How to choose the right anti-wrinkle cream?

How to choose the right anti-wrinkle cream?
How to choose the right anti-wrinkle cream?

It is useful for every woman to know how to choose the right effective anti-wrinkle cream, how to apply it correctly in order to restore youth and beauty to the skin. Anti-wrinkle cream is one of the most popular products used for daily skin care. It has a pronounced anti-aging effect, which is aimed at increasing the elasticity of the skin. High efficiency is achieved due to the rich composition of the cream - mineral salts, hyaluronic acid, peptides, vitamins, extracts and oils, including elements that provoke collagen production.

The cream has a rather slow, but positive effect, which will be noticeable after 28-30 days, since it is during this period of time that the skin is completely renewed. This cosmetic product has a fairly wide spectrum of action, as it works in the epidermal and dermal layers. At the same time, it has a nourishing, moisturizing, whitening, regenerating, restoring and smoothing effect, while ensuring reliable protection of the skin.

When choosing an effective anti-wrinkle cream, you need to consider several main criteria:

  • skin type;
  • effect on the skin;
  • the purpose of the cream;
  • age category.

Be sure to pay special attention to the composition of the anti-aging cream and the order in which the ingredients are indicated. It is worth remembering that the closer to the end of the list the component is indicated, the less its amount is contained in the cream.

Anti-wrinkle day cream

Anti-wrinkle day cream packaging
Anti-wrinkle day cream packaging

The day cream has a lighter texture, reliably protects the skin, has a stimulating, smoothing and moisturizing effect. The composition of the product may include unique filters that protect the skin from the negative effects of the sun's rays, which trigger the start of photoaging processes.

It is important to remember that anti-aging cream with SPF filters does not provide reliable protection of the skin from the sun, so there is a possibility of sunburn. You need to apply the cream on pre-cleansed skin about an hour before going outside. It is important to adhere to this rule precisely during the cold season.

After 15 minutes, when the cream is completely absorbed into the skin, you can apply makeup.

Anti-wrinkle night cream

Jar of anti-wrinkle night cream
Jar of anti-wrinkle night cream

The night cream, in contrast to the day cream, has a dense texture, since it contains more active elements. This product has a regenerating, regenerating, nourishing and smoothing effect.

It is necessary to apply the night cream only on the skin that has been previously cleaned of make-up and dust. You need to carry out this procedure about one hour before bedtime, since the cream must be well absorbed into the skin, otherwise it will simply remain on the pillow. The absorbency of the cream is significantly increased when applied with warm fingers. After about 15 minutes, you need to lightly blot your face with a napkin to remove excess cream.

It is necessary to follow the main rules for storing the cream, which will allow it to stay fresh longer. To do this, it is enough to protect it from exposure to sunlight and try to prevent sudden changes in temperature. The cream that has been printed should be used within six months and should not be stored longer.

How to choose the right anti-wrinkle cream for your skin type

Aging process of female skin
Aging process of female skin

Every woman's skin has its own characteristics and individual qualities. Therefore, it is necessary to select an anti-wrinkle cream taking into account the type of skin:

  • sensitive;
  • dry;
  • combined;
  • oily;
  • normal.

It is taking into account the characteristics of the skin type that the action and composition of the cream are determined.

Cream for oily and combination skin

Girl with oily skin
Girl with oily skin

The product has a fluid cream-gel texture, it contains elements that have a regulating effect on the production of sebum. Such creams also have an additional effect - they perfectly matte the skin, help to narrow the pores. It also has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Anti-wrinkle cream for dry skin

Graphic display of dry skin on a girl's face
Graphic display of dry skin on a girl's face

The cream has a more oily and denser texture, it contains components of animal origin and vegetable oils. It is believed that moisturizers should be used to care for dry skin, but this is not entirely true.

Dry skin is very thin, while there is a tendency to tightness and flaking, early appearance of wrinkles. Since there is a lack of lipids, using only moisturizers will not be enough.

It is important to provide adequate nutrition for dry skin and only after that you need to take care of hydration. Very often dry skin is highly sensitive and therefore prone to redness and itching. In this case, you need to pay special attention to the choice of a special soothing cream.

Anti-wrinkle cream for dehydrated or normal skin

Graphic display of dehydrated skin on a girl's face
Graphic display of dehydrated skin on a girl's face

In this case, it is recommended to use anti-wrinkle moisturizers. Any type of skin suffers from dehydration, especially in summer and winter, when you have to stay in a hot room with dry air for a long time. It is necessary to apply moisturizers on an ongoing basis, periodically alternating with special products designed to care for different types of skin.

For aging skin care, it is recommended to use creams that contain natural ingredients. You can buy these products at the pharmacy. These include anti-wrinkle cream wax made from bee products. The composition may contain olive oil, cedar resin, chestnut juice. Cream-wax helps to quickly get rid of early wrinkles and eliminate various dermal skin imperfections, while being ideal for different skin types.

Cream wax can be applied every day or used as a regenerating mask with a regenerating effect. The main contraindication to the use of this remedy is the presence of an individual intolerance to beekeeping products.

How to choose the right anti-wrinkle cream, taking into account the age category

The girl examines her face in the mirror
The girl examines her face in the mirror

When choosing this cosmetic product aimed at removing wrinkles, you must take into account your own age. It is important to remember that today there is no tool that will suit everyone. The action and composition of the cream differ, taking into account the age-related changes in the skin.

  1. Creams of 25+ category. During this period, the skin begins to gradually accumulate fatigue as a result of frequent stress and negative environmental factors. It is at this age that the first wrinkles begin to appear, which can also be called mimic. As a rule, they become most noticeable in the corners of the eyes or on the forehead. This is the result of the habit of constantly squinting or frowning. To get rid of mimic wrinkles, you need to regularly use a cream.
  2. Creams of 30+ category. During this period, the ongoing age-related changes become more noticeable - the skin gradually loses its elasticity and healthy radiance, the first and rather deep wrinkles appear. This condition increases markedly closer to 35 years of age. Age-related changes in the skin can manifest themselves in different ways, while cosmetologists pour two types of aging. The first finely wrinkled variant is manifested by the formation of a network of wrinkles on the forehead, around the eyes, on the cheeks, characteristic of dry skin. Deformation variant - rather deep wrinkles are formed in the area of the nose and nasolabial folds, the clarity of the face contour is lost, the skin sags, characteristic of oily skin.
  3. Creams of 45+ category. At this age, the skin becomes mature, sufficiently deep wrinkles appear, and hyperpigmentation of the skin develops. It is necessary to choose the right cream and do not forget to use it regularly. These cosmetics help to improve the elasticity of the skin, returning its smoothness and elasticity. The use of special serums enhances the effect of anti-aging creams. When choosing an anti-wrinkle cream of the 40+ category, you should give preference to those containing components that stimulate the production of collagen in the skin and have a lifting effect.

Cream for wrinkles around the eyes - how to choose

Girl squeezes a patch of skin near her eye
Girl squeezes a patch of skin near her eye

The skin of the eyelids is very delicate and thin, therefore it needs proper and regular care. In this case, it is not recommended to use simple skin creams, as they are too heavy. Today, there is a fairly wide selection of products intended for the care of the skin of the eyelids, while they are divided not only into age categories, but also the effect exerted.

The cream for wrinkles around the eyes has a lighter and melting texture, it must be applied to the lower eyelid. But there is an exception - the contours for lifting care, since this tool must be applied to the lower and upper eyelids.

This type of cream has a smoothing effect, also moisturizes, restores, refreshes, soothes and whitens the skin, helps relieve swelling. An anti-wrinkle eye cream can contain microparticles of gold or crushed mother-of-pearl. These substances reflect light, making your eyes look clearer.

Typically, this type of cream is available in small tubes with different types of tips:

  • the narrow tip makes it possible to apply the cream pointwise, and then distribute it along the eyelid with applicative movements;
  • roller applicator (can have 1-3 metal balls) has a massage and tonic effect;
  • the flat metal tip has a decongestant and cooling effect;
  • the silicone applicator allows you not to stretch the skin during the application of the product.

You can put a tube of cream with a metal tip in the refrigerator for 15 minutes, which enhances the tonic effect of the product.

Homemade anti-wrinkle cream

Graphic display of a woman with and without deep wrinkles
Graphic display of a woman with and without deep wrinkles

Every woman can make an effective anti-wrinkle cream using natural ingredients. Typically formulated with natural oils, the cream has an oily and rich texture, making it ideal for treating dry and wrinkled skin.

Preparing such a tool is very simple:

  1. You will need to take olive oil (2 tablespoons) and heat in a water bath.
  2. Then cocoa butter (10 g) is added and the components are mixed well.
  3. Coconut oil (0.5 tsp), beeswax (3 g), shea butter (0.5 tsp) are added in stages.
  4. The resulting mixture is left for about 15 minutes until it cools.
  5. Then the composition is whipped and still mineral water (1 tablespoon), vitamin E (1 capsule), lavender oil (2 drops) and sea buckthorn oil (3 drops) are added.
  6. The finished cream can be stored in a container with a tightly closed lid at room temperature.

Additional components and vegetable oils can be added to the homemade anti-wrinkle cream - for example, almond, pumpkin, argan, sesame, grape seed. When choosing ingredients, you need to conduct an allergy test.

For more information on how to choose an anti-wrinkle cream, see the video below:
