Polysorb - how to use for weight loss and body cleansing

Polysorb - how to use for weight loss and body cleansing
Polysorb - how to use for weight loss and body cleansing

Find out why many experienced athletes prefer Polysorb when it comes to effective cleansing of the whole body. Today Polysorb is used very actively for weight loss and cleansing of the body and has earned a lot of flattering reviews. Moreover, not only people who decide to get rid of excess weight speak positively about him, but also doctors. This article is devoted to the rules for taking this drug.

If you lead a healthy lifestyle, then you should definitely pay attention to Polysorb. Cleaning the body must be given close attention. Very often people are interested in which pharmaceutical preparations are best for this, since many have stopped trusting dietary supplements.

Of course, it will be better if natural methods are used to solve this problem - proper fractional nutrition. However, it is not always possible to use a fractional nutrition system, because modern life dictates its own rules to us with its rapid rhythm. In such a situation, Polysorb for weight loss and cleansing of the body will be a good choice. This drug will significantly speed up the processes of disposal of all slags and toxic substances.

Polysorb for weight loss and body cleansing: what is it?

Polysorb in a jar
Polysorb in a jar

This drug belongs to the latest generation of enterosorbents. Simply put, the active ingredient in Polysorb is able to bind and retain toxins, pathogens, allergens and poisons. After that, all harmful substances are excreted from the body naturally.

It should be recognized that Polysorb for weight loss and body cleansing has a wide range of positive properties. The drug is available in powder form and is highly soluble in water. However, it cannot be absorbed in the digestive system. The active ingredient of the product is silicon dioxide.

Within three or four minutes after use, the drug comes into operation. Also an important characteristic of Polisorb is the absence of contraindications. Even children, as well as women during lactation and pregnancy can take it. The cost of this product is also low, and given its effectiveness, Polysorb definitely deserves attention.

Rules for using Polisorb for weight loss and cleansing the body

Polysorb in a spoon and a glass
Polysorb in a spoon and a glass

The duration of the course of the medication largely depends on the goals you pursue. At the same time, there are several rules that must be followed in order to get good results:

  1. It must be taken immediately after preparation of the solution.
  2. You can not use the drug in its initial form (powder), you must first prepare an aqueous solution.
  3. Throughout the day, the maximum number of receptions is four.
  4. To calculate the dosage of Polysorb, you must use the following formula - for each kilogram of body weight, from 0.1 to 0.2 grams of the drug is used.
  5. It is impossible to exceed the dosage and reduce the intervals between doses.

It is quite obvious that the earlier the course is started, the better the results will be achieved. To increase the effectiveness of the cycle, it is necessary to use the drug separately from other medications. Since the active ingredient absorbs antibacterial drugs, it must be taken after the end of therapy. If Polysorb is used as a prophylactic agent, then the optimal course duration is from 7 to 14 days.

How to properly prepare Polysorb solution?

Preparation of Polysorb solution
Preparation of Polysorb solution

We have already said that the drug can only be taken in the form of an aqueous suspension, and you must prepare it. The instruction is quite simple, but you should follow it:

  1. To prepare a single dose, you must take the required amount of Polysorb powder.
  2. Dissolve the drug in 0.5 glass of water and mix thoroughly until a suspension is obtained.
  3. The resulting solution must be consumed 60 minutes before a meal or 1.5 hours after a meal.
  4. In case of acute poisoning, severe allergies and hangovers, it is recommended to use a double dosage.

Note that in the presence of certain diseases, there are peculiarities of using this medication and in such situations you should consult a doctor for advice.

How does Polysorb work for weight loss and body cleansing?

Two banks of Polisorb
Two banks of Polisorb

After the prepared suspension has been drunk, the active ingredient of Polysorb is in the stomach. It immediately starts to work and begins to absorb harmful substances. At the moment of contact of Polysorb molecules with water, a unique spatial structure is formed, which in a short time binds poisons, toxic substances, pathogenic bacteria and slags.

The drug continues to move through the digestive tract and reaches the intestines, continuing to collect all harmful substances and bacteria. An important point in the mechanism of the drug's work is its complete non-assimilation. As a result, all harmful substances collected by the active ingredient are disposed of naturally.

Why is cleansing the body so important to health?

Girl holding her hands on her stomach
Girl holding her hands on her stomach

We will talk more about in what situations Polysorb should be used, but first it must be said why attention should be paid to cleaning. During my life, the human body is constantly exposed to harmful, and sometimes very dangerous substances. They often cause the development of various diseases.

Periodically cleaning the body must be carried out in order to prevent diseases. As a result, the functioning of the immune system will improve, digestion processes will normalize, and the activity of the brain will also increase. Cleaning the body can be compared to general cleaning of an apartment. One of the best pharmaceutical preparations for this procedure is Polysorb.

When should you use Polysorb?

Package with Polysorb
Package with Polysorb

The drug is a universal absorbent and can be used in various situations:

  • All types of poisoning, for example, poisons, toxins, food, medicinal, etc.
  • Intoxication of any type.
  • Diseases of the skin.
  • Viral and intestinal infections.
  • For solving cosmetic problems, for example, masks for pimples.
  • As a prophylactic agent when working in hazardous conditions.
  • Treatment of hepatic and renal pathologies.
  • Cleaning the body for preventive purposes.

Recall that the drug can be used only in the form of a suspension and must adhere to all recommendations for use. In order to ensure maximum safety of the course, we recommend that you consult with your doctor beforehand.

Polysorb for preventive cleaning of the body

For prophylaxis, the drug is recommended to be used several times throughout the year and it is advisable to conduct at least two courses. This is especially true for people who actively consume junk food, experience frequent stress, have metabolic problems, etc. As a result, all toxic substances will be quickly disposed of, which will significantly improve your well-being.

To solve this problem, the drug must be taken immediately before the start of the meal. It is very important to observe the dosage of the powder, but the amount of water for preparing the suspension can be slightly increased. The duration of such a course depends on several factors, but most often it ranges from seven days to three months.

Polysorb for poisoning

The drug can be used to provide emergency care in case of severe poisoning. In this case, a one-time dosage of the powder is two grams, which must be diluted in 0.1 liter of water. Three hours after taking the first dosage, you must repeat the reception. For this, it is necessary to use already six grams of the drug.

Use the remaining 6 grams of Polysorb in even doses every hour and a half. The next day, take the absorbent four times with a one-time dosage of three grams. This course lasts three to five days. According to the results of independent studies, three grams of the drug are similar in effectiveness to 120 tablets of activated carbon.

In the treatment of infectious diseases

If you have been diagnosed with an infectious disease, then the drug must be taken according to the instructions. Many people note the effectiveness of this method of treating diseases. Doctors say that the use of Polisorb allows you to reduce the load on the immune system. We recommend that you first consult a doctor for advice.

Polysorb Mask

We have already noted that the drug can also be used for cosmetic purposes. Applying the suspension to the face will allow you to quickly get rid of acne, suppress inflammation and improve the quality of the skin. Scientists suggest that the drug is able to collect toxins not only in the digestive system, but also on the skin. To prepare the mask, you need to dilute one spoonful of powder in 0.2 liters of water. The result should be a paste-like mass that is kept on the skin for a quarter of an hour.

After the expiration of the above period, the mask should be washed off with water, and a nourishing cream should be applied to the skin. Cosmetologists recommend doing a facial mask on a weekly basis. If you are concerned about acne, then in this case it is necessary to carry out the procedure daily. To increase the effectiveness of the course, the Polysorb suspension should be used internally.

Polysorb and the hangover

Of course, Polysorb is not able to cure alcoholism, but it will perfectly cope with a hangover syndrome. If you want to reduce the harmful effects of alcohol on the body, then the drug can be taken before drinking. In case of alcohol poisoning, the absorbent is used for 3-5 days according to the instructions.

Polysorb and allergies

An absorbent can be an excellent remedy for allergies, as it accelerates the processes of utilization of substances that cause the causes of these reactions. After preparing the suspension, it must be administered using an enema on the first day of the course, and then taken orally three times a day.

Polysorb and toxicosis

Pregnancy in all women is associated with toxicosis and Polysorb can be used to eliminate it. It is very important here that the drug is not able to have a negative effect on the fetus. In addition, remember that an absorbent does not distinguish good substances from bad ones, and during pregnancy, when using it, additional micronutrient complexes should be taken.

Contraindications to the use of Polisorb

Bank with Polysorb in hand
Bank with Polysorb in hand

Now you already know when Polysorb for weight loss and body cleansing will be extremely effective. This drug is safe for the body and has practically no contraindications. You shouldn't use it only in these cases:

  • Stomach ulcer.
  • Gastric bleeding.
  • Weak peristalsis of the intestinal tract or its complete absence.
  • Intolerance to the active ingredient.

For more information on cleansing the body with Polysorb, see below:
