Homemade hand scrub: folk recipes

Homemade hand scrub: folk recipes
Homemade hand scrub: folk recipes

The article presents folk recipes for making hand scrubs at home, as well as useful recommendations and tips for using these peels.

Causes of Rapid Aging of Hand Skin

Many girls, not to mention men, devote very little time to the skin of their hands, although their nails are often looked after. From here, with age, a noticeable difference begins in the aging of the skin of the face and hands. More years can be given on the hands than on the face. This is all due not only to irregular care, but also to more aggressive environmental influences: detergents and other household chemicals, sun rays in summer, cool winds in spring and autumn, and frost in winter. In this regard, the skin of the hands ages faster, coarsens and flakes, in other words, it requires constant care, like the face (read about exfoliating face masks).

For hand care, you can use special homemade hand baths and masks, as well as scrubs. It is better to prepare such cosmetic preparations ourselves, because it is not only cheap, but also much more effective and useful, because the ingredients in the composition will be only natural, without chemicals and other additives, the latter can only negatively affect the skin of the hands and make the nails brittle.

All ingredients in scrubs can be divided into two categories:

1. Abrasives (for peeling):

  • ground eggshell
  • ground coffee (or coffee grounds)
  • baking soda
  • sea salt
  • beach (fine) sand
  • cosmetic clay
  • sugar, etc.

2. Base (nutritious thick):

  • hand cream (any)
  • sour cream
  • vegetable oil (any)
  • liquid soap
  • honey, etc.

Hand scrub: homemade recipes

1. Sour cream-sand scrub

To prepare this scrub, we need: 4-5 drops of olive oil, fatty sour cream and sea sand. While stirring the sour cream, gradually add sand until a pasty mixture is formed, add oil and mix again until smooth.

Apply the mixture to the handles and rub them together with massaging movements. Then hold it for another 5 minutes and rinse with warm water. This procedure will remove peeling and soften the keratinized skin, and olive oil and fatty sour cream will relieve dryness and existing redness. The procedure can initially be done twice a week for a month, then reduced to once a week. Add five drops of lemon juice to this mixture, then it will have a positive effect on the nails, and the skin will acquire a whiter, richer shade.

2. A mixture of coffee grounds and liquid soap

Coffee grounds hand scrub
Coffee grounds hand scrub

If you like to brew real ground coffee in the morning (or it is better to refuse such a pleasure, if you want to look always light and young), then you can make a scrub from the remaining coffee grounds. To do this, add liquid soap to it and mix well. With this scrub, massage your hands and then rinse with lukewarm water, after which you can apply any moisturizer. Such hand care can be carried out daily in the morning, it will serve as an excellent protection for the whole day from adverse weather conditions.

3. Using sea salt

Mix 1: 1 fine sea salt with sour cream and add 4 drops of peach oil. Mix well and peel with massaging movements, then wait another 4-5 minutes, rinse in warm water and once again wash your wrists well with glycerin soap. This procedure will restore the healthy appearance of your skin.

4. Folk recipe for oatmeal

For this recipe, you need to grind oatmeal in a coffee grinder or blender, just not into flour, but so that there is coarsely ground oatmeal, because it should perform the main function - peeling the skin of the hands. Add 1/2 tsp to the resulting oat scrub. olive oil and honey. Mix everything thoroughly and apply the scrub on your hands with massaging movements. Scrub your hands for 5 minutes and then rinse with cool water, then apply a moisturizer. The procedure can be repeated after one week.

5. Scrub with fresh plums and apricot kernels

Crush the plum pulp (remove the skin if possible), and grind the apricot pits in a coffee grinder. Mix the ingredients well in a 1: 2 ratio (seeds, plums). Lubricate your hands gently and massage them slowly for about 5 minutes, so as not to get hurt by sharp bones. Wash off with warm water and apply moisturizer. The procedure should be done every 2 weeks, and it is better to switch to a more gentle scrub recipe after once. Very well removes the top charm of dead skin, restores youth.

6. Sugar and honey hand scrub

Take in a 1: 1 ratio - honey and sugar, plus add one ampoule of vitamin E (also read which foods contain vitamin E). Mix everything well and quickly so that the sugar does not melt all. This recipe for homemade scrub must be prepared in proportion at one time and immediately applied, not kept for a long time.

Grind the resulting product well on your hands and hold for 5-6 minutes, then rinse in warm water as always. A honey-sugar scrub will give your hand skin a set of vitamins and beneficial microelements. This peeling is recommended to be done no more than twice a week.


In general, I can warn you that it is very often impossible to do peels, strictly adhere to the recommendations and do not get carried away, because such frequent procedures can only harm, the skin will be too delicate and after any home cleaning without rubber gloves or washing dishes, you will get further problems.

It is recommended to make a scrub at home from natural ingredients no more than 2 times a week, and sometimes once a week or more will be enough. Only in this way the hands will have a beautiful, well-groomed and healthy appearance. The frequency of using scrubs depends on the sensitivity of the skin: rough - more often (but not more than 2 times a week), sensitive (1 time a week or 10-14 days). Alternate procedures with hand baths and masks, only then the amazing effect will not keep you waiting long.

Peeling is done only to remove dead cells. Perform the procedure with massaging movements in one slow rhythm for at least 2-3 minutes, but no more than 10-12 minutes.

Let your hands look younger than your years!