Find out the criteria for choosing cottage cheese for a low-carb diet in a supermarket. Cottage cheese is a great product for anyone looking to lose weight. In addition, it will become an excellent source of protein compounds for athletes. Today we will tell you how to choose cottage cheese for weight loss, because not every product from the supermarket can be useful for the body.
How to choose cottage cheese for weight loss - which one is better

There are several selection criteria to keep in mind.
- Label. Read the label carefully, as only a natural product can be useful. Pass by various curd masses or products, sweet glazed curd bars, etc. They contain not only sugar, but also other impurities that may be harmful to the body. Compare the indicator of the energy value of curd mass with raisins and natural curd - 400 versus 120 calories. At the same time, the fat content of the first product exceeds 20 percent, and curd contains only about 5 percent of fat.
- Fat content. A few words should be said about this in addition. Although nutritionists now recommend eating only those dairy products that do not contain fat, this nutrient is necessary for the body, and especially for women. We recommend using cottage cheese with a fat content ranging from 1 to 5 percent. This will make the product taste better and will not affect your figure at all.
- Price. Quality products cannot be cheap and this is fully applicable to cottage cheese. To get 200 grams of a quality product, you need to use about 0.6 liters of milk. Add to this the various mark-ups of retail chains, and you will understand what the cost of a good curd should be. If the cost of a 200 gram pack turned out to be below 50 rubles, then many questions arise about the quality of such a product.
- Supermarket or market. The question of where it is better to buy cottage cheese is also very relevant. Right off the bat, it might seem like the ideal option is the market. However, it is extremely difficult to obtain a low-fat product at home. Most often, homemade cottage cheese has a fat content in the range of 9 to 18 percent, which is a lot for weight loss.
The benefits of cottage cheese during weight loss

Everyone knows that cottage cheese is one of the milk processing products. As a result, the curd contains a large amount of calcium and other nutrients. An equally important property of this product for losing weight is the ability to saturate for a long time period.
Since the glycemic index of this fermented milk product is only 45, it can be safely consumed shortly before bedtime. This also suggests that it can be consumed by people with diabetes. Do not think that by eating for a week, you will immediately lose weight, a kilogram by five or more. However, the lipolysis processes in this situation will definitely be activated.
When you eat cottage cheese during a diet, the following changes are observed in the body:
- the concentration of calcium is restored, which has a positive effect not only on the condition of bone tissues, but also increases the efficiency of the digestive system;
- metabolic reactions are accelerated;
- increased urination.
Once again, I want to say that a fat-free product is not an ideal choice for losing weight. Eat cottage cheese with a fat content of 1-5 percent. In terms of the quality and quantity of protein compounds, cottage cheese will not yield the palm even to meat, and at the same time it is processed much faster in the body without loading the digestive system.
How to properly use cottage cheese while losing weight?

As you may have noticed, cottage cheese has a lot of positive properties and may well become the basis of your diet during the period of weight loss. There are many ways to use cottage cheese for weight loss, and you can easily find the most attractive one for yourself.
In addition to the positive effects produced by this product on the digestive system, it should be noted that the hair, nails and skin are strengthened due to the presence of a large amount of calcium. If you decide to use a curd diet, then you must adhere to it for a maximum of several days. We recommend that you periodically arrange unloading cottage cheese days.
At this point, it is necessary to consume about 0.5 kilos of the product in several doses. If you eat cottage cheese before bedtime, then you will eliminate the feeling of hunger and will be able to fall asleep faster. In addition to the evening meal, cottage cheese is great for breakfast. For these two doses, you should consume no more than 300 grams of the product. If you eat cottage cheese for breakfast, then the feeling of hunger will not visit you until lunch.
In addition, there are several more rules for using this fermented milk product that will help you in the fight against excess weight:
- Eat only fresh, white cottage cheese that does not have any foreign odors.
- When using the curd diet, you must drink the maximum amount of water.
- Do not add sugar to the curd, and if you need to change its consistency, you can use sour cream in small quantities.
- In addition to cottage cheese, during the diet, you can eat fish, meat (boiled) and unsweetened fruits.
- During the day, you can consume no more than 0.3 kilos of the product, and during fasting days, when other food is not consumed - 0.5 kilos.
Cottage cheese can be combined with various fruits or vegetables. As a result, you have the opportunity to prepare a variety of dishes. As we said above, the duration of the curd diet is 3-7 days. Now we will tell you a little more about what products cottage cheese is best combined with. This is an equally important question in comparison with how to choose cottage cheese for weight loss.
The right combination of products will not only help you achieve your goal faster, but also have a positive effect on your health. You can easily use a curd diet and still eat your favorite foods. An excellent combination with cottage cheese is prunes. This is especially useful for constipation, as the plant fibers contained in prunes will cleanse the intestinal tract.
By mixing cottage cheese with parsley or dill, you will speed up the processes of utilizing excess liquid. This dish can be safely consumed for breakfast with a piece of toasted bread. The combination of this fermented milk product with cottage cheese will be no less useful. Honey contains a large amount of nutrients and has a positive effect on the functioning of the nervous system. This dish will also eliminate cravings for sweets, which are prohibited during weight loss.
By adding chopped garlic to the curd, you will speed up the processing of food, as well as eliminate dysbiosis. For 3-5 days, you can use cottage cheese in combination with kefir. Throughout the day, you need to consume 0.1 kilo of cottage cheese five times and wash it down with a glass of kefir. Do not forget about water, and green tea will also be extremely useful.
Types of curd diets

There are many different curd diets, and now you will get acquainted with the most popular.
- Maggi Diet Nutrition Program. This nutrition program is suitable for those who have some willpower problems. The daily norm of cottage cheese is 0.3 kilos, and in addition, you can eat boiled dietary meat and vegetable salad for lunch. If you cannot get rid of the feeling of hunger, then during snacks, you can eat any vegetables except grapes and bananas.
- Kefir-curd dietary nutrition program. The duration of this diet is one week and during this time you can get rid of eight kilos of fat. At the same time, thanks to the intake of all important nutrients into the body, you will feel great. Divide 0.3 kilos of cottage cheese into five receptions, and between them drink a glass of low-fat kefir.
- Curd and yoghurt diet food program. Yogurt is a very useful product, which contains special lactic bacteria that have a positive effect on the performance of the intestinal tract. To lose weight correctly without risk to health, you need to consume one glass of yogurt daily. Note that this product should only be natural, and no ingredients, such as honey, should be added to it. Cottage cheese is consumed throughout the day in the amount of 0.3 kilos.
- Cottage cheese and fruit dietary nutrition program. We have already said that cottage cheese goes well with various fruits and should be used during the period of weight loss. Often, in just one week of using this diet, people lose 10 kilograms of weight. However, these are not all the advantages of a curd-fruit dietary nutrition program, because thanks to it you will be able to cleanse your body of toxins. A one-time portion of cottage cheese is 0.15 kilos and you need to add another 100 grams of any fruit to this product. There should be three such meals throughout the day, and during snacks, consume 100 grams of fruit. It is advisable that the fruits you use are homemade, although not everyone has this opportunity.
These are just a few dietary nutrition programs, the main product of which is cottage cheese. In fact, there are much more of them, and they all help to lose weight quickly enough. We also recall that in order to consolidate the results obtained, it is necessary to exit the diet correctly. This statement is true for any nutrition program.
More information about cottage cheese for weight loss and weight gain, in the video below: