How to reduce your salt intake

Table of contents:

How to reduce your salt intake
How to reduce your salt intake

What is salt, how is it mined. The benefits and harms of a natural product for the body. The daily rate of sodium chloride and the possibility of replacement in dishes. Recommendations for a painless transition to a salt-free diet. Salt is a food product with a crystalline structure. Can be food, dining, stone. The chemical name is sodium chloride, NaCl. The color depends on the method of extraction and manufacture. Depending on the type of impurities and minerals, it can be brown, grayish, reddish. The consumer is offered several varieties - from "Extra" to the second. Rock salt is mined in salt mines, processed by evaporation, or sold in pure form. The sediment is collected from the stones of the salt waterfalls, where it settles due to natural evaporation. Sadochnaya is taken out of sea caves, which are at great depths, and processed in the same way as a stone one. Iodized salt is made artificially by enriching food with potassium iodide.

The benefits of salt for the body

Using salt for cooking
Using salt for cooking

Salt is essential for the stable functioning of the human body. The main constituents (sodium and chlorine) are found in organic tissues.

Sodium is present in bones, muscles and nerve fibers, extracellular fluids. The substance is necessary to support metabolism, secretion of digestive enzymes, normalize acid-base balance, and prevent dehydration.

Chlorine maintains the level of water-electrolyte balance, stimulates the release of hydrochloric acid, maintains osmotic pressure (the pressure due to which the interstitial fluid penetrates the intercellular membrane).

If there is not enough salt:

  • The appearance deteriorates, nails are exfoliated, hair becomes weak and alopecia develops, the skin becomes dry and begins to peel off.
  • Blood pressure decreases, weakness and fatigue appear, memory function is impaired.
  • Dizziness, headaches, muscle cramps often occur.
  • The general immunity decreases.

Sodium chloride solution is called saline and is widely used in medicine:

  1. Intravenously … For elimination of intoxication, relief of allergic reactions and replenishment of blood loss.
  2. Internal use … For recovery from heatstroke or poisoning.
  3. As a rinsing solution … To eliminate edema of the nasopharyngeal mucosa and normalize breathing through the nose. Can be used to wash the eyes with infectious conjunctivitis.
  4. For refueling inhalers and nebulizers … To eliminate inflammatory processes of the respiratory organs and improve the discharge of bronchial mucus.
  5. Outwardly … To eliminate purulent-inflammatory processes of the skin. Saline bandages are applied to boils so that they mature faster and pus comes out to the surface, on flaky skin in case of fungal infections, in order to stop the activity of pathogenic microorganisms.

Salt is used by cosmetologists. Hair masks with sodium chloride normalize the functioning of the hair follicles, and for the face - the regenerative properties of the upper layer of the epithelium.

Life is impossible without salt. However, it should be consumed in limited quantities.

Harm of salt when consumed excessively

Heart problem from salt abuse
Heart problem from salt abuse

Overuse of sodium chloride is dangerous to the human body.

With excess salt intake, the harm is as follows:

  • The acidity of gastric juice increases, gastritis and peptic ulcer disease develop due to increased production of hydrochloric acid.
  • Blood pressure rises, and the likelihood of cataract formation increases.
  • Blood thickens, blood pressure rises.
  • Increased salt intake overloads the cardiovascular system, water accumulates in the body, and blood flow slows down.
  • Kidney function is impaired, edema appears.
  • Deposits are formed on the walls of blood vessels and calculi in the joints, which contributes to the development of atherosclerosis, arthrosis, gout.
  • Atherosclerosis increases the likelihood of coronary artery disease, stroke and heart attack.

Without limiting the use of salt, a natural flavor enhancer, it is impossible to lose weight. With hypertension, atherosclerosis, obesity, dysfunction of the urinary system, it should be excluded from the diet.

Should not be abused and used for cosmetic purposes. Sodium chloride binds water, is absorbed in small quantities into the bloodstream. This action can increase dryness of the skin and provoke flaking.

Salt intake for adults and children

Adding salt to salad
Adding salt to salad

It is impossible to say unequivocally how much sodium chloride a person needs per day. The benefits and harms of salt for the body depends on age, climatic factor, lifestyle and concomitant diseases. Athletes need more salt, and people with pathological changes in the urinary system or digestive organs are advised to completely abandon this substance.

A healthy adult needs a teaspoon of salt per day - 10-15 g. Part of the substance comes out with sweat and urine, and 5-6 g remain in the body. It should be borne in mind that a person receives part of the required amount with food.

Salt norms for children:

  1. 1-3 years - 2 g / day;
  2. 4-6 years old - 3 g / day;
  3. 7-10 years old - 5 g / day;
  4. 11-18 years old - 6-8 g / day.

When preparing food in cooking, the benefits of table salt, which has a neutral taste, have been proven. Seafood changes the taste of the dish, and if exactly it is required, it is indicated in the recipes. During pregnancy, it is recommended to introduce iodized salt into the diet.

How to replace salt in the diet

A salt-free diet is necessary for those who are losing weight and for those who have to adhere to special nutrition due to organic pathologies - for example, with renal failure, coronary artery disease or hyperthyroidism. However, dishes without salt seem bland and tasteless, the need to eat such food worsens the mood, the person becomes nervous and irritated. If you know how to reduce your salt intake and how to replace the "taste improver", the restrictions will not affect the quality of life.

Salty sauces

Soy sauce
Soy sauce

Most salty sauces contain salt, but much less salt is absorbed into the body than when using the product in its pure form. You can buy them ready-made or prepare them yourself:

  • Soy … There are only four ingredients in expensive quality soy sauce: beans, wheat, water, and a minimal amount of salt. The cost of a quality product is from 200 rubles per 250 ml. Cheap options contain soy protein hydrolyzate. You can make the sauce yourself without salt. Soybeans, 200 g, soaked for 10-12 hours, boil thoroughly, interrupt in a blender. Pour half a glass of weak fish broth from sea fish - then you do not need to add salt. Pour 2 tablespoons of flour into the boiling broth, a piece of butter - 40 g, bring everything to a boil. In a blender, grind a small onion, 2 cloves of garlic, a third of a chili pod, 200-300 g of mayonnaise. The latter contains salt, and there is enough of it to make the final dish tasty. Pour the cooled seasoned broth into a bowl, beat for 5-7 minutes. Leave to infuse. Combines with fish dishes and pasta.
  • Vinegar … This product is also considered a sauce. To substitute salt, it is best to use balsamic, apple cider, wine, rice, or sherry vinegar. To get a more pronounced taste, you should first season the sauce with aromatic herbs or chicory, let it brew for a day.
  • Mustard honey sauce … Remove the zest from the lemon, cut into two parts. Squeeze juice from one half. Rub the ginger root, about 5-7 cm. Mix the ingredients, add 15 g of mustard, 4 chopped garlic cloves, 25 g of melted or fresh liquid honey, 60 ml of olive oil, pepper mixture. Drive well, insist an hour.
  • Orange garlic sauce … Garlic cloves, 2 pieces, knead and fry in vegetable oil. In orange juice, 150 ml, dilute a teaspoon of honey, pour into a pan with fried garlic and let it simmer for 2 minutes. It goes well with chicken.
  • Spicy sauce … Seasoning for poultry and meat is extremely easy to prepare. Sour cream is mixed with lemon sauce and vegetable oil, ground coriander and horseradish are added.

Garlic, grated onion, ground seaweed, lime and lemon zest are suitable ingredients for salty sauces. If you cook them yourself, excess salt intake is excluded.

Spices and condiments as an alternative to salt

Dry Garlic Powder
Dry Garlic Powder

Certain foods and spices can be flavor enhancers on their own and can be used in a salt-free diet.

Herbs and condiments:

  1. Dry Garlic Powder … You just have to get used to the characteristic aroma.
  2. Seaweed … Laminaria not only improves taste, but also benefits the body. It contains valuable acids, minerals, vitamins and a high amount of iodine.
  3. Citrus juice … Lemon, lime is more suitable, but you can use an orange or a mixture of grapefruit juice with tangerine.
  4. Celery … All parts of the plant, fresh and dry, are used to make the dish tasty. Petioles for winter harvesting are cut into equal parts, then ground into powder and stored in glass containers without air access. Useful properties are preserved throughout the year.
  5. Ramson or bear onion … This herb tastes like garlic and onion at the same time. It contains many essential oils.

Spicy herbs are also used as a "salt substitute": parsley - fresh and dry, Italian mix, basil. The most popular: pungent cumin with a nutty flavor, spicy tarragon, tart, spicy sweet cumin, pungent marjoram, cilantro, which has citrus notes in its aroma.

If it is difficult to do without salting, it is recommended to replace ordinary salt with black. Ayuveda followers believe that this product stabilizes metabolic processes in the intestines. To prepare a substitute, mix rock salt with rye bread in a 1: 3 ratio and burn on a metal (cast iron) baking sheet.

What vegetables to eat instead of salt

Bell pepper
Bell pepper

Some vegetables have a salty taste and are eaten without salt. After appropriate cooking, the slices can be added to various dishes.

Such properties are possessed by tomatoes, bell peppers - dark green, bright red or orange, horseradish root, fresh garlic.

Vegetables are grated or finely chopped, laid out on a baking sheet and placed in the oven. Dry at 80–90 ° C by opening the door ajar. Leave for 12-15 hours. This additive not only improves the taste of the dish, but also replenishes the reserve of vitamins and minerals. All useful properties of products are preserved with proper culinary processing.

Recommendations for reducing the amount of salt in the diet

Spices to replace salt
Spices to replace salt

According to statistics, 75% of the salt entering the body is added to industrial products or semi-finished products. Even if you completely exclude salt from the diet, the body will receive 2-5 g. Therefore, the first rule to reduce the amount of salt in the diet is to carefully read everything that is written on the package.

You should look not at the content in percent, but at the amount in mg. The permissible norm in a ready-made dish, which is heated later and will be eaten at a time, is 140 mg. If a salt-free diet is necessary for health reasons, then it is not recommended to purchase semi-finished products.

Salt reduction rules:

  • The salt shaker should be removed from the table so as not to "embarrass".
  • Concentrates and canned food are excluded from the diet, everything is prepared only by themselves.
  • Reducing salt consumption, it is added to dishes when they are served, when they have already cooled down a little, and not during cooking. In this case, sodium chloride is used one third or one half less.
  • Sauces are used for dressing salads, independently experimenting with seasonings and spices. For hot dishes and snacks, use the above-described seasonings, as well as basil, mint, bay leaf. Extracts of various types are added to baked goods - mint, lemon, vanilla and others. These condiments greatly enhance the taste of desserts.
  • Seasonings and various foods are experimented with when cooking. You can eat something spicy before meals to dull your taste buds and stimulate your appetite. This will help you eat what might seem "tasteless".
  • The diet should contain a sufficient number of foods rich in fiber. They speed up metabolism, increase the rate of peristalsis, and help eliminate slagging. Fiber, moving along the digestive tract, lowers the level of cholesterol and glucose in the blood and, being a natural antioxidant, neutralizes the harmful effects of excess salt if it does get into the body.

Before visiting a restaurant, you need to familiarize yourself with the cuisine in advance, clarify what ingredients are used, and make a reservation. High-class chefs will always be able to prepare delicious and healthy dishes with a minimum amount of salt.

How to reduce salt intake - watch the video:

If you follow all the recommendations, the problem of how to reduce the amount of salt in food is easily solved. The body quickly adapts to the new nature of nutrition, and no decrease in the quality of life will occur!
