Winter sports: what to choose?

Winter sports: what to choose?
Winter sports: what to choose?

Find out which sport to choose during the winter to actively develop your entire body and prevent excess fat accumulation. People who go in for sports in any weather always feel cheerful and invariably cheerful. Another category of adults and children is afraid even of an open window in the winter, because this can lead to the development of colds. It is much easier for the body to deal with various negative environmental factors if a person goes in for sports.

Moreover, it is advisable to do this outdoors, and it is especially useful in winter. Fresh frosty air is extremely beneficial for human health. However, exercising can only be beneficial if you want to. You should not force yourself, because any business under duress cannot be as effective as possible. Today we will talk about what sports to do in winter.

Most popular winter sports




Among winter sports, skiing deserves a separate mention. Many scientists agree that rhythmic, measured movements on skis allow the heart muscle to work as efficiently as possible without overloading it. The impact of this sports discipline on the nervous system is no less important. Agree that a ski trip in the fresh frosty air in nature calms the nerves very well, and also allows you to relieve the load from the brain that has accumulated during working days.

Skiing people increase their endurance and speed during training. Cross-country activities add extra pleasure to your workout. What could be more pleasant than a quick descent down? If you still do not know what sport to do in winter, then pay attention to skiing.

You do not need to purchase expensive sports equipment for this, it is quite enough to buy skis and clothes. We are confident that as a result you will not be disappointed and will significantly improve your health.



For city dwellers, ice skating is the most accessible winter sport. It is quite simple to make an ice rink and they can be found in almost every city. If you are very fond of sports, then on weekdays you can visit the skating rink, and on weekends you can ski outside the city limits. As in the case of skiing, you do not need serious financial investments, and today you can find skates in every city.



Many sports lovers no longer wonder what kind of sport to do in winter. The thing is that they chose sledding for themselves. It is not only a great sport but also great fun. There is no big problem in creating an ice mountain for yourself and a couple of people can cope with it. Such a structure can be easily created in any yard.

You just need to find a natural elevation and fill it with water. Do not forget to make a path so that you can easily climb to the top. The cost of sleds is low and this contributes to the popularization of this type of sport. Add tons of fun to the benefits of exercise. As a result, you will be able to answer yourself the question of what kind of sport to do in winter.


Snow buer
Snow buer

A buer is a boat with sails, which is located on skates or skis. Compared to previous winter sports disciplines, this one is more expensive. However, sports enthusiasts can assemble a buer on their own.

Do not be intimidated by the perceived difficulties, because then you can get a lot of pleasure. Most often, the buer is a platform made of lightweight and durable material, mounted on three skis. Moreover, there are two skis in front, and one in the back, which is also the rudder of your boat.

Skis can be made from solid wood, upholstered with thin iron from the bottom, sharpening the edge. At a certain distance in front of the line formed by the two front skates, a mast with two sails must be installed. The front one is called the jib, and the rear one is the mainsail.

The buer is able to develop its maximum speed at the moment when the wind is directed perpendicular to the movement of the vessel. Of course, it is necessary to learn how to operate a drill, and this is not such an easy task. If you've been sailing, you can definitely handle a winter boat as well. The rest should take lessons in the management of the drill.

Turning is one of the most difficult controls on your boat. The easiest way is to turn it in the right direction when the vessel is facing the wind. If you are moving under a favorable wind, then you should refrain from turning. To operate this winter ship, you will need a crew of at least two people. Also note that during the movement of the buer, the athletes are in a horizontal position.



In the past few years, this sport has gained more and more fans. Thanks to snowboarding, you can not only improve your health, but also get a lot of adrenaline. Practicing this sport requires the involvement of almost all of the muscles in the body, which guarantees that you will lose weight.

For a 60-minute session, the body burns about 400 calories. If you love thrills, then the answer to the question of what sport to do in winter is obvious to you. Snowboarding allows you to strengthen the vestibular apparatus, improve the immune system, normalize the work of the heart muscle, as well as the nervous and respiratory systems.

How to organize winter sports?

People on the street in winter
People on the street in winter

When talking about what sports to do in winter, we did not mention fitness and swimming. You can engage in these sports disciplines at any time of the year and thereby improve your health. By the way, combining fitness and swimming is extremely useful. You can also recommend in addition to this once a week to visit the bath or sauna.

If you practice outdoors, then it is advisable to do this away from the city limits in a coniferous forest. However, if you have chosen indoor training for yourself, then we will give you some simple recommendations that will help you increase the effectiveness of your training.

  1. It is necessary to take food before the start of the lesson, as well as immediately after its completion. The body needs to replenish energy reserves in a short time. Note that this recommendation will be extremely useful for athletes who prefer to exercise outdoors. It is best to consume carbohydrates about an hour or an hour and a half before class, as you will need a lot of energy.
  2. If you train indoors in winter, do not overcool it. The optimum temperature for training is 18 degrees.
  3. If you prefer running, you can also go jogging in winter. Especially you will get a lot of emotions after the first workout. However, do not run in the cold for the first time for more than 20 minutes, because the body needs time to adapt.
  4. After completing an outdoor activity of any length, hold a pause of 30-40 minutes and only then go to the shower. A strong contrast in temperatures can have a negative effect on the body.
  5. If you train in the gym in winter, we recommend increasing the warm-up duration by five minutes. This can allow the body to adapt to the rise in temperature.

Health benefits of winter sports

Girl jogging in winter
Girl jogging in winter

Physical activity at any time of the year has a positive effect on the body due to increased physical activity. During exercise, the muscles actively consume a large amount of oxygen, and this contributes to the burning of adipose cells. Thanks to moderate physical exertion, you can always keep your body in excellent shape.

Today for many people the problem of being overweight is actual. Under the influence of physical exertion, the lipolysis process accelerates, and especially in those moments when you train in the open air in winter. The hardening effect is no less important. No matter how you answer the question of what kind of sports to do in winter, spending time in the fresh air will definitely benefit you, and you will not be prone to colds.

It was not in vain that we told you about skiing in the first place. To practice this sport, you need to get out into the park, or even better outside the city limits. However, we recommend skiing in the coniferous forest. This is due to the presence of special substances in the air - phytoncytodes. They have the ability to eliminate a large number of pathogens.

When playing sports, it is extremely important to monitor your health. Only moderate exercise can be beneficial. Given the low temperatures in winter, this issue should be emphasized. You should carefully monitor your well-being throughout the session. This applies not only to heart rate, but also to body temperature. If you feel that you are very cold, open areas of the body are numb or tingling appears, then you should end the lesson and get into a warm room as soon as possible.

Intense training leads to strong body warming, which is accompanied by profuse sweating. As soon as you finish your workout, you need to put on warm outerwear or go indoors. If you decide to skate, it is very important to follow the rules of behavior on the ice. Until you learn how to skate well, you should not try to do difficult elements.

Learn more about extreme winter sports in the following video:
