Sports for girls: what to choose?

Sports for girls: what to choose?
Sports for girls: what to choose?

Find out what kind of sport a girl needs to make a slim and beautiful figure without excess weight, with elastic buttocks and hips. Relatively recently, in our society, girls with a fragile physique were fashionable and in order to maintain their thinness, they had to limit themselves in nutrition. However, today the situation has changed and a fit sports body is considered to be beautiful. Now there are a large number of types of fitness and it is not surprising that many of the question of which sport to choose a girl has become very relevant. We will try to give an extremely clear answer to it so that you can make your choice.

You should start with the physiology of the female body, and from the point of view of the muscular system, there is no difference from the guys. However, due to the low level of testosterone in the female body, girls will not be able to build big muscles in a natural way. However, this is not required, but it is enough just to put your body in order.

What sport should a girl choose: where to start?

Girl in the gym with a phone in headphones
Girl in the gym with a phone in headphones

When choosing a sport, first of all, you need to pay attention to the type of physique that you have. To do this, you need to look at your body in the mirror in order to determine the problem areas and get an idea in which direction you should work. Let's talk about which workouts are more appropriate for a particular type of female figure.

  • "Pear". This type of figure is characterized by full buttocks and hips with a small waist and shoulders. Such girls should start attending the gym and work out the upper body with the help of strength exercises. Also, to eliminate problem areas in the lower part, cardio-power load is necessary.
  • "Apple". Fatty tissue in this body type is mainly located on the arms, shoulders and abdomen. If you have problems with being overweight, then the best choice is cardio workouts to strengthen the muscles of the legs and get rid of fat.
  • "Hourglass". This is the optimal body type as there is no need to trim the upper and lower body parts. Any kind of load can be used.
  • "Rectangle". It is this type of figure that many fashion models have. If everything suits you in your figure, then we recommend choosing classical yoga classes. If you still want to improve your body, then a competent instructor will select for you a set of exercises aimed at strengthening the muscles of the shoulder girdle, buttocks and back. At the same time, it is important to keep the waist unchanged.

What sport to choose for a girl - the best options

Girl running with dumbbells
Girl running with dumbbells

There are no women who would not like to have a slender figure. In the modern concept, this is a wasp waist, graceful arms, high beautiful breasts, elastic buttocks and smooth skin, devoid of any defects. In the desire to achieve such a result, more and more girls decide to start attending the gym, because sitting on the couch, the results will not appear.

Today fitness is becoming more and more popular and this, of course, pleases. People doing sports not only improve their bodies, but also gain health. To achieve this goal, you do not need to sit on the most severe diets that are doomed to failure in advance. Also, you do not need to look for magic drugs that can help get rid of excess fat, since they simply do not exist.

The beauty of your body is only in your own hands. Start exercising and you will see results quickly enough. However, the question of which sport to choose for a girl remains relevant. Now we will talk about the most popular sports among the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity, which can help them create a dream body.


The girl is walking
The girl is walking

Don't underestimate the positive effects of walking. Of course, they must be regular to get good results. Walking can be especially useful for beginners and those girls who have not exercised for a long time. You should not immediately put a heavy load on your body and it is enough to take walks lasting 20 minutes every second day.

At the same time, stick to a walking pace and do not force events. After about a week, increase the walking time to 45 minutes. It is also necessary to increase the pace to brisk walking. After seven days, switch to daily walks. At some point, you will feel that walking has become too easy for you, and at this point you can start using weights for your legs. According to the results of scientific research, about 200 calories are burned during the passage of 1.5 kilometers.


Girl running
Girl running

This is a very popular form of cardio exercise and today more and more people are starting to run. We can say that running is a versatile and effective means of fighting excess weight. For this, it is necessary to carry out long training sessions at a low running speed. During the week, you must conduct at least three sessions.

However, you should remember that the loads should constantly increase and only in this case you will not only get rid of fat, but will also be able to consolidate the results obtained. Thus, you should gradually move to daily jogging. During the warmer months, it is worth training in the park or as far away from the busy traffic as possible. Some athletes do not want to stop running even in winter, but for this it is necessary to equip appropriately. If you don't want to run outdoors in winter, a treadmill is a good choice. Take your player with you to training and you can not only improve your figure, but also enjoy your favorite music. For 30 minutes of running on level ground, you can burn about 450 calories. If classes are conducted on rough terrain, then this figure will be about 750 calories.


Girl on a bike
Girl on a bike

Another popular and effective sport. For exercise, you need a bicycle or exercise bike. This sport will be an excellent choice for girls with curvy hips. Cycle three times a week for about 40 minutes. As a result, you can not only get rid of fat, but also strengthen your leg muscles. This is very important, because after the fatty tissue has been eliminated, it is necessary to tighten the muscles so that the skin does not look saggy.


Girl is engaged in fitness
Girl is engaged in fitness

Now many girls choose fitness, because thanks to the help of an experienced mentor, any problems can be solved. Admittedly, this is a really great way to make your body look attractive. To achieve this goal as quickly as possible, we recommend finding a good coach.


The girl is engaged in aerobics
The girl is engaged in aerobics

This is perhaps the most famous sport for girls. In the classroom, you have to do physical exercises with musical accompaniment. If you are interested in the question of which sport to choose a girl, pay attention to aerobics. This is a rather energy-consuming sports discipline and more than 40 calories are consumed in one lesson.

While it is often said that aerobics can be done at home, the best results will still be obtained under the supervision of an experienced instructor. Note that today there are several types of aerobics, and each of them has an impressive army of fans. Three of the most famous are:

  • Step aerobics - it is necessary to perform exercises on a special step platform.
  • Water aerobics - already from the name it becomes clear that classes are held in the pool.
  • Strength aerobics - exercises are performed not only with your own body weight, but also with weights.


Girls are dancing
Girls are dancing

Many girls just love to dance. With the right approach, you can combine this enjoyable activity with solving the problem of being overweight. Not everyone knows that an hour of dancing can save a person from 600 calories! Agree that this is just an excellent indicator.

In addition to such applied benefits, dancing classes will allow you to become more graceful and make new acquaintances. If you do not like working on simulators, then the answer to the question of which sport to choose for a girl is obvious - dancing.


The girl is swimming
The girl is swimming

An excellent sport that allows you to lose weight, strengthen muscles, and also relieve negative stress on the spinal column. In addition to all of the above, it is swimming that is the best way to fight cellulite, which has become a big problem for many women.

The latter fact is connected with the fact that water produces a massaging effect on the body. This, in turn, increases the rate of blood and lymph circulation, and also increases the elasticity of the skin. As mentioned above, swimming is extremely beneficial for the spinal column. If you have problems with the spine, then we recommend choosing swimming.

Often it is for this reason that a girl cannot engage in other sports. Swimming, on the other hand, has no contraindications and at the same time is an effective way to improve your figure. On average, one lesson can lose 600 calories. It is difficult to give an exact figure, since a lot depends on the intensity. We recommend alternating between different swimming styles. This way you can not only get rid of fat, but also strengthen all the muscles in your body. During the week, you should train three times.

In conclusion, I would like to say that the effectiveness of training depends on their regularity. If you train from time to time, then you should not count on positive results. It is also very important to progress the load gradually so as not to harm your health. Actually, that is why it is recommended to use the services of an experienced trainer who will be able to select the load for you in accordance with the level of training.

And here are 5 myths about sports for girls:
