering its properties. After several procedures, the complexion is evened out, the skin becomes more attractive, because saturated from the outside with vitamins, minerals, the intensity of the color of age spots decreases. Reduces the number of acne due to bactericidal and wound healing effects.
The value of Coriandrum sativum in medicine

The fruits of cilantro have the greatest value for medicine, which pharmacists include in the gastric, choleretic collection. Therefore, cooked decoctions of cilantro greens benefit not only the skin.
They can be taken orally to improve digestion, with stomach or duodenal ulcers, to improve the functioning of the liver, bladder and lower blood sugar in the presence of diabetes.
Essential oil of cilantro also serves as a source of linalool, which is part of antibacterial drugs used to treat eyes and upper respiratory tract. In addition to linalool, citral aldehyde is synthesized from this plant, which helps in the treatment of glaucoma, conjunctivitis, keratitis, and is also a component of ointments for healing cracks in the nipples of the mammary glands during breastfeeding.
How to use cilantro for men

Statistics say that men are more susceptible to heart attacks than women, which is why the stronger sex should eat cilantro every day, which cleanses blood vessels, lowers blood pressure and has a stimulating effect on immunity.
Since ancient times, in some countries, cilantro has been credited with the ability to influence the sexual power of a man. When asked how to eat cilantro to improve potency, the most correct answer is as part of other dishes, but raw, because in this state, the plant contains the greatest amount of vitamins A, E and B, which, having a beneficial effect on the nervous system, stimulate the transmission of nerve impulses, which causes sexual arousal.
Cilantro also contains androsterone, which is the main male hormone along with testosterone. It stimulates sperm production.
How to eat cilantro - watch the video:

The stimulating properties of cilantro are used by people looking to lose weight. However, there is a pitfall here. Eating the greens of this plant improves digestion and the elimination of bad substances, but the spice increases the appetite. Therefore, you have to deal with the frequent desire to eat. In this case, additional efforts of willpower are required.