The reasons for the appearance of excess volume in the area of the hands, various ways to solve this problem - physical exercises with and without weighting agents, self-massage and proper nutrition. Excessive fullness in the area of the hands is a drawback that makes many women have complexes and look for a way to solve this aesthetic problem. You can reduce the volume in different ways: with liposuction, special diets, massage or physical activity. The best method is a combination of exercise, diet, and massage.
Causes of excess volume in the arms

Excessive fullness of arms or the so-called "angel wings" is a problem of many modern girls. After all, because of her, they cannot afford to wear a beautiful dress or a sundress, which opens their shoulders.
Before you start getting rid of fat on your hands, you need to find out the reasons for this deficiency. Here are the main ones:
- This type of fat can be caused by poor posture.
- If you have a constitutional predisposition to this problem.
- If the pectoral muscles and triceps are weak and undeveloped.
It is worth noting that extra centimeters in volume on the hands, as a rule, do not appear on their own, they are accompanied by the presence of excess body weight. Therefore, the approach to solving the problem must be comprehensive.
What exercises to choose to lose weight hands

For weight loss of the arms, aerobic type exercises and cardio training should be used. There are special programs in different sports that are designed to achieve this effect.
- Aerobics … This type of physical activity is designed to strengthen all muscles during exercise. During active training, all excess fat deposits are evenly burned in all problem areas. Dance aerobics classes will help to give the body a good physical shape, tighten it, raise self-esteem and simply give a good mood. In order to get rid of the fat on your arms, dance training should be regular. The essence of the lessons lies in the correct performance of various energetic movements with dance elements. This sport is quite simple, so even beginners will be able to lose weight under the guidance of a good coach or thanks to video tutorials from the Internet.
- Pool activities … Regular training will give your hands relief and remove excess volume. What's more, swimming can help you lose weight, tighten your skin, and improve your health.
- Push ups … With the help of this strength exercise, you will quickly remove excess weight from your arms, bring the extensor muscles - triceps into shape. To begin with, you need to take a classic start position: the back should be flat, the legs extended, balance should be kept exclusively on the toes, the position of the arms should be at shoulder level, next to each other. Slowly tilt your torso down, but do not touch the floor, then do not quickly return to the starting position. So that during the exercise all the necessary load is directed to the arm zone, the elbows should not be pressed against the body. If you are just starting out and it is still difficult for you to keep the weight on your toes, transfer the support to your knees.
- Pull-ups … This is a great exercise for developing biceps and will quickly get rid of your bulky arms. Hang on the bar and make a reverse grip with your hands. For quality performance, use only the strength of the muscles of the arms - pull the torso up until the chin is above the crossbar. Then slowly take the starting position, your arms should be completely straight again. Start by doing two sets of five pull-ups. Then gradually increase the number of times. If it is difficult to pull up on the horizontal bar overhead, you can start by doing the exercise on the low bar in a 45-degree position.
Each of these exercises affects a specific muscle group or produces a cardio effect (aerobics, swimming). Therefore, ideally, they should be combined.
What to do to lose weight hands
The most radical method of getting rid of this deficiency is fat removal surgery (liposuction). But such an intervention can negatively affect the body, and besides, the operation is not suitable for everyone. Few women decide to take such a step, preferring more conservative, albeit slow, methods. With the help of exercise and the right diet, you can achieve good results in losing weight on your arms.
How to quickly lose weight in your arms with dumbbell exercises

Dumbbells are lifted in turn while sitting. This is one of the most effective exercises for burning excess deposits on the arms, where the emphasis is on the biceps while flexing at the elbows. Exercising regularly will help tone your muscles. To perform, sit on a chair, straighten your back, take dumbbells and lift them one by one. The rise and fall of the shells must be smooth. The required number of approaches for effective training is 3 times, 20 repetitions for each arm. The next triceps exercise looks like this. Sitting straight on a chair, leaning on it, lower your arms with dumbbells down, and then take them back to the limit. You should feel a little pain and tension in your muscles as you perform the abductions.
If you don't have special training dumbbells, just use plastic bottles filled with water or sand. At the initial stage, use half-liter containers, increase the volume over time. For beginners, the ideal weight would be a two kilogram bottle.
How to make your hands lose weight and dry them

All exercises are performed without additional weights. The first is done according to the following scheme:
- You are on the rug, with your feet resting on the floor.
- Keep your hands straight and in support from behind, bend your hips 90 degrees.
- Dynamically lift your torso off the floor by moving your torso parallel to the mat. At the same time, strongly tense the muscles of the buttocks and abs.
- It is necessary to perform two approaches thirty times.
- At an intermediate point, hold your body in the top position for a few seconds. The shoulders should not rise too much.
Exercise "plank" is effective for losing weight. Take a lying position: arms shoulder-width apart, support on your toes, back muscles and abs should be in tension. You can start with both hands, then remove one at a time. Do two passes 15 times.
How to lose weight in your arms without pumping them up with weights

Exercises for weight loss of the arms, you do not contribute to the increase in muscle volume. Athletes of a professional level, in order to achieve relief, do a deadlift weighing more than thirty kilograms. Therefore, from light dumbbells and simple exercises, rest assured, biceps and triceps will not increase in volume, but will only be in good shape. When doing arm slimming exercises, do it quickly and dynamically. The speed mode will help you burn as many extra calories as possible, as well as fat cells that have accumulated under the skin. So that your efforts are not in vain, you should carry out comprehensive training. They must combine uniform muscle strength and dynamic fat burning. Thus, there is a tremendous impact on the problem area. But remember: you need to start with simple exercises that can only be slightly modified over time. Performing complex arm workouts every day, you will not only reduce their volume, but also solve the problem of sagging skin, cellulite, and gain a slight relief of the shoulder area. You can start training with the following exercises without special weights:
- "Imaginary jump rope" … You just imitate jumping rope, two sets of thirty times will be enough. You only need to land on your toes, otherwise you risk damaging your foot. While jumping, rotate your arms as if you had a rope in them. It is necessary to strain the biceps well - press the forearms to the body.
- "Deep swings" … They are performed in the forward-backward direction. Tighten the press, and move the body forward a little. Perform sixty swings.
- "Windmill" … The exercise is similar to the first. Jumping here is performed with the rotation of the arms. The body is placed perpendicular to the floor. Rotate with your hands one at a time. After thirty jerks, return to the starting position, take a short break and do another hike. When doing the "mill", do not raise your shoulders too high.
Once you start exercising, you may have sore throat. Doctors recommend taking a bath with chamomile decoction and sea salt to reduce pain.
How to massage to reduce hand volume

It won't take long for you to self-massage, but the results will be excellent. Excess weight in the arms and forearms will gradually disappear, the total body weight will decrease, and metabolic processes will improve.
Features of hand massage:
- Massage should be started with warming up and rubbing hands. Movements should be smooth, in the direction from the hands to the shoulders. The procedure can be carried out in a bath with sea salt and aromatic oils. The skin will be cleansed and well warmed at a deep level. When the epidermis is slightly reddened, you can start massage.
- Lubricate your palms with oil. First, massage the forearms well and then continue downward towards the hands. Pay attention to the outside of your arms and shoulders.
- To lose weight in your hands, it is recommended to use special massager brushes. With their help, the lymph flow process will improve, and this will contribute to weight loss. Take the choice of a massage brush seriously: its pile should not be too hard, as it can damage the skin.
- After the general massage is over, go to the acupressure. The main point, which is responsible for the digestive processes in the body, is located at the base of the thumb. You need to lightly press on it and (clockwise and vice versa) massage 15 times in each direction. The second useful area is the base of the thumbnail, the third is the area on the outside of the shoulder, between its base and the elbow. It is recommended to press on such points for no more than three minutes. Nutritionists say that stimulation of these areas significantly reduces appetite, helps to calm and improve metabolic processes. Such point effects can be done several times a day, without even having done a general hand massage before.
- Final step: After pressing for about three to four minutes, lightly stroke your hands.
Hand massage is an effective procedure, but you will get even greater results by combining massage with physical training and proper nutrition.
Proper nutrition for slimming hands

Most of the tips are also suitable for general weight loss, as well as for improving physical fitness and increasing activity. They should be observed unswervingly:
- Keep the amount of carbohydrates in your diet to a minimum. Cut out refined sugar, candy, baked goods, as well as cereals, honey, bananas, grapes, and figs. If you really want to eat something sweet, let it be a small portion of fresh fruit or dried fruit (but they should not be processed with syrup!). Most of these foods should be consumed before lunch.
- Drink plenty of water - at least three liters every day. In addition to pure water, you can drink unsweetened herbal and green teas, as well as freshly squeezed juices. Coffee, dairy drinks, soda and alcohol are prohibited.
- If you need to heat or cook food, do not use oil. It is better to steam it, just boil or simmer in your own juice. It is preferable to serve fish and meat dishes from the grill and bake them in foil. You can eat no more than two eggs a week with yolks, you can also add a couple of proteins separately.
- The frequency of meals should be as follows: the portions are small, but you need to eat at least five times a day. It is this kind of food that will help avoid a strong feeling of hunger, you will not snack on unhealthy foods. Such a regime will only improve the functioning of the digestive organs and help to dispose of fat deposits as quickly as possible.
- During the diet, it is also worth including in the diet an additional portion of vitamins and minerals.
How to reduce the volume of hands - watch the video:
[media = v = xixnzok5GuA] If you strictly follow all the recommendations regarding exercise, massage and nutrition, you can see good results in a very short time. Physical form will return to normal, body fat on the hands will decrease. It all depends only on self-discipline while observing the dietary regime and dedication during strength training.