Butterkese cheese: description, benefits, harm, recipes

Butterkese cheese: description, benefits, harm, recipes
Butterkese cheese: description, benefits, harm, recipes

Description of Butterkese cheese, production and composition of the delicacy. Effects on the body with regular use, use in cooking.

Butterkese is a semi-soft German cheese made from cow's milk. The main manufacturer is Germany, but also made in Austria, Italy and the USA. The taste changes with aging from delicate sweetish with sourness to pronounced cheesy, the taste of butter is clearly felt. The texture is also denser: at first it is oily and soft, then it becomes denser. The eyes are small, evenly distributed. Color - from light to yellow, uniform. The crust is natural, yellow-brown, salty. It is produced in the form of briquettes weighing 4-6 kg.

How is Butterkese cheese made?

Making Butterkese cheese
Making Butterkese cheese

The difference between semi-hard and hard varieties: ripening period 1-2 months, mild taste. The temperature of milk pasteurization is relatively high - up to 72 ° C, during preparation, the curd layer is first compacted, and then the heads are formed, special conditions for self-pressing are created - the temperature in the room is maintained at 20 ° C. All other processes when making Butterkese cheese are the same as when cooking other varieties.

After pasteurization, the feedstock is cooled down to 32 ° C, a mesophilic starter complex is added, allowed to stand for 1 hour, maintaining a constant climatic regime, mixed, calcium chloride and dissolved rennet are poured in and the curd clot is waited for. Cala readiness is determined not by a pure break, but by acidity - it should be in the range of pH 4, 5-4, 35.

Carry out cutting of curd grains, for this it is more convenient to use the "harp", since the dimensions are 1x1 cm, no more. While stirring, slowly heat up to 38-39 ° C at a rate of 1 ° C. Allow the curd mass to settle and drain 30-50% of the whey, replacing it with boiled water. The process lasts no more than 15 minutes. Warm up again - now up to 40 ° C, at the same speed.

The duration of mixing depends on the rate of acidity increase - it must be constantly monitored. If it reaches the desired parameter, the grains, when squeezed in a fist, will stick together and form a dense lump. On average, the process takes 30-35 minutes.

After 10-15 minutes, the intermediate raw materials are allowed to rest, the whey is drained, as far as possible, to the surface of the curd layer and salting is carried out. The peculiarity of making Butterkese cheese is that salt is added directly to the vat with the cheese mass. The concentration of the brine is checked by the residual whey - it should not rise above 18%.

Dense cottage cheese is laid out on a drainage table and, with the help of short-term pressing and pre-pressing, a dense monolith is formed, which is further cut into briquette heads. They are placed in molds, where they are left for the final separation of whey for 1, 5-2 hours, gradually increasing the pressure, assessing the settling of the future cheese. Residual moisture content - 45%.

The head is briefly placed again in 18% brine for 1-2 hours and left to dry for 72 hours at 18-22 ° C on a drainage grid. Turn over every 1, 5-2 hours on the first day, and then - 1 time in 4 hours. After the end of the process, the surface should already dry out.

The temperature in the ripening chamber is 10 ° C, the humidity is 80%. Turn over 2 times a day. After 10 days, the surface is washed in brine, since a whitish mold may appear on the formed thin crust. In large dairies, to speed up production, the newly dried heads can be coated with wax or latex. Currently, there is another method to prevent the introduction of foreign microbiological cultures - packaging in a shrink bag.

The aging conditions are changed by increasing the temperature and humidity. The new parameters are 14 ° C and 85%. Fermentation lasts 1, 5-2 months. Next, they are packed in order to stop the work of bacterial cultures. And then the finished heads are placed in a refrigerator at 4 ° C. At home, after ripening, you can immediately start tasting.

Composition and calorie content of Butterkese cheese

German cheese Butterkese
German cheese Butterkese

There is an opinion that all products from Germany are super fat. Despite the pronounced taste of butter when using this variety, the calorie content of Butterkese cheese is relatively low - 299 kcal per 100 g, of which:

  • Proteins -21, 7 g;
  • Fat - 25 g;
  • Carbohydrates - 0.5-0.7 g.

Vitamins per 100 g:

  • Vitamin A, retinol - 543 mcg
  • Beta-carotene -140 mcg;
  • Vitamin D, calciferol - 0.47 mcg;
  • Vitamin E, tocopherol - 1.4 mg;
  • Vitamin B1, thiamine - 40 mcg;
  • Vitamin B2, riboflavin - 320 mcg;
  • Vitamin B3, nicotinic acid - 100 mcg;
  • Vitamin B5, pantothenic acid - 800 mcg;
  • Vitamin B6, pyridoxine - 60 mcg;
  • Vitamin B7, biotin - 2.5 mcg;
  • Vitamin B9, folic acid - 18 mcg;
  • Vitamin B12, cobalamin - 2 mcg.

Macronutrients per 100 g:

  • Sodium - 980 mg;
  • Potassium - 121 mg;
  • Calcium - 1,014 mg;
  • Magnesium - 38 mg;
  • Phosphorus - 656 mg;
  • Sulfur - 210 mg;
  • Chlorine - 1100 mg.

Microelements per 100 g:

  • Iron - 230 mcg;
  • Zinc - 4750 mcg;
  • Copper - 40 mcg;
  • Manganese - 30 mcg;
  • Fluorine - 140 mcg;
  • Iodine - 17.8 mcg.

The low amount of vitamins in Butterkese cheese is due to the high pasteurization temperature. Mineral substances do not decompose during heat treatment.

Substances that have a negative effect on the human body, per 100 g of the product:

  • Uric acid - 10 mg;
  • Purines - 3 mg;
  • Cholesterol - 54 mg

The recommended daily dosage of Butterkese cheese is 60-80 g per day. To recycle the energy received from this portion, you can run for 20 minutes, do yoga for 1 hour or take a walk, admiring the beauty of nature, clean the house - for example, dusting, washing floors, ironing curtains - 40 minutes. As you can see, it won't take long.

Benefits of Butterkese cheese

What does Butterkese cheese look like
What does Butterkese cheese look like

It is impossible to increase the vitamin reserve with the help of this variety: nutrients of this type, as already mentioned, are transformed during heat treatment and fermentation. The beneficial effect on the body is provided by the composition of minerals and fats.

Benefits of Butterkese cheese

  1. Improves overall tone, helps to cope with fatigue and recover from increased stress.
  2. Activates macrophages and increases the production of white blood cells, red blood cells.
  3. It stimulates the liver and accelerates the cleansing of toxins from the body, prevents anemia and normalizes intracellular metabolism.
  4. Improves the work of the cardiovascular system, prevents the deposition of cholesterol on the walls of blood vessels.
  5. Possesses high nutritional properties. Thanks to a balanced complex of nutrients, nutrients from foods that enter the body along with cheese are easily absorbed.
  6. Regular consumption of Butterkese cheese strengthens the tooth enamel, maintains the strength of the skeletal system, and stops osteoporosis.

Digestible milk protein stimulates the production of enzymes, the work of the reproductive system and the enzymatic activity of the pancreas.

There are no restrictions on the introduction of Butterkese cheese into the diet of young children, pregnant women, the elderly and women with lactation. This product is great for recovering from debilitating diseases.

Contraindications and harm to Butterkese cheese

Obesity in a girl
Obesity in a girl

You can eat this variety every day - there are no bacterial cultures or components that inhibit the vital activity of beneficial microorganisms. Due to pasteurization of milk at high temperatures, the microbiological hazard is minimal. However, one should take into account the development of allergies with intolerance to milk protein.

The harm of Butterkese cheese for obese people is obvious: if you need to control your own weight, you should reduce the recommended dosage by half or even three times. It is advisable to avoid overeating if you have a history of chronic diseases of the digestive organs.

Salty is not felt when consumed. It is masked by tenderness and oiliness. But still, you should limit use with the temporary development of renal dysfunction and with exacerbation of the symptoms of gout. The composition contains a relatively high content of purines and uric acid - substances that contribute to the relapse of this disease.

Butterkese cheese recipes

Quiche lauren with cheese Butterkese
Quiche lauren with cheese Butterkese

No special preparation is required before slicing. The variety can be used as a snack for beer, the taste goes better with dark, ale, fortified "democratic" wines. Most often, this product is used as an ingredient for preparing various dishes - cold, hot and snacks.

Recipes with Butterkese cheese:

  1. Lazy pizza … This dish can be cooked in 15-20 minutes. Combine ketchup and mayonnaise in equal proportions, grate cheese and cut something meat - ham, bacon or sausage. Preheat the oven to 180 ° C. You can use a microwave oven, but in this case, the bread, which is taken as the base, will become dense. Cut the loaf into pieces and grease each with mayonnaise-tomato seasoning, lay out the meat, tomato slices, sprinkle with grated cheese. Bake until it melts or grasps with a crust - the duration of cooking is determined according to your own taste. You can endlessly experiment with pizza ingredients, but keep in mind that they must be edible without heat treatment.
  2. Casserole in pots … Chicken fillet, 400 g, after being washed with running water, dried with paper towels and cut into small pieces. You can additionally beat off - this will shorten the cooking time. For breading, pepper and salt, favorite spices are added to the flour, the meat is rolled so that it is completely covered with a white bloom, fried in refined sunflower oil until half cooked. While stewing, finely chop the onion - 2 small or 1 large head, mushrooms - it is better to take fresh, forest ones, but you can do with champignons, 250 g. When the chicken is almost ready, add onions to it, and then - mushrooms. It takes the same time to fry forestry plants as to those grown in artificial conditions, since they have already been boiled. As soon as the frying is ready, turn off. The prepared pots are wiped with garlic from the inside. 250-300 g of potatoes are peeled and cut into cubes, laid out in shapes, the roast is evenly distributed on it. Dilute sour cream with water, pour it a little, sprinkle each future portion with herbs and stir in grated cheese. Bake until the potatoes are tender at 220 ° C. Serve hot without putting on plates.
  3. Spider web salad … The following ingredients must be prepared in advance: chicken breast - boil it with onions, carrots, salt and pepper (you can then cook soup based on the broth); mushrooms are fried in butter until tender; eggs are boiled and rubbed on a coarse grater or chopped with a fork; rub the cheese. On a salad bowl, all the ingredients are laid out in layers: first, boiled chicken, cut into pieces, then mushrooms, Korean carrots. Sprinkle with grated eggs and cheese. A layer of mayonnaise is applied on top, creating the basis for the cobweb - it is "drawn" with thin slices of carrots. It is better to plant the "spider" in the center; it is laid out with olives or canned peas. Unfortunately, in order to enjoy the taste, all the ingredients have to be mixed.
  4. Kish Lauren … For kneading, it is convenient to use a food processor or to make the dough by hand. If the process is not mechanized, first grind 175-180 g of flour with 100 g of hard butter, cut into cubes, and only then drive in the yolk and pour in 4 tbsp. l. ice water. Put all the ingredients in the bowl of the food processor at the same time. Roll the finished dough into a ball and let stand, covering only with a cloth. Clay film is not used to prevent the surface from becoming sticky. After 15 minutes, the dough is rolled out, laid out in a mold with low edges and sides are formed, pricked with a fork and put into the refrigerator for 10 minutes. The oven regulator is set to 200 ° C. Cover the prepared form with foil, sprinkle with peas or beans so that the dough does not rise, bake for 10 minutes. Remove the foil and powder, put the mold in the oven again, and when it is browned, they take it out. Bacon, 200 g, cut into small cubes and fry so as to melt the fat. For pouring, beat 2 eggs, 100 ml of 33% cream, 100 g of sour cream, add a pinch of salt and nutmeg. Part of the cheese, 200 g, is rubbed, and the second is cut. Fill the mold with cubes of bacon and cheese, set it in the oven and pour in the filling - if you do this on the table, then the quiche may spill when you transfer it. Bake for 10 minutes, add cheese crumbs, close the oven door again. Once the cheese has set, the dish is ready. Serve hot.

See also recipes with Keshel Blue cheese.

Interesting facts about Butterkese cheese

What German Butterkese cheese looks like
What German Butterkese cheese looks like

Until now, 3/4 of the amount of the product is produced in his "small homeland", in Germany. There are no legends associated with this variety. The recipe was specially developed in 1928 based on the German Munster in order to reduce the import of Gouda. The variety is popular among the local population - it is affordable and versatile in use.

Since 2013, they have already begun to produce 25.8 tons of cheese per year, and by 2014 - 31.5 tons. This amount does not include products that are produced by factories in other countries. At present, dairy factories in Belarus have already started mastering the recipe.

You will hardly surprise your guests by serving this variety on a cheese plate. But do not give up the purchase - the use in cooking will help to decorate the taste of any dish.