What is hypnosis, theory of origin, benefits and is there any harm from it. What mental and physical illnesses can be treated with hypnotic sleep. Trance, hypnotherapy methods, stress and depression relief. If the therapist instills confidence in his patient, the success of the treatment will be positive. However, one should not forget about the existing contraindications for hypnosis treatment. These include diseases of the central nervous system (CNS), pregnancy, various psychoses, thrombosis, acute somatic diseases, heart attack, stroke, bleeding.
The main types and stages of hypnosis

The goal of psychotherapeutic treatment with hypnosis is that the therapist puts the patient into a trance, “turns off” his consciousness and starts working with the unconscious. By means of suggestion, the causes of the emerging psychological problems and some mental disorders that manifest themselves at the physiological level are eliminated.
To solve these problems, the following types of hypnosis are used:
- Classic (order) … When an aversion to cigarettes, alcohol consumption is instilled, the instruction is given not to be afraid of fears.
- Permissive (Ericksonian) … Named for American psychotherapist Milton Erickson. When the patient is in deep hypnotic sleep, the hypnotist “turns on” his imagination so that the patient sees his problem in the form of “pictures”. They are perceived by the subconscious and are fixed in the consciousness as their own, and not imposed from the outside. The method is considered more humane than commanding.
- Transbegleitung (escort) … It is considered the safest form of hypnosis. The patient in a trance controls his consciousness and maintains a dialogue with the hypnotist. This helps him find ways to solve his problem.
There are the following stages of hypnosis:
- Light hypnosis … The patient performs simple suggestions in a light, relaxed state, active consciousness.
- Medium depth … Deeper relaxation, consciousness is inhibited, but a certain activity remains.
- Hypnotic trance … Complete relaxation comes, consciousness is completely turned off. All the settings of the hypnotist are fulfilled, when consciousness returns, no memories of what happened are left. Suggestions are automatically performed after a hypnotic session.
Important! Remember that you should not self-medicate, only contacting a specialist will help solve the problem.
Scope of hypnosis in psychiatry and psychotherapy

Hypnosis is not the main, but an auxiliary method. To this day, it has not lost its relevance in the treatment of alcoholic patients, although many experts dispute the need to invade the patient's psyche when he is in a hypnotic sleep.
The consequences of such an “intervention” can be unpredictable. The hypnotist suggested that it is forbidden to drink, and the patient does not drink alcohol for some time. But after all, alcohol dependence remained, lurking deep inside and over time will provoke a "glass".
To give up alcohol requires long-term psychotherapeutic work to correct worldviews and norms of behavior, only then will a fully conscious desire to give it up mature. Narcologists who treat in one session understand this well, and therefore they take a receipt from their patient that if he starts drinking after treatment, the outcome can be fatal. In fact, this often happens.
Therefore, hypnosis treatment in psychotherapy is limited, it is used only where it gives an indisputable effect. We are talking about hypnosuggative therapy, when suggestion is used for medicinal purposes. It includes hypnosis, autogenous training, indirect suggestion and self-hypnosis. With its help, they treat stuttering, enuresis, various phobias, hysterical paralysis, neuroses, stress. Recovery here can be quick and very successful. Sometimes suggestion is used in combination with other psychotherapeutic methods. Stress is a protective reaction of the body to a strong unfavorable external stimulus, but if a person stays in this state for a long time, the nervous system quickly wears out, this leads to mental and physical exhaustion, loss of strength, and as a result - to depression. Neuroses may appear, which are often accompanied by atherosclerosis, hypertension, coronary heart disease, heart attack, stroke, stomach and duodenal ulcers may develop. To avoid this, you need to undergo hypnosis treatment for stress. The psychotherapist conducts special sessions to relieve stress and depression. By introducing the patient into a hypnotic sleep, he inspires him how to keep his emotions "tied", helps to find a way out of the current difficult life situation. If you turn to a psychologist in a timely manner, the treatment will not take much time, just a few sessions will be enough, and the person will restore his peace of mind.
Hypnosis treatment of stress involves "trance techniques", when the hypnologist puts the patient into a trance state without the use of medication. There are no contraindications here, this method is suitable for both adults and children.
Remember! The development of adverse effects from stress must be prevented in a timely manner. It is easier to do prevention than to deal with a serious illness.
Basic hypnosis techniques

During hypnosis sessions, music is turned on, the hypnologist utters words that relax and lead the patient into a hypnotic state. Various techniques are used to relieve stress with hypnosis. They help relieve internal stress. In this state, you can feel warmth or cold, burning or tingling, see different images. After the end of the session, all this is discussed with the doctor.
Basic techniques for hypnosis:
- Trance … When consciousness is "switched off", the patient falls into a hypnological sleep, the hypnologist works with the subconscious.
- Yoga nidra … This is an ancient Vedic practice that helps fight stress and bad habits.
- Reframing … The technique by which the patient's opinion about his problem changes, helps to solve it.
- Relaxation … Go into a trance to relax, recharge with vitality.
- Rotating the eyes … This technique for quickly entering a trance was developed by the American psychiatrist Herbert Spiegel.
- Safe place … The patient closes his eyes and concentrates on his breathing, on exhalation he concentrates his attention, imagines that he is in some safe place for him.
- Visualization … With eyes closed, concentrate on internal sensations. The idea that the mind has several levels. The highest level is consciousness, deep sleep is the lowest level. Gradual transition from level to level.
- Induction … The therapist puts the patient into a trance and forces him to concentrate on his inner emotional state.
Important! The use of hypnosis in the treatment of stress and depression provides reliable results for many years. How to treat stress and depression with hypnosis - watch the video:

Hypnosis is an adjunct method in the treatment of certain mental disorders and diseases of the body. Very effective in treating stress and depression. If not addressed in time, stress can develop into depression, which is fraught with mental disorders or somatic illnesses. You can do self-hypnosis at home, it will not take much time, but it will only strengthen your health. In everything you need to know the "golden rule of the middle". Take care of your health yourself, but do not forget about the doctors.