This article will consider the main features and concepts of psychodrama, goals and objectives, actual exercises used in group therapy. The fulfillment of the goals and objectives of psychodrama is clearly regulated by the psychotherapist leading the group. After each catharsis, all members of the group discuss the achievements that were realized within the framework of this lesson, what tasks were solved in the situation "here and now".
Phases of development of psychodrama

Like any dramatic action, psychodrama has its own phases of development:
- Cohesion of the group, establishing contact between the leader and the participants … When establishing personal contact between all members of the group, it also becomes clear who will become the subject of psychodrama - the protagonist, roles are discussed in accordance with the designated problem.
- Dramatic action … The main role is that of the protagonist, the group leader or director observes from the side, controlling what is happening in the background. The problem is played out in the roles. The protagonist plunges into the real world of the problem, which takes on the character of "here and now". There is a "catharsis of integration, a cleansing restoration" - as Moreno called the ending of psychodrama.
- Reflection of the group and the protagonist … Each member of the group talks about his feelings and experiences that arose in the course of the dramatic action, at this time the protagonist receives feedback, ceasing to feel lonely in his problem.
Going through all the phases of psychodramatic action, a person realizes, is absorbed by the problem, but immediately seeks and finds ways to solve it, while remaining not alone throughout this difficult subjective path, up to catharsis.
Basic methods of psychodrama

Psychodrama as a method of psychotherapy gained great popularity in the years of its inception, since a person was perceived not only as a ratio "conscious - unconscious", but as a system of socially significant elements in which all components interact with each other. A system that interacts with the surrounding world of people, and under its influence can change significantly. Man I. Moreno called, based on the above, the social atom.
Monologue technique
During the monologue, the protagonist pronounces the existing problem, trying to convey it to the listener as clearly as possible. During the explanation of the problem, the person himself, as it were, sees it from the outside, which leads to its awareness to the end. The monologue method is also applicable not only in psychotherapy, but also in teaching, when a student is allowed to explain an incomprehensible topic to another. Two directions are realized: to the explainer comes full awareness, to the unknowing - understanding.
Twin technique
The protagonist chooses an understudy for himself, who helps to look for a way out of this situation, at a time when the performer of the main role himself can no longer do this or comes to a dead end. The double acts as an auxiliary self, empathically identifying itself with the protagonist.
The double can only be the inner voice of the protagonist himself, sharpening one of the traits / sides of the personality of the main character. This technique makes it possible to see the inner self in all the variety of relationships.
According to this technique, relations between managers and their deputies are built, since the deputy is aware of all the affairs of his superiors, which allows for more productive cooperation and faster solving the accumulated problems.
Role exchange technique
The protagonist becomes a double or one of the types of auxiliary self, and vice versa.
The peculiarity of this psychodrama technique is that it is also aimed at achieving unity with oneself. However, it allows you to get to know all the members of the group better, to highlight the traits that are significant for yourself in another person, which will subsequently need to be portrayed theatrically.
Display technique
The protagonist is invited to observe how other members of the group portray him, to look at himself through the eyes of others.
This technique allows you not only to see the non-constructive features of your behavior, but also to learn from other participants more adaptive methods and actions in the current situation.
The presented techniques are divided very conditionally and can be present not only in psychodrama, but also in other psychotherapeutic schools, which is quite natural. The transition from one method to another is carried out by the group leader, who selects the most relevant ways of their application, depending on the situation during the psychodramatic action.
How to choose psychodrama exercises

Like any psychological practice, psychodrama has a number of specific exercises that allow you to solve the tasks set during psychotherapy. In the technique of psychodrama, exercises are of a playful nature, which helps to overcome many psychological defense mechanisms, thus, to quickly come to a solution to the problem. Let's designate some of them.
Role-playing game
The purpose of this exercise is to practice role playing skills. Suitable for starting psychodrama therapy. The time takes about 30 minutes. The group is divided in half, two circles are formed - one inside the other.
Participants in the outer circle, at the signal of the group leader, move clockwise, and the inner ones - counterclockwise. At the signal from the leader, they stop and turn to face the corresponding partner from another circle.
The outer circle, the police officers, instructs the inner circle, motorists, how to move for three minutes, then for two minutes there is a discussion about their feelings in these roles. Roles can be chosen differently, depending on the goals of psychodrama.
Empty chair
The task of this exercise lies in a clearer knowledge of oneself or in pronouncing an attitude towards another significant person, it will help to identify the missing personal qualities and traits.
An empty chair is placed in the middle of the stage, each member of the group, going out to him, represents a significant person to whom he subsequently turns, or a part of himself.
Personification is carried out through animate or inanimate objects. Participants in psychodrama name an animal or object with a quality that they lack.
Back to the past
The purpose of the exercise: to recreate the role of the picture of the past, observing the principle of "here and now". A situation is chosen that happened to the protagonist or another member of the group, which I would like to disassemble into roles and understand more clearly. Roles are given out. The situation is being played.
Purpose: understanding the existential meaning of a dream, teaching the correct behavior in a dream. The dream is played out as a real situation, in roles. Participants learn to understand the hidden meaning of dreams and how to have pleasant dreams.
Responses to the side
Purpose: to express feelings or your attitude towards another person, without looking into the eyes. The participants stand opposite each other, one of them, the speaker, turns away and expresses what he considers necessary.
Sculpture of a family
The goal is to assess intra-family relationships. The member whose family is being considered acts as the Therapist. He selects from a group of those who are most similar to members of his family. Each is designated his role and gives an annotation to it. Then the Therapist takes his own position in the family.
Family members can sit at the table and interact, or they can stand at a certain distance that characterizes the degree of closeness. Participants get used to the role for several minutes, and then share their impressions.
Chess board
The goal is to identify relationships between group members. The participants play the role of chess pieces, and the participant, in the role of the king, chooses who will attack him and who will defend him.
Sharing from yourself
At the end of a psychodramatic lesson, you can carry out an exercise such as "sharing". Purpose: reflection of feelings and emotions received during the lesson.
Viewers assess the accuracy of expressing feelings in the performance of roles. Summarize the results of the lesson, summarize the achievements of the protagonist. The group members then talk about their own problems that have arisen during the session. New ways of response and behavior are noted, the possibilities of applying the acquired skills in future situations are discussed.
What is the psychodrama psychotherapy method - see the video:

Psychodrama as a method of psychotherapy is applicable at any age, therefore it has no limitations in children. The special therapeutic effect of exercises is achieved only under the condition of working with an experienced leader who knows how to use certain techniques that are appropriate in a particular situation in time.