Diet on wine for weight loss

Diet on wine for weight loss
Diet on wine for weight loss

Find out the whole truth about drinking alcohol on a diet and whether this approach will really help you get rid of extra pounds. Almost all diets impose a strict ban on the use of alcoholic beverages. The reason for this lies on the surface, because alcohol increases appetite and promotes fluid retention in the body. But some nutritionists believe that diet programs that include certain types of alcoholic beverages can be very effective. Now we are talking about a diet based on wine.

Advantages and Disadvantages of a Wine Diet

Glass of white wine and white grapes
Glass of white wine and white grapes

It is assumed that wine accelerates the breakdown of fats and increases the rate of reduction of adipose tissue. However, today in the camp of the world's leading nutritionists there is no full agreement on this score. We can say for sure that this alcoholic drink helps to improve digestion processes.

Wine can help the body process heavy foods like meat. In addition, wine speeds up the metabolism, which does not contribute to the accumulation of new fatty deposits. It is for these reasons that the wine diet is quite popular today. However, this nutrition program has its drawbacks that you need to be aware of. First of all, it is contraindicated in the presence of problems with the work of the digestive system. If you are diagnosed with, say, gastritis, then it is better not to use a wine diet. This is due to the fact that the drink must be consumed on an empty stomach, which will invariably lead to an exacerbation of diseases.

Also, the possible hangover syndrome should be attributed to the disadvantages of this nutrition program. Wine contains glycerin and sulfites, and these substances can cause unpleasant sensations. It should also be noted that in terms of sulfite and glycerin content, wine is significantly superior to high-quality vodka.

Wine has a relaxing effect and this can lead to decreased performance and tone your body. Knowing this, you should think carefully before starting a wine diet, especially if your job involves mental stress.

At the same time, wine has a low energy value and, if consumed within reasonable limits, can be very useful for the body. The wine contains special enzymes that can increase the efficiency of defense mechanisms and rejuvenate the body. If you are not intimidated by the possible increase in appetite, and you are confident that you can restrain yourself from eating large amounts of food after a glass of wine, then this diet may be useful for you.

How to make a wine diet as effective as possible?

Woman with a glass
Woman with a glass

Today the wine diet has several variations. However, all these varieties of this nutrition program are united by one rule - during the day you need to consume one bottle of a quality drink. At the same time, there are no restrictions on a one-time dose of wine. You can drink it all at once or stretch it out for the whole day. You should also drink a lot of water, and we will now tell you about everything else in more detail, considering each of the existing diet options for wine.

  • 1st option. In this form, the nutrition program is used for three days. You should drink no more than one bottle of the drink daily, but less is possible. It is also allowed to eat apples (no more than three pieces) and whole grain bread in the amount of a maximum of half a loaf. During the diets, you can lose from three to five kilos.
  • 2nd option. The set of products used is similar to the previous version, but the mode is slightly changed. This version of the food program is perfect for those who like to go to parties. The first day of the diet, you need to adhere to the rules of the first option. The next day, you can visit and drink wine, and on the last day of the diet, return to the original diet.
  • 3rd option. This wine diet option involves eating cheese. It should be noted that this program is very popular among the stars of domestic and foreign show business. Cheese is good because it contains a large amount of protein compounds, and with its help you can satisfy your hunger for a long period of time.

This diet option is also designed for three days. For breakfast, you can eat 120 grams of cheese, drink a glass of wine and have a toast made from wheat bread. For lunch and dinner, you need to eat the same 120 grams of cheese, already two toast and drink two glasses of wine.

According to the information available, you can lose three or even five kilograms of fat over the course of a diet meal program. You have probably already noticed that the wine diet is a mono diet and this fact implies the appearance of a deficiency of nutrients. It's best to choose a time to use your diet when it definitely won't interfere with your career, say, on vacation.

Basic principles of weight loss

Red wine
Red wine

Today you got acquainted with the wine diet and if you have no contraindications to its use, you can evaluate the effectiveness of this nutrition program. But you must remember that getting rid of excess weight is difficult enough. This is especially true for people who are prone to gaining mass.

In such a situation, diet alone will not be enough. You need to constantly make sure that you consume fewer calories than you expend them throughout the day. No less important is the rate of weight loss, since it is only necessary to get rid of fat mass.

During the week, you need to lose about one kilogram, and in this case, you can be sure that you are getting rid of fat. Moreover, it is advisable to calculate the safe rate of weight loss not in kilograms, but as a percentage of the initial body weight. During the week, this figure should be about one percent, and in a month you should lose no more than three percent.

Also, many people, when losing weight, are faced with the problem of returning weight after refusing dietary nutrition programs. This is due to the fact that after completing the diet, the metabolism returns to normal and if nothing is done, then the lost weight will definitely return. It takes the body some time to adapt to a new diet.

If you lose weight at a high rate that exceeds a safe one, then the body will not be able to maintain the weight, and you will gain weight again, and perhaps even more than it was before the diet began. This is a protective reaction of the body, and after a deficiency of nutrients, he wants to stock up on them in case of a repetition of the situation with fasting.

To avoid this, you should achieve a rate of weight loss that will not exceed the rate of normalization of metabolism after completing the diet. In this case, your body will not experience intense stress and will not perceive the process of getting rid of fat as a temporary phenomenon. As a result, your body weight will be stabilized.

Of course, this is very difficult to achieve. You need to find the dietary nutrition program that is most effective for you and will allow you to lose weight at a safe rate. You also need to exercise to maintain a high metabolic rate.

For more on the benefits of red wine, see this story: